
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 22:38

Dearest child, it is time to fasten your seat belts yet again for more incoming energy, more changes, more shifting and more work.  The Universe knows this may be the very last thing you want to hear but, here it is.  Let it be known:

You can take it as quickly or as slowly as you choose.

You can ask for the information to be delivered in a way you can best understand.

You can stop the process at any time but, know that it will eventually need to be completed.

You are loved unconditionally, supported and admired for every step you take toward your future. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 20, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 22:37

Your fear’s final act of service to you is the information it can give you. Allow yourself to explore what is there for you, then thank it and let it go. The act of thanking it allows you to embrace any gifts it had for you from an empowered space and then finally put an end to that particular cycle. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Real Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 20:52

Some of you are looking to others to provide you with answers…the black/white version with a ‘beyond a shadow of a doubt’ conclusion.

When you are feeling powerless remember this:  You are being asked to be very aware of the infinite choices available to you.  You get to choose in which direction you move, you are the one that co-creates those experiences, you have the final say in any action.  Changing one thing will open an entirely new set of infinite things from which to choose.  As always, The Universe is always there for guidance, support and love, however, the real power in your life lies within. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday October 19, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 20:51

Dear Ones, your fears do not need to rule you. In fact, they have a lot of information for you if you are willing to sit with them for a moment.

Explore your fear. Ask it questions. Where did it come from? Is it even yours or does it come from old conditioning or belief systems? Is it from a past life expression? Does it even apply to your current lifetime? Is it a match to who you are energetically in this right now moment or a reflection of your past?

What is its purpose? Does it serve you or does it hold you back? If it thinks it is keeping you safe, can you assume that responsibility for yourself as your own loving parent and guide? Can you release the fear by thanking it for its perceived service and then letting it go as an expression of your own empowerment?

There are so many wonderful options opening up to you as you step into your sovereignty! Explore. Ask questions. You can create much lighter forward movement for yourselves by simply acknowledging, feeling, identifying, thanking, and then releasing any energy that is not a support to your highest life expression, secure in the fact that it now serves you more to let it go than it does to keep it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Much Needed Rest

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 23:42

Yes, dearest one, I know you are tired.  The shifts over the past few months have you in a space where you feel you barely have the energy to put one foot in front of the other.  Moving forward, learning and letting go may be the very last thing on your mind but….

The Universe is here to say do not give up!  Everyone deserves the right to be human occasionally and you have definitely earned that right!  Allow yourself to be in a space of inaction for a while.  No ground will be lost, and it will give you some much needed rest time.  When you are ready, stand up and begin again.  You have sometimes been tasked with some difficult things but, you are up to the challenge!  Remember, love and support  is always available and just a thought away. ~ Creator

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