Daily Message ~ Sunday September 8, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/08/2019 - 21:06

So many of you are poised and waiting to step into the next phase of your incarnation but don’t know how to proceed. You want the directions or the map to the new.

Dear Ones, you are moving in unprecedented energies, which makes you pioneers. Pioneers don’t have maps, they are the ones who blaze new trails for others to follow. You figure out what is possible, and which way to go, through experience and then share what you have discovered.

Pioneers make decisions by following their hearts and making decisions based on the highest choice in each now moment. This is a path of presence, of intuition, of exploration. There is no right or wrong, as all the value is in experience.

This is why so many of you have been in a lull phase. It has been giving you time to get clarity on who you are and what you would like to try moving forward. The phase you are moving into is based on freedom, presence, and self expression.

So here are the instructions you have been seeking. Move with the energies. Follow your heart. Try things and if you don’t like your experience, try something else. Play. Be curious. Let things unfold. Trust your wisdom and your readiness for this new phase.

Understand that this is a wondrous time filled with new potentials and possibilities that you are now aligning with. And most of all, know your energetics and preferences are more than enough for you to continue being of service to the shift you have been, and will continue to be, such a pivotal and willing part of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

With Clear Eyes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/07/2019 - 21:50

The key word for the next few days is gentle.  With the most recent shifts, there has been a lot of crashing about, huge changes being assimilated and a chaotic atmosphere that would send the most balanced human swinging out of control.

Now is the time to breath!  Now is the time to relax and give yourself a moment or two.  The beauty of a human existence means you have a choice, the free will and power to allow some much deserved quiet.  Embracing that which feeds your soul makes you stronger and much more willing to see the path ahead with clear eyes. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Saturday September 7, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/07/2019 - 21:49

One of the most profound aspects of this next phase of your evolution is that you can love, encourage, and guide yourself with your innate wisdom while simultaneously embracing your childlike innocence, wonder, curiosity, and presence. You get to be both the loving parent and the precious child simultaneously, which allows you to move forward with mastery and magic, honouring and accepting all parts of yourself like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


More On Self-Care…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/06/2019 - 21:23

Dearest one…you must remember to rest!  With the vast number of changes going on (physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and to your world), giving your body and spirit time to adjust is imperative!  This does not mean taking yourself completely out of commission, just slow down a bit. (Smiling)

You have been waiting so long for these changes and all you want to do is integrate them as quickly as possible.  Taking a little extra time to learn will give you the knowledge of how to use your new tools.  It is about self-care and allowing yourself the time embrace them in a way that is best for you. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday September 6, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/06/2019 - 21:22

You were born with innate talents and interests, all designed to help you navigate your life expression into the experiences you wished to have and services you wished to offer.  Many of you put down those interests as you stepped into adulthood in order to please others or to be “more responsible”.

As you are preparing to step forward into phase two of your incarnation, you may wish to dust off those interests and see how you can bring them back into your life expression in new updated ways that match who you are today.

The pause so many of you have been in offers you the time to do just that. What did you love to do?  How can you incorporate it into your life now?  What did you always want to try but never did? As your own loving guide, best friend, and parent, you get to offer those things to yourself today because with your wisdom you recognize what perfect matches those interests are to your soul and their importance for your expansion.

This is yet another way you can move into greater unity with yourself, by honouring and including those interests and passions that were always present within you because they are important aspects of your soul and your purpose. You may need to adjust them to match the phase of your life you are in now, but please know it is never too late to water and grow those core interests, even if they have been neglected for a long time. In fact, to do so is a profound act of love for yourself and will add greatly to your joy and satisfaction. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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