Daily Message ~ Friday September 13, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 13:41

For every energetic shift you go through, you step onto a platform that allows you to see a little bit further ahead into what is now opening up for you. As you are shifting rapidly now, you might think of it as hopping from one stepping stone to another, making your highest choice through preference and possibility, one now moment at a time. This is the joy and beauty of unfoldment, Dear Ones, the fact that you are ever expanding and constantly navigating through the new potentials that show up like magic in response to your own evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Growing And Learning

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/12/2019 - 21:44

Please be aware, my beautiful child, that you will be setting the tone for the next few weeks of your Earth-plane existence.  Yes, it is very enticing to believe that you are at the whim of external forces blowing you this way and that, however, you must keep in mind exactly how powerful you are! (Smiling) If you choose to be peaceful then peace will be there.  If you choose to be anxious, it will be there!  It may even make you wish for the days when you were blissfully unaware of the shifts and changes The Universe is making in this moment.  The gifts that are being given to your world, and your ability to understand and decipher them for others, is what you came for.  Embrace them and know humanity is growing and learning into a better tomorrow. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday September 12, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/12/2019 - 21:44

Many of you feel the focus should be on the divine feminine. Others feel the focus should be on the divine masculine. What if we said it is both?

What we wish for you to understand is that the divine feminine, and the divine masculine are both aspects of divine flow. The divine feminine aspect of flow is the lull phase, the nesting phase, the empowered receiving phase. The divine masculine is the action phase, the empowered forward movement.

There are times when the focus for the expansion and empowerment of mankind will be on the integration of the divine masculine. There will be other times when it will be on the divine feminine. Regardless of what sex you are, both are integral to your balance, supported forward movement, and evolution and are vital to move into your authentic power.

If you are having trouble with worthiness or receiving, you may wish to explore how you can integrate more of your divine feminine. If you are having trouble with taking action, power issues, or seeing yourself as an empowered co-creator, you may wish to explore how you can embrace more of your divine masculine.

Do you see? Both work are part of the different phases of manifestation and are essential aspects of your embodiment. One may be the featured theme of a certain energetic phase, but to try to only embrace one is to deny the other. By being willing to honour and accept either you can include both as being part of the beautiful mosaic that is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Maintain Your Balance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/11/2019 - 22:49

During the next few days, it is going to be of the utmost importance to maintain your balance.  Each of you is walking your own path and there may be instances when you will have to remind yourself of this. (Smiling) Release any need you may have to knee-jerk reactions, understand that those around you could be easily triggered by what they do not understand and…breathe!  As your Earth plane moves closer to peace, it may cause the negative to respond with loud protestations.  Rather than allowing yourself to be drawn in that direction, send Unconditional Love and know you have practiced your due diligence. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/11/2019 - 22:48

Dear Ones, you can embrace your light and still be diligent about your healing processes. And you don’t need to always be on high alert for what is wrong in order to do so.

If you are working with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model we call the Divine Combination, anything that needs healing, release, or your acknowledgment will come to the forefront to be dealt with. You can give it your loving attention and then recenter back into the light that you are.

The beautiful thing about this is that every single time you lovingly tend to your needs and then return home to the acknowledgment of your own beautiful light and innate wholeness, you expand your knowing of self which, in turn, supports the grand shift of consciousness on your planet.

This approach honours both your human self and your divine self which supports you in navigating to your highest potentials and experiences. It will not result in spiritual bypassing but rather in bypassing the fear and doubt that keep you in perpetual troubleshooting mode.

It allows you to be guided by an incredibly efficient system that is designed to naturally bring into your awareness anything you may need to address with the energetic support that comes with divine timing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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