Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 8, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/08/2019 - 23:07

Dear Ones, manifestation is not a singular event. It is a flow of unfoldment. It is a dance of co-creation.

You participate with your intention, and steer the flow with your focus and gratitude. The universe responds by aligning elements for you behind the scenes. You take inspired action steps as they come into your awareness, and then trust if they are not that the movement is occurring in the realm of potentiality, just beyond what you can see. It is a process of partnership, each participating back and forth, until, with the final touch and support of divine timing, it is called forth into your physical reality and takes on tangible form.

You do your part by staying in the forward movement with your faith, trust, and complete acceptance of each phase, regardless of whether you can see the progress or not. By understanding and appreciating the wisdom and perfection of the system and following the magic of the signs and synchronicities that are always there to guide you and reassure you, you can find joy and wonder, not just in the end result, but throughout the entire process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


For You Or For Me

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/07/2019 - 22:11

As you move forward in this current shift, it may be frustrating to be around those who want you to stay put. Instead of releasing you to grow easily, they may push to violate your boundaries, demanding that you surrender your morals and ethics to please them. This, again, is where choice comes into play. You can state and enforce those boundaries firmly or allow them to change your thoughts and feelings of what is right for you.

Remember…they are not thinking of you; any compliance they are requesting is solely for their benefit and you are the only one with control over whether this will happen or not. Regardless of what you decide, The Universe will always love and support you no matter what. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday October 7, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/07/2019 - 22:10

There is a beautiful you that has been sitting under many layers of societal expectations, old belief systems, family conditioning, and your own self imposed fears and doubts. Due to the shifting, releasing, and integration work you have so diligently done, you are now able to access more and more of that true you.

We highly encourage you to sit and commune with this pure essence of you. What do you really love? What interests you? What contributions would you like to offer the world? What is your soul mission? What brings you joy? How do you really wish to express yourself? What experiences would you like to have? What would you like to try on?

It is time to get to know yourselves in a deeper way than ever before, Dear Ones, because from that space of connecting with, accepting, and honouring yourself you will shine your brightest light as your truest expression of self, which will then draw to you the experiences your soul has been seeking all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/06/2019 - 22:19

The Universe knows that the past week has been, to say the very least, interesting.  With the way the energy has been coming in, it may have been challenging to stay grounded and keep moving forward.  Now, with more sweeping changes on the way, you may be saying to yourself, “when will this stop?!”

You are being reminded that you have gone through similar shifts/changes before with stellar results! (Smiling) You have embraced self-care, boundaries and have done amazing work.  So, dearest one, stand up and know you have the power to complete this next phase in your usual glorious way. ~ Creator


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