You are the Oneness that you seek, and so is your sister, your spouse, your friend, and your enemy – everyone is the Oneness that you seek! When you find It within yourself, where It resides eternally, as you most surely will, then you will also find It in everyone else, and the peace and love that this brings you will fill your heart. You are Love, your nature is Love, there is nothing else! And you will come to awareness of this when you allow yourself to fearlessly open your heart to invite It in and to allow It in, because It is your nature which cannot be denied entrance for longer than the briefest of moments.
Your sense of identity, which most place in their bodies, is false. Your true identity is eternal because God created you, and what He creates is both eternal and perfect! There are none among you who actually believe that your bodies are perfect in as much as everyone experiences limitation due to being within a body, and, obviously, to be perfect is to be flawless, to be without limitation. Therefore, in every moment, your bodies demonstrate most clearly to you that they are not You!