What's the Hurry?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 17:06

God said:

Beloved, Come with Me to treasures near and far, except there is no far. All is at hand. I don’t want to say to let us all treasures to prove. What has to be proven? We are. We live. Only My children are not so conscious as you would all love to be. You have a tendency to feel you may be wasting your so-called time on Earth. It feels to you that you must move faster. For God’s sake, you don’t want to be wasting time. What are you doing but wasting time, you ask yourself, if not wasting time unless you hasten?

Your loving presence on Earth at this moment in her evolution is not an accident.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 22:15

Humanity is on the verge of an enormous breakthrough in consciousness, in awareness, that will release untold new information into every heart that chooses to open to it about your ongoing spiritual evolution.  This moment was instantly and divinely planned when you chose to undergo the experience of separation, because God, in His infinite Love for you, immediately willed that you have the perfect route out of the experience of separation and back to full awareness of your Oneness with Him.  As you have so often been told it is your natural state, and it is a state from which you have never departed, despite all the apparent evidence to the contrary.

There is only the One.  Anything seemingly separated from the One is a dream or a nightmare, an unreal state that you invented and built in order to experience separation.  In your excitement to build it you forgot to provide yourselves with a way out!  But your ever loving Mother/Father/God, realizing that you had forgotten to provide this essential element in the game you chose to engage in, immediately did so for youto ensure that you did not become lost.  Therefore you are not lost or abandoned in a vast universe that is completely unaware of you.  You are just temporarily dreaming that this is the case, that this is reality.  Taking time out daily to go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides awaiting your acceptance of It, is essential for your well-being, and for your spiritual evolution, which is leading you on towards your awakening.

When You Are Ready…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 22:15

The hard and fast energy shifting may have some of you wanting to say, “Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t touch me”, and that is perfectly okay.  First things first; take a deep breath.  If you need some self-care time, take it.  If you feel that your shifting requires privacy, do it.  If ‘small talk’ is irritating to you, refrain from it.  There have never been any set rules on how a human need navigate these changes.  But, dear child, it can be beneficial to share your stories with like minded individuals.  You need not worry about who…The Universe will always provide the proper sounding board at the right time.  When you are ready, they will be there. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday March 4, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 22:15

What kind of day do you choose today? What kind of week? Are you unconsciously allowing life to happen to you or are you creating the experiences you desire?

Surrendering with broad intention is such a powerful tool, Dear Ones. Surrender into having the most wonderful day possible, your highest life expression, your most joyful service, or any other intention that captures what path you choose, and allow the universe, along with your guides and your highest self to lead the way and to fill in the potentials that are now available to you from that empowered act.

It is a powerful practice to ask yourself, “What do I choose today?” to get more in touch with your own incredible ability to move into conscious co-creation.  Deciding what you wish to lead with energetically is a beautiful act of empowerment and service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There is Nothing Too Good to be True

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 22:14

God said:

Beloved, you are the Oneness from which all Blessings from God flow. It is God We thank from the bottom of Our Hearts from which all the blessings that flow. It is from God that all blessings flow faster than the speed of light. God always existed. God speaks every language. God even speaks in the language of Silence. God speaks. God communes. God has always had a closeness on each Soul for the betterment of all. Well, what did you think? God still communicates as One in all the nether regions.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/03/2019 - 20:40

Dearest one…The Universe knows that being hit again and again with waves of energy can be challenging and exhausting.  Those of you that feel these changes acutely may feel on the verge of collapse.  Take heart!  When the changes finally become a part of you, a renewed sense of peace, love and joy will replace it, making the ‘struggles’ you are experiencing now so worthwhile.  Remember, you are gathering and storing strength for the upcoming shifts on your Earth plane.  Treat yourself gently and know all is well. ~ Creator


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