Daily Message ~ Thursday March 7, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/07/2019 - 21:03

For those of you who like to have the feeling of control, surrender and flow can be difficult concepts to embrace. But that is only because you perceive it as careening about wildly with no control at all. We wish to address this today.

The act of surrender is a choice. Not just a choice, but an empowered choice. You are in charge, and for every moment you stay in surrender and flow you are choosing to use a system that can help you far more than trying to micro-manage your life from your limited vantage point from your side of the veil.

It is activating your team of helpers. It is, as the leader of your life expression, calling on all the supports available to you. It is consulting with the experts of your life expression. It is much like being your own CEO calling in the many talented people you have on your team to lend their expertise.

Further, you get to continue to steer your flow through gratitude. Surrender and flow is a co-creative process with you as the leader. It is using your free will, time and again, to choose a much more efficient operating system that is not only supported energetically but designed to take you to your highest outcomes.

Change your idea of what control is, Dear Ones. Your true power comes from making soul led decisions that come from your wisdom and your heart. It is being the loving and benevolent leader of your own life expression by using the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust – the navigational system of the empowered human being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Heaven on Earth for All

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/07/2019 - 21:02

God said:

Beloved, yes, when life frustrates you, take a good, deep breath. Why be frazzled? There may not be all the time in the world, yet there is time enough for you to slow down. When you feel frazzled, this is the very signal to slow down and not rush. The very case that you are frazzled is the exact signal to change the train you are riding on. You don’t like being hassled, so don’t hassle yourself.

Slow and easy is the way to speak well to yourself. Easy does it. Quietly. Haste hassles you. Be good to yourself. Respect yourself. To think that your own impatience rattles you. If you were someone else, you would treat yourself with more regard than you sometimes do yourself. Beloved, likely, whatever may be bothering you right now isn’t the end of the world.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/06/2019 - 17:38

Allowing and being at peace with yourself is one of the most important things you will ever do.  You have conquered more than a few challenges, you have ridden out the storms, you have grown in both strength and love.  It is time to give yourself a bit of a break, darling child! (Smiling) The Universe has been watching you progress along your path, supporting and encouraging you every step of the way.  Rest assured and in the knowledge that you are moving in the right direction. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 6, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/06/2019 - 17:38

For many of you, the fear of shining your brightest light comes from times before you had learned healthy boundaries and how to manage your own energetics.

Do you feel if you step into your highest expression of self it will be more work, more responsibility, exhausting, result in you needing to spread yourself too thin, or end up with you being negatively affected by other people’s needs and emotions?  If you do, please know that those fears were born before you had moved into a greater balance and before you understood that you are able to be a bringer of energy rather than a catcher of energy.

Can you replace those old belief systems with new ones based on the energies of today and your own level of attainment?  Can you embrace the idea of shining brightly and it making life easier for you, more joyful, more supported, more satisfying?

You are ready to step forward into new, brighter, more empowered expressions of self, Dear Ones. Release any residual fears that no longer apply. By focusing on creating balance, healthy boundaries, and understanding that you are in charge of your own energetics, you will finally step forward into a life expression that makes your soul sing. This will allow you to be of your greatest inspiration and purpose in ways that serve everyone involved, including you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Our Dance has Begun

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/06/2019 - 17:37

God said:

Beloved Child, you are about to strike up the band. I call to You, the You I speak to at this moment, and the You Who answers Me merrily at My behest and at your own as well.

Our dance has begun. A new day begins. You begin to accept the Truth of Oneness with aplomb. There is no other way to accept this but right away. Yes, the day has come. Breathe a sigh of relief. The day has come. It is alighting on Our One Self right now.

You revolve through the Universe. I proclaim You Oneness, and you begin to acclaim Oneness to your Self as well.

Come Together

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 17:07

It may be challenging to find and see beauty in your world as it is today.  Please remember; there are a few sources that will want you to stay focused on and in fear, keeping the divide as wide as possible…between countries, religions and people.  It is time to step away from your learned responses and into your heart.  When you know how to do this, you can successfully navigate through it.  It may seem as if a ‘coming together’ will never happen.  The Universe knows it is possible, it is time for you to start believing this as well! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 5, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 17:07

Some of you are discouraged when an issue comes back into your awareness for healing. Please don’t take this as a sign that the healing that you have already done has been ineffective. Far from it! It is a testimony to the success of the healing that has already occurred that you are ready to tackle this issue in a new, more empowered way. You are dismantling the old templates of the past in preparation for creating anew, and that is always something to be celebrated. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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