Relax & Allow

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/11/2019 - 11:42

As you engage with the current wave of energy, do your best to relax!  There are plenty of distractions vying of your attention but, in the infinite picture, it does not matter much.  Like a two-year-old child acting out, the ‘old way’ is slowly fading and it will do anything to keep your focus on it and away from your goals.  It is up to you to maintain your peace, continue to send Unconditional Love to those around you and know that all is moving at the proper pace and direction.  The only thing left for you to do is allow! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday February 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/11/2019 - 11:42

A very common limiting belief is that love is hard to find. Please know your soul always knows exactly how to connect with your beloved. Send out a clarion call to your soul companion with your heart. Send them a telepathic message letting them know where to find you. Feel their presence. Announce to the universe, “I call my next great love to me now. I am ready.”

Your declarations have great power, Dear Ones. Feeling the presence of your beloved, even if it is only energetically to start, is a great practice for it allows you to feel the relationship as existing already rather then being off in some unknown future. Using these simple techniques can pave the way to your next relationship for it shifts the energy around love for you and combines intention with action, which the universe will always respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

To All that is Holy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/11/2019 - 11:33

God said:

Beloved, in terms of daily life, you are in the present. I wonder, does the present mean between one moment and another? That is: Where does the present exist?

It’s clear to Me there is no past that resides. There is no time after all. Time can only be transient. There is no way that Infinity and Eternity can be staggered in separate spaces. Wholeness is Wholeness.

A Chance To See…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/10/2019 - 13:16

Another one of the things this amazing shift may bring to your consciousness is the need to really look at yourself.  Imagine standing in front of a full-length mirror and seeing everything.  The physical, emotional and mental.  Your current and higher self, the soul and the Divine Spark…all available to you and seen by the naked eye.  What would be your reaction?  Would your brain register shame, joy or guilt?  How about happiness, self-loathing or love?

You are being given the opportunity to witness all that has been, all that is and look to all that will be.  Will you be using these moments to release or continue to hold onto what no longer serves you?  Only you can make that choice for yourself.  Free will…you know the rest. (Winking) ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 10, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/10/2019 - 13:16

If you have a limiting belief that you keep repeating like a mantra, we recommend you find the energetic antidote to replace it with.

For example, if you have a belief that it is not safe to trust anyone, you could imagine it being energetically released from you with whatever imagery works for you, and replace it with a new statement.

So perhaps you have a belief that only fools trust other people. A wonderful and far more empowering belief would be, “I trust wisely and with discernment.” So see the old one crumbling away or dissipating and see the new one written out and settling into your energy field. When you find the new statement that gives you healing you will feel a subtle but distinct shift in your heart  centre.

You can do this with anything you feel is holding you back or any area where you feel stuck. You could replace “Nothing is coming together for me” with “Things are manifesting for me with grace and ease.” You could replace “No one understands me” with “I am seen, honoured, and appreciated in my truth.” “Life is hard” with “I shift my life into being a wonderful adventure”.

Do you see?  You are the author of your own life expression and there is tremendous power to your words and belief systems.  Write down your limiting self talk whenever you catch it so you can begin to rewrite it.

Fly with Me to the Moon!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/10/2019 - 13:15

God said:

Beloved, Joy to the World. Joy to you. Make the Sun to shine. Give yourself peace. There is nothing else you are to give but peace. What else is there to give but love and peace, peace and love, joy and love, love and light ascending? This is the whole story.

So far, add the pace of serenity to daily life. Does serenity sound too blissy for you? Then be blissy, what do you care?

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