
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/05/2019 - 09:52

On occasion, you will see and hear things that will trigger you.  Your body may react in unexpected ways, your brain may go into overload in an attempt to deal with it.  This is a very good time to take a step back and take a breath…or two!  Allow your brain to move from its learned response to a softer, more understanding space.  When you consciously recognize triggers for what they are, you will be better able to understand the ‘whys’ and let go.  Be thankful for yet another learning experience that will help you move further forward than you have ever been before. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 5, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/05/2019 - 09:51

If you are trying to create or move into something and it feels completely stuck, it is because there is a missing energetic ingredient that is required for its manifestation. This could be the energy of a certain person, an additional element, an energetic shift that is required for you to move into full resonance with it, or simply an alignment that comes with divine timing.

So if something feels stalled, how can you expand it?  What can you add to it?  What new energy can you infuse it with? There is great power in setting a broader intention or to expand what you are willing to receive, and surrendering into casting that wider net.

Check in with your body. Are you feeling contracted? You cannot create from a space of constriction. Feel into what you can add or loosen up for your creation until your own energy feels expansive. That is when you know you have shifted out of fear, doubt, and control and back into your heart, the space you always wish to create from.

If you have done all of those things and still nothing is happening, it is a matter of the universe pulling the elements for you that will all come together in the best timing to assure your success. Use the time you have to continue to grow and evolve in other ways, or to simply rest in faith and trust and engage in activities that bring you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Oneness is the Height of Glory

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/05/2019 - 09:50

God said:

Beloved, talk is a big part of life. There is even the expression: “It’s all talk.” That means to say that talk is cheap. Talk is not always backed by action. Sometimes I see that you may not even back yourself in action. It’s good to. Have the idea to follow through. You really don’t want your words to be like grapes that fall to the ground in disrepute. You want to believe in yourself, and you want others to believe in you.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 18:37


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

February, the month of Love….Love is in the Air ~~ This Aquarius New Moon embodies the energies of Love….for all!  This New Moon highlights Community, our tribe, and all humanity.  It can show us the big picture of how we can make the needed changes in the world by using the power that we have within our Tribe’s, our Communities and Humanity for loving Relationships of all types…across the Earth.   Signifying that the whole is always greater the then the sum of its parts.   It is saying that our coming together in our communities etc. ….can change the world!  This Aquarius New Moon is also about movement and action!  The energies are quite chaotic and a bit volatile out there, and it is time to visualize what you want the world and your future to look like.  It is time to move….time to take action….on your own and within your communities!    

February 4th  is also the Chinese New Year (in Chinese astrology) which occurs with the first New Moon after the Sun enters Aquarius.  This is the Chinese New Year of the Pig.  All though  I am not well versed in Chinese Astrology…. I am told that the year of the pig…..highlights a steadfast patience, fertility and great tranquility.  That the Pig appreciates money and food and they are known for enjoying tangible success.  It also has a feminine influence as there is a dedication to others…feeding and nurturing in abundance….a year of Goodwill!

Just A Moment…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 10:29

Today may feel a little lighter and brighter than it normally does.  You may wonder if something is wrong or that it is not right to feel this way.  On the contrary, it is perfectly OK to feel the way you do now.  You have been doing your work, releasing old emotions, belief systems, changing the way you look at the world and embracing the ‘new you’…of course things will feel different!  It is time to let go of ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’.  It is gone!  Move peacefully into your future knowing your planning and manifesting is just a moment away. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday February 4, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 10:29

Your ego self wants everything to stay the same so it can feel in control. Forward movement and expansion is what your soul craves. This disconnect is what often creates discomfort. Think of your soul self as the loving guide and parent of your ego self, making the highest decisions for the entirety of you, knowing that with your care and guidance the ego will always settle into its new reality. When you are tending to all aspects of self you will find it much easier to surrender into the forward movement you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Life in All Its Guises

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 07:42

God said:

Beloved, come to Me in whatever capacity you desire most of all. What else can you do? Remember, there is a full-blooming capacity called Free Will. Your Free Will. Yours. Think of such a liberty. This is one of the greatest liberties in the whole wide world. Certainly, I don’t just fill Myself to the brim. I want everyone to be filled to the brim. How could I not?

Nor do I predict less for Myself than anyone else. Most assuredly, I don’t hold Myself back. Room at the Inn includes room for Me beyond a doubt. Anyway, as it is, We, you and I, share the same room on the same Earth.

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