Hang On to Your Star

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/28/2019 - 14:23

God said:

Beloved, be happy. It is so simple. If everyone were happy, what a happy world there would be. Happiness would volley into life. Life would be life at the sunny beach every day. What sweetness of life would not attend to you the way life is meant to. You would be strong. Nothing would sneak up on you. You would never be startled or feel as if you are falling apart.

You would wake up rested. You wouldn’t crave to put the pillow over your head and go back to sleep in the morning again. You would want to jump out of bed. You wouldn't keep looking back over your shoulder. You would have no cares. The world would be at peace. Oh, to think of it! Everyone blessed, and everyone a blessing. You would not know what it is to be on tenterhooks.

What To Do?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/27/2019 - 18:47

During the course of your everyday life, you will encounter many wounded people.  These are the ones that have chosen to ignore their light, to judge or make fun of others, bully or believe that ‘the best defense is a good offense”.  Yes, you have a right to defend yourself but, remember, always remember, they have chosen that path for a reason; whether out of fear or lack, they cannot move past the pain in their lives.

Rather than placing yourself in a position to pity or lash out at them, send them Unconditional Love.  They may not know what it is or what it feels like but, they will receive it just the same.  You were gifted kindness and compassion for a reason…use them. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Sunday January 27, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/27/2019 - 18:46

Dear Ones, you cannot be constrained or resistant and love at the same time. You cannot be constrained or resistant and receive love at the same time. Love is flow and expansion. When we continue to impress upon you the importance of the surrender, faith, flow, trust model we are giving you the divine combination to the full experience of the love that exists for you and has been patiently waiting for you to embrace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Be Ready This Moment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/27/2019 - 18:42

God said:

Beloved, there is always more good on its way to you. You may not be positive about this, yet I affirm you have more good to look forward to right now. Sometimes right away, yet not always as fast as you would like. All the good awaiting you can come as a surprise when you least expect it – most definitely sooner than you may dare to hope. There is no reason that you should not have all you desire right in front of you at this very moment.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/26/2019 - 16:46

Please be aware that many, many things that you have held down are coming up to be released.  It may not be pleasant or ‘easy’ and, to some, this may feel a bit like torture, but it needs to be released!  Simply put, a shaken bottle can only hold pressure for so long.  Allowing the process to follow its natural course will guide you to deeper areas of needed release.  It may feel as if it will go on forever but, there is a conclusion, dear one.  All the space left open will be filled with the Unconditional Love of The Universe and a new, lightness of being will become a part of you.  The one thing you have to do to achieve this?  Start! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Saturday January 26, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/26/2019 - 16:46

So many of you, with your beautiful, tender hearts, wish to make a difference in the world, yet you aren’t quite sure how. You feel you don’t have the skills, or the training, the authority, or perhaps the resources to do so. Let us assure you that is not the case at all!

There are many different ways to be of service on your planet, Dear Ones, but all roads lead back to love. Love is your superpower and it is at the core of every single act of kindness, service, and beingness you could imagine. Choosing to show up as the love, to anchor the love, and express the love is all that is ever required to make a difference.

Love is your divine essence and available to you whenever you choose. There is no special training required to open your heart and let it flow other than your intention to do so and your willingness to remember that it is always an option to you.

So surrender into the flow of love. Be a giver of love and a receiver of love, and know that will always be more than enough, for each choice of love you make allows you to become a beautiful conduit of the most important element there is and lets your beingness be your action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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