Now Is The Time…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 23:28

Welcome to the next wave!  Yes, the resting period was very brief but, there is much to be done!  Over the next few weeks, it will seem as if every….single….thing you know and feel about yourself is being challenged.  Under no circumstances should this be viewed as a negative thing.  Instead, it is an opportunity for you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, to explore options not thought of and give you the gift of expansiveness.  On your Earth plane there are many things that are viewed as finite.  You know there is much more to your existence than what is being presented to you.  Now is the time to explore, break those bonds and step into your own personal infinite!  As always, The Universe is loving and supporting you through it all. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 31, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 23:27

Shelley’s Note: Everyone once in a while a reader will share a daily message on facebook that was posted long ago. That was the case with this message yesterday, and I thought it was exactly what we needed to hear today so I decided to repost it.  Thanks to Milton Foster for bringing it back around for all of us. I honestly don’t remember the day it was originally channeled but I do know it is just as pertinent today as it was the day it came through.

Dear Ones, we want you to know that it is all alright. If you meditate, or if you don’t, it is alright. If you are patient and loving and then you are not, it is alright. If you shine brightly one day and then don’t for a week, it is alright. It is all alright.

You see, you are growing and expanding, and you will do it at your own unique pace. In some areas you will move forward quickly, in other areas it may take more time. You get to choose how you wish to do things. From our perspective, all movement is forward movement.

Whether you are taking great strides, or stalled out in full blown resistance, it will all lead to forward movement, for even the greatest resistance ultimately leads to surrender and growth.

We do urge you to find how to move forward with the greatest amount of ease for you, for discomfort is not a necessary pre-requisite to growth. You can embrace your evolution, and through surrender and flow, expand beautifully. But it is completely and totally your choice what is your preferred way of doing things.

What is the Use of Time in Life, if Any?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 23:26

God said:

Beloved, let’s not get so caught up in time that time strictly rules your life. When you fathom that time is not, time will not lead you around by the neck, and you will have all the timelessness in the world. Quite a contrast are time and timelessness. Quite a contradiction are the sparring of time and non-time. How differently life appears to be when time no longer binds you to the plow.

In Heaven, there are no opposites. Can you feel the joy? No opposites amount to Oneness at its best. What can be more simple than Oneness?

Be Ready…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/30/2018 - 11:11

Where is your journey taking you?  Is it toward Unconditional Love or away from it?  During this brief resting period before the next wave of change begins, The Universe is asking you to be a bit more introspective, the delve a little deeper into your daily motivations.  Are you holding onto feeling and emotions you could have let go?  Are you making a conscious effort to be a gentler person?  Are you practicing kindness and compassion?  Yes, there are hurts and traumas from your past that are like watercolors, bringing past shades and tints to the forefront of your mind…are you truly ready to finally release them?  It is time to let go of the white-hot rage, the sobbing sadness and the blackest of griefs that hold you back.  New growth is coming, The Universe wants you to be ready for it. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 30, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/30/2018 - 11:11

What compassion and encouragement do you so willingly give everyone else yet deny yourself? Why? What difference could it make to you? When you decide to commit to including yourself in your own love and support, you will finally have what you need to take a huge leap forward in your growth and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

From Whence Cometh Happiness?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/30/2018 - 11:10

God said:

Beloved, come hand in hand with Me. This is to say: Be self-sufficient. You are not hapless. Be Godness first and foremost. Hold your head high. Fill your heart full of joy.

Life is to bolster you and absolutely not to cut you off. Be bursting with joy. All is possible. All is possible for you. All is possible for everyone. Life does not have to be difficult.

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