You Are Loved Regardless

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/29/2018 - 22:32

Yet another gentle reminder; any emotion that you choose to hold may magnify.  Right now, your world is attempting to spoon-feed fear to anyone that will listen.  Yes, even you.  You do, however, have options;

  1.  You can be enveloped in and ‘take the bait’ hook, line and sinker, feeding into the mass consciousness with that fear and allow it to multiply.
  2. You can release it and send it out to The Universe to be transformed to light and love, which in turn will reflect back to you, back out and so on.
  3. You can do nothing, hold no opinion, offer and receive nothing.

Each decision carries with it the weight to change your existence to whatever you choose.  Regardless of what you decide, The Universe has given you free reign…the opportunity to do as you will and be supported by Unconditional Love.  That is precisely the reason it is unconditional. (Smiling) ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday October 29, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/29/2018 - 22:31

You simply cannot judge and deny yourselves and come Home to yourselves at the same time.  Some of you continue to be hard on yourselves because you fear if you don’t you will stop growing or evolving.  Unfortunately, self denial keeps wounds hidden and self judgment keeps pain active.

Dear Ones, your own unconditional love will support the full experience of self you’ve been yearning for and allow any healing you have found elusive thus far to finally occur. Remember, it is your unconditional love, understanding, and encouragement that creates the ideal, safe environment for all parts of you to have the courage to come forward and receive exactly what they’ve needed for so long. This is what allows true transformation to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Beloved, Absolutely, Swing on a Star!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/29/2018 - 22:31

God said:

Beloved, Beloved You, Child of Earth, you are truly a symphony of beauty as I made you. Now you play yourself on the keys of a beautifully polished grand piano. You may tend to play urgently, as if life itself could be endangered. This is more than one way of looking at life. There are many ways to look at life, not all of which do you a whole lot of good.

You Are A Key

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/28/2018 - 16:12

Today, The Universe is asking you to take a long…hard…look at what you contribute to the conversation of today’s world.  On the surface, you may appear in any number of ‘masks’ depending on who you are speaking with; family, friends, colleagues, etc.  It is time to shed those masks and engage in full transparency.  You are also being guided to ask yourself if what you are contributing is ‘self-service’ or for the greater good.

By now, you should know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are co-creating every second of your existence and your Earth-plane is taking a quantum leap forward.  The dying darkness is doing its best to stay alive in the face of immeasurable light.  Do not let the grief of what is passing now distract you from what you are doing.  You are, have always and will always be one of the keys that unlock a kinder, gentler, more compassionate future. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 28, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/28/2018 - 16:12

Dear Ones, if you deny any aspect of yourselves, you will be perpetually agitating any abandonment, separation, or trust issues you may have. As you recognize, accept, love, and guide all aspects of self, you will be holding the space of healing and unity consciousness, which will be reflected in your experiences moving forward.

Your ego, your fears, your insecurities, your wounds, are not meant to be eradicated but rather understood and soothed with the inclusion of your unconditional love and acceptance. From there all healing can occur and the divine wholeness that is your essence can be rediscovered.  ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

A Passing Acquaintance with Dreams Sadly Done and Gone

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/28/2018 - 16:12

God said:

Beloved, recently I mentioned your remembering the birthday of someone lost to you in world terms long before his bodily death. This is someone who meant the world to you, yet he backed out from your love without a backward glance. So casually, so callously, you were no more to him than another leaf falling off a tree. How could this be? What a blow, that someone you loved so dearly didn’t value your caring.

Come, let go of attachment. You have no right to hold anyone responsible any more than it makes sense to hold yourself responsible for everything that that occurs in life. There is much crisscrossing back and forth in life. This just is. There may be no accounting for it. Now let it go.

Almost There…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/27/2018 - 20:28

The division, hate and chaos on your Earth plane seems as if it is being amplified by more division, hate and chaos.  You, as an eternal being of light, a co-creator of your existence and a carrier of a Divine Spark knows and feels things differently.  You are aware (very aware) of the building Light, the uptick of humanity and compassion, the arrival of what all humans have been asking for since the dawn of time…a new beginning.  You can choose to let yourself be distracted by the negative or continue to focus on the positive changes occurring now. (Smiling) You are nearly there, dear one, keep going!  You are almost there! ~ Creator

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