Daily Message ~ Sunday June 3, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/03/2018 - 09:19

You are entering a phase where many of your heartfelt manifestations are coming true. These desires have been part of your path and your energetics for a long time. They were present for so very long to help you navigate your path.

Some of you will have the same desires and experience the satisfaction of finally moving into what you, in your heart, always knew was your destiny. Others will have the opportunity to move into that old dream and decide not to because it just doesn’t match who you have evolved into, and that is perfectly fine. You get to create new dreams based on new possibilities, potentials, and preferences.

The point is that you are all starting to experience yourselves as the creators you truly are. It may be the large dreams finally coming into your awareness. You may also start to recognize how you are manifesting with greater ease more and more, with smaller things showing up for you as if by magic. This is allowing you to clearly see your ability. The lag time that occurred between desire and manifestation is diminishing due to being in much faster moving energies.

You may have a dream show up for you and have it look different than you thought it would. Please understand that it is just a starting point. You have been given a hunk of clay that you can now mold and tweak to your satisfaction.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/03/2018 - 09:18

It is time to move forward, powerful one.  Look around you; pick up what you would like to take with you and leave the rest behind.  Travel lightly, there are many miles to cover now.  Be aware of your surroundings, lend a hand to your brothers and sisters if they need it and always, always remember The Universe is walking the path right beside you! ~ Creator


Ego Unveiled

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/03/2018 - 08:31

God said:

Beloved, My Beloved, on occasion, you may hold out belief in something to refuel your Soul. In all innocence, you may be mixing up ego with Soul. Ego presence may give you a temporary boost, yet ego will inevitably leave you high and dry. Ego is not your foundation. You cannot rely on ego. You must know by now that ego is a fair-weather friend. Actually, ego isn’t any kind of friend at all. Ego is a con artist. Ego is a spoof. Ego promises to marry you, yet you can be sure that ego won’t show up on time. In this, you can rely on ego. This is the way of ego. Sooner or later, ego will not deliver. Ego is good at disappointing you. Ego may enjoy having the last laugh. Ego is talented in making promises. Even if ego could fulfill his promises, he chooses to pull the rug out from under you. There is no way that ego leads you anywhere but to knock you off your perch.

Time To Put It Down…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/02/2018 - 18:57

Dear one, it is time to set down and walk away from what is not yours.  You have been carrying it for quite some time and it has been weighing you down.  Those around you may become upset or angry about it and that is okay.  You have been their pack-horse for a very long time and they would prefer you carry their stuff…it is much easier for them.  However, it is not your ‘job’ anymore.  This is not a selfish thing…it is self-care.  In the coming weeks and months there will be much for you to do.  That work will be easier to accomplish when you take responsibility for your own things and allow others to be responsible for theirs.  Even if you do not feel supported in this endeavor by others, The Universe will always be there to support and love you through it. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Saturday June 2, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/02/2018 - 18:56

The universe works with essence. It responds to the energy of both what you hold and what you focus upon. Your focus is your blessing of continuation, your non-verbal feedback. This is why gratitude is such a powerful tool because it both shifts your energy and focuses on what you what more of.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be in denial of what is unwanted in your life. There will be times that things come up that you don’t want and need your attention. For example, old emotions may surface looking to be acknowledged and released. You can tend to that job and then get back to what is an energetic match to you today. It is simply a matter of energetic sifting. What you do not want to do is continually engage with what is unwanted as that further solidifies and continues your connection with it.

Do you see? If you stay in surrender and flow if something needs to be addressed it will seamlessly come up into your awareness. You can do what it required and then get back to co-creation. You can very efficiently do what needs to be done while still putting the majority of your focus on what you prefer and wish to experience, continually honing your energetics and staying in forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Following God's Will

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/02/2018 - 18:56

God said:

Beloved, live your own life at the same time as you follow My Will. That you follow My Will means your wings and Mine as One spread far and wide. Be assured when you follow Me, you embrace the world yet do not put any semblance of world success before divine service. Serve God, serve the world. This is another way I, God, say to you in all humility:

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