More On Releasing…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/09/2018 - 22:34

Dearest one, why do you keep looking outside yourself for completion?  There is always something to distract, to avoid and to keep you occupied so you do not have to look at the ‘tough stuff’.  Can you see it?  Do you understand it only benefits those around you?

During this phase of the shift, you are once again being asked to bring up some of your deepest and darkest pains to be examined in the light.  Yes, it is uncomfortable…maybe even torturous to some but, it is being done for a reason!  Before you move on, you need to be as clear as you possibly can.  In a perfect scenario, you could do it all at once and be done with it, however, that is not how this works.  Like the layers of an onion, it can sometimes be slow and tedious work.  It may even produce a few tears.  But, when it is all said and done, the benefits will always far outweigh the effort you put into it.  You deserve to release!  You are worthy of it!  You can and will be a better person because of it and The Universe will always be there to assist you if needed. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 9, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/09/2018 - 22:33

We wish to explain to you how we can say things are no longer energetically supported, yet they seem to continue in your reality.

Think of an operating system on your computer. When a new updated version is released, there are those who will excitedly embrace it. There are people who will wait until others have tried it for a while before they decide to upgrade. And there are others who will resist change and carry on with the old. This will work for the short term, but over time it will start to be fraught with difficulties and become harder and harder to use. This will lead to much frustration until they are finally ready to embrace a new way of doing things.

It is exactly the same with your enlightenment process. As you continue to evolve, there will be those who excited embrace the new, others who are content to let people blaze the trail first before they embrace the new ways of doing things, and others who will wait until they are completely uncomfortable before they move forward. But you know it doesn’t really matter when everyone gets on board, they all surely will in their own perfect timing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

So Can You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/09/2018 - 22:33

God said:

Beloved, today, let’s go beyond the argument that says: “Without suffering, joy would not be known.”

We could just turn this around, get past this and say: “Without joy, there would not be suffering.”

I do believe there can be enough joy for everyone to know joy well. In Heaven, this must be so. Surely, in Heaven there is no need to throw in suffering as an add-on. In Heaven, joy is firmly beheld. No dangers exist in Heaven. No fear. Without sense of danger and presumed fear, what remains is unremitting joy. All things are possible. Who needs fears, even tiny ones? Alas, the fear of loss on Earth has had a stranglehold on the world.

A Bumpy Ride

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/08/2018 - 11:39

It is time to get ready for a bumpy ride.  Your relationships with others are moving through a deep and profound transformation.  If it has not already begun, they (and you) will begin to show your true colors to the world…so much so, that some of it may shock and/or disappoint you.  If you have chosen to embrace integrity and honesty as a part of your ‘operating system’, it will continue to grow and expand ways that will surprise you.  If you have decided on another path, The Universe is offering you a very unique and wonderful opportunity to change for the better.  Transparency is becoming more important every day, do not let this moment pass you by. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday June 8, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/08/2018 - 11:39

There seems to be some confusion on how specific you should be in terms of what you wish to create. We wish to clear this up for you today.

As a co-creator you absolutely get to have a say of what it is you wish to move into. That is how you honour your pioneering nature! But what can happen if you get too detail specific is you start to constrict the energies and choose less than what your highest self knows is the greatest potential for you. At this point of your enlightenment journey, you are wishing to move into your highest life expression and continue to expand continually from there.

This is why we advocate the use of broader intention. Surrender into the essence of what you wish to move into while staying as wide open to potentials as you possibly can. For example, you can surrender into being of your highest service. You can surrender into your greatest potentials. You can choose to move into the flow that brings you to your healing, or the highest vibrational love match that is available to you without being inflexible on how those things should show up or look like.

The magic of co-creation comes from allowing yourself to be led to the possibilities you simply cannot see from where you are. When you are micro-managing your creations you are restraining your potentials.

God Bless the Little Children

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/08/2018 - 11:39

God said:

Beloved, life may indeed seem mixed up to you, as if life is one log-jam after another, or pages mis-numbered, or life fallen through the cracks. As hard as it may be for you to really see this, life as it appears, does come down the chute as it is meant to. As you may see it, this is easy to say yet not always believable.

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