Hey, Monster Monsanto: Nature Bats Last!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:45

Hey, Monster Monsanto: Nature Bats Last!

When I first saw the title to this article, I thought the author was referring to people! People as weeds. We grow anywhere, especially in “disturbed soil.” We are hard to kill off. We morph when necessary. We work together. We help each other survive. We are nature. Nature bats last. 

See:  5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 billionMonsanto Vs Nature: The Weeds Fight Back

So much of Monsanto’s poison was spread in the past decade that weeds naturally developed a resistance to it.

June 5, 2012 by GLR Jim Hightower alternet.org

Rather than find ways to cooperate with the natural world, America’s agribusiness giants reach for the next quick fix in a futile effort to overpower nature. Their attitude is that if brute force isn’t working, they’re probably not using enough of it.

Inelia Benz: Call to Action ~ IT’S TIME!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:23

Inelia Benz: Call to Action ~ IT’S TIME!

By Inelia Benz – June 6, 2012



For the past two weeks every time I sit down to meditate, daydream, doing, or not doing, a strong message comes through.

The words are:


Just that.


I have sat with it, and followed the energy. I find a wealth of information when I do that. One of them is that the major conjunction and physical expression of the shift starts this June Solstice. The energetic shift occurred last summer (2011).

If you are in any way sensitive, you will have felt time and vibration accelerating to incredible velocity the past month. It will continue to escalate, peaking during this June Solstice, and manifesting for the next two months at a physical level, and finally settling throughout the rest of the year.


Drake, Fulford, Benz: News from somewhere going nowhere?

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:17

Drake, Fulford, Benz: News from somewhere going nowhere?

Ann Kreilkamp

Over the past three days there have been a number of reports of mass arrests and financial transformation happening now, or soon, or right around the corner. AGAIN. Fulford and Drake both weigh in. Anelia Benz even issues a Call to Action, tells us  the time has come. On the other hand, Steve Beckow has been at this business a lot longer than I have, and here’s what he says about what is or is not coming right up:


Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ Releasing Resistance ~ 7 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:10

Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ Releasing Resistance ~ 7 June 2012

Have you noticed that change is happening RAPIDLY in 2012?  If you are well with change, it seems fun.  If you have resistance to change, you are challenged with mental and emotional turmoil.  Perhaps you find yourself somewhere in between based on the moment.  Either way, your Lightwork is to continue focusing yourself toward less resistance and more Flow.  In this way, the challenges move with more ease and you begin to notice that things that would upset you greatly in the past are much easier to deal with.  It is your internal Fortitude that will help you move through change with greater ease.  Often that is determined just by your inner Knowing that All is Well and you are able to handle anything that comes your way. 
A great way to find inner Fortitude is to find the perspective that challenges are opportunities for improvement, this Releases Resistance.  Track back through your life and find the experiences that were challenging but taught you lessons about how you want to behave towards others, how you can speak up for yourself and change your circumstances, how you can maintain silence and improve your circumstances, how you can endure a situation and benefit, how you can leave a situation and benefit, how you can create a moment of ease by ‘letting go and letting God,’ ho

Drake’s Insider Information into the Coming Changes

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:03

Drake’s Insider Information into the Coming Changes

2012 June 7
 by Steve Beckow

Drake – Intel Audio Briefings – Insider Information into the Coming Political, Financial and Social Changes of the United States of America and the World

AscensionwithEarth.com,  Thursday, June 7, 2012



For your convenience, I have located all of the audio shows and intelligence briefings that whistleblower Drake, a pentagon insider, has appeared on.  Drake became famous after his interview with David Wilcock about the mass arrests of corrupted government officials and wall street criminals.


The list below is organized by date starting with his most recent appearance.


Drake ~ Let’s Us Know About Best Available NESARA Description ~ 7 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 09:44

Drake ~ Let’s Us Know About Best Available NESARA Description ~ 7 June 2012

NESARA – The Best Available Description

Message from Drake:   Everyone, post this as far and wide as you can.   The voting page will be up shortly.~    Drake




The National Economic Security & Reformation Act

Compiled by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.original link to this article


A Message from Saint Germain: "The OM WAVE ~ Activation of the ONE"

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 09:25

A Message from
Saint Germain:
"The OM WAVE ~ Activation of the ONE"


Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,
It is my divine pleasure to be here with you in this moment of creation ~ and what moments we are going to be experiencing for all to see.
First of all, I want to say to each of you that you have blessed yourselves beyond the capacity of your mental minds and this is what true mastery entails. It is a wonderful time upon Earth and every individual that is awakening in these moments are part of this creative process.
We are coming into a juncture of time beyond space and our innermost feelings. All timelines are coming into creation ~ especially the ones that have been lost through the ages. But yet they have not really been lost but just tucked away until they were ready to be revealed once again. Yes, my friends, the Light of your Soul is now ready to shine ever so deeply than it has before. It is our time of renewal, of rebirth, but truly the acceptance of the old and new coming together in unison.

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