Wes Annac: The Last Great Day of May

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:58

Wes Annac: The Last Great Day of May

And so, the peeling and integrating continues. We face now the last day in this crazy energetic month that has been May, and I personally could feel as soon as we entered this month, that it would be a crazy rollercoaster ride of energy and emotion and in my own experiences this month, I have to say that boy, I was pretty correct!


The months leading up to May, very much like the year 2011, were for the purposes of building a foundation to lead up to the ultimate exposure and transmutation of our ego selves, of our proverbial ‘dark night of the soul’, and this month has certainly been a testament to the beginnings of this transmutation in the most intense forms that it has to offer. This is only the beginning!


A Possible Explanation for Ascension Transformation

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:54

A Possible Explanation for Ascension Transformation


Thanks American Kabuki: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/05/possible-explanation-for-ascension.html#more

This is speculative, but a possible explanation of how ascension happens in 3D.  I never did like the idea of some who said humans we were going to a silicon based body, silicon simply does not produce the varieties of compounds carbon does.  Life if anything favors diversity.  In our current reality Carbon 7 and Carbon 8 only last for a tiny amount of time, but that might be a function of our lower energetic state.  Our knowledge of the mechanics of this change are very limited.


I think many people got the idea of silicon from the well publicized idea that our bodies will become crystalline (capable of photonic interaction) and many people are very familiar with quartz crystals. Keep in mind diamonds are carbon and are crystalline. Crystalline does not preclude carbon as the basis of life in 5D. 


The explanation below does fit Metatron’s cube which is central to sacred geometry.  -AK

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Earth Angel

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:43

You are a Lightworker

It is your mission to understand and teach others about love. You are here to awaken within you the memories of home and how much you do truly love each other and feel the oneness while being separate, which is only an illusion you can play out in time and space. It is like you are here on a vacation, so take the time to enjoy every minute of the journey. Let it unfold as it should, do not try to rush to the finish line. See the beauty and the wonder that surround your every moment and know that it will never come again in exactly the same way.

Blast On~Jamye Price ~ Fortitude

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:20

Jamye Price ~ Fortitude

Crystalline Soul Healing | June 2 2012

We come then to another round of Fortitude. The LightBlast is a channeled topic that is a weekly progression of self-focus for Lightworkers. Sometimes topics resurface, as Fortitude has from early in the year. It’s 2012 – showtime! ;o) We’ve been preparing for this year and here it is. Are you noticing your shift? Do you see that change is more rapid, resistance is more challenging and things that were easy before are being brought to a new level of mastery? Fortitude is a must!


We are leading ourselves and Lighting a path of change for others into the new golden age. Here personal responsibility is highlighted, consideration of others and the earth is required and Love leads choice. Fortitude is your ability to shine your Light in dark places, both within yourself and within this experience on earth. Each person has a different role, a different focus and change means that focus shifts, too. Fortitude is your ability to go with the flow (less resistance) and allow when it is time; and to paddle with the flow and move forward when it is time.


Laura Bruno ~ Flash Silvermoon: Venus Transit of the Sun

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:14

Laura Bruno ~ Flash Silvermoon: Venus Transit of the Sun


Laura Bruno’s Blog | May 30 2012

Astrologer Flash Silvermoon left the following as a comment on my earlier post about the Venus transit of the Sun. I loved her comment and said I’d give it a separate post:


Flash Silvermoon astrologer here. This is part of my Astroflash Monthly Horoscope for June as pertaining to the VENUS TRANSIT OF THE SUN


The Good News, is that Venus, the feminine planet of love and relationship will be conjoining the Sun and making a rare transit across the face of the Sun on June 5th. This won’t happen again until 2117. In a year with tons of really important transits, this one alone is the most significant because of its rarity. We might even see this transit of Venus across the Sun as the most defining event of the whole year and that is saying something!


Oracle Report ~ Thursday May 31 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:09

Oracle Report ~ Thursday May 31 2012

Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase

Prepare for a unique day where emotions trump logic. The astrological configurations at the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on May 20 indicated that we would have an exceptionally emotional month and this is heightened with today’s energy. However, today’s emotional influences serve to strengthen the connection between our spiritual and physical bodies. The saying “your body is your temple” is the wisdom for the day.

Are You Ready for the Change?

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:02

Are You Ready for the Change?

2012 May 31 Thank You to 2012 Scenario
Posted by Dave Schmidt

When I first started reading the 2012 Scenario blog site, I was like so many of us going through a time of transition, a time of change.


Coming from a traditional church background, I must admit I was somewhat of a skeptic about all these messages coming from galactic and channeled sources.  I had for most of life avoided what some would call ‘whoo-whoo’ New-Age thinking.  I wanted something pragmatic; something I could talk about and share with others without looking like I was crazy and from some far-out place.

The blessings of the internet allowed me to read, discern, be open to myself, question and try all this new data coming into my life without going public.  Having spent 20 years in politics I was always cautious of what I’d say, making sure it wasn’t something I didn’t want to see in the newspaper the next day.


How I See Us As ONE by Cecilie Draget

Submitted by will on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 09:58

"Multiple facets coming from the same source"


I want to say something about what my facet of life is observing right now. Everything right now is exactly how it's supposed to be.. it always has been and always will be. That's the divinity of it all. That's based on love. That's how and why we have come to this point in existence after all.


When we think otherwise it's because we have to get some issues in ourselves solved. They will come forward whether we like it or not. We can choose to solve them based in trust, light, love and then they will pass through as enlightened experiences.. if we don't let them pass like that they will stay stuck in our bodies and work us over and over. When greeting our inner mysterious obstacles here on earth as they show up these days - one after another, with gratitude and happiness... we show ourselves and life/love that we have understood why we are here on earth in the first place. Every time remembering/feeling/thinking what we before saw through duality, we can now experience with joy, laughter and bliss. The pain, sorrow, tears, frustration and all fear based reactions will turn out totally different, realizing how it all was put together for us to learn the lessons of duality. Because we all have our different facets and purpose, we see that some go through this almost in the same way and others totally different.... but the goal is the same even if it doesn't seem that way..


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