Visionkeeper – Beauty Abounds – 31 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 09:41


Visionkeeper – Beauty Abounds – 31 May 2012

(picture by

Why is it when we view a picture such as this one we see incredible beauty yet some don’t seem to see it the same way in our everyday travels along our journey through life? Why does it take a breath-taking picture to make them stop and stare and admire the beauty? It abounds all around us yet for some reason they fail to see it. They breeze by never noticing the day-to-day wonders everywhere. Perhaps if their hearts were fully open that would help. The more we love the more connected to all we become, more full of appreciation, more aware of what moves us.

In the dreaming of it, you are creating it. – Michael by Glr Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 08:24


Spanish        Portuguese

This morning we shall talk about your similarities and differences.  It would seem absurd to say that you are all exactly the same while no two of you are at all alike.  Yet that is a true statement.

No two persons, nor indeed creations in any form, have experienced exactly the same things during their journeys through existence.  And every experience has led you to draw conclusions about what you have perceived. 

Lisa Gawlas - Take a Quantum Leap Into Your NEW Passion!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 07:56


Our growth patterns are so convoluted that it is really easy to miss the depth of our own personal growth.  Especially as one vibrant skill set seems to have been dulled.  This intense process can seem more like we took a giant quantum leap backwards instead of leaping ahead.  At least that is how it has felt for me.

For the last several years, being able to “read” was as easy as breathing in the air.  Mostly humans, since that is where I set up my skill set, but inanimate objects as well.  These last few months, that seemed to be slipping away… at least for the casual encounter.

I only really noticed my own (perceived) digression this last week or so as I have had out-of-state company in, went to a BBQ where I am getting to know people and I just couldn’t pick up their subtle vibrations, not to the extent I have been able to do for years without trying.


Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 07:38




Only 4 DAYS till the SUPER FULL MOON & Lunar Eclipse followed by the 'once in a lifetime' VENUS TRANSIT. What a week we have coming up! BEAUTIFUL energies available to all. Over the NEXT 24 hours the energy is slightly HIGHER & cleaner than in past days. YOU are clearer about what your strengths are & in particular you are feeling able to succinctly express yourself. This is a real SHIFT for many people. Enjoy! Elizabeth Peru Copyright © Deltawaves 2012 (Please SHARE in full with credit given, thanks)

Heavenletter #4206 Unto Your Heart

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 02:52

Heavenletter #4206 Unto Your Heart, May 31, 2012 

God said: 


Unto your heart, am I. In this flaming heart of yours, I sit. And sometimes you recognize Me. Sometimes you know. At any moment, whether you see or not, I am here within your heart. I am with you. I am within you. I spend all of My time - what you call time - in your heart. I am eternally in your heart. In your heart is where I am. In your heart is where I like to be. Home for Me is your heart.

Sheldan Nidle ~ Update ~We bless all of humanity and are in ecstasy about what is shortly to happen

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 22:55

Sheldan Nidle ~ Update ~We bless all of humanity and are in ecstasy about what is shortly to happen

4 Men, 8 Pax, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Much continues to happen behind closed doors on your world. The dark cabal bankers have created a situation of such unruliness with their mass of illegal debt instruments that they have become the means of forcing the banking industry to take on new management and drastic changes of operation.


We have used these fraudulent banking practices as the grounds for bringing in a new global financial system. The cabalists’ hubris has forged a debt situation so massive that it has become the weight that will break the back of the dark power that has run roughshod over your world for centuries. The magnitude of their fraud and criminality is beyond question, and with the assistance of a number of brave souls our liaison personnel have gathered enough case materials to force these scalawags to heel. Finally, a method of general resolution is becoming crystal clear. We have asked our liaisons and certain members of the surface world’s secret sacred societies to meet with these defiant ones to compel them to affix their signatures to an agreement allowing the new financial system to go ahead.


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