~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:59

ASTEROID SIGHTING: In an age of CCD cameras and high-speed digital recorders, University of Colorado Prof. Richard Keen has done something unusual. He observed an asteroid flyby with nothing but optics and the human eye. On May 29th, newly-discovered asteroid 2012 KT42 passed closer to Earth than a geosynchronous satellite. "Bent over the eyepiece of my 12-inch telescope, I tracked the little space rock for 42 minutes," says Keen. "Along the way it brightened from magnitude 11.5 to 10.5, about a whole magnitude brighter than predicted. Aside from some meteorites I've held in my hands and other meteors flashing though the upper atmosphere, this is the closest astronomical object I've ever seen. According to the NASA ephemeris, 2012 KT42 was just 19158 km from my house when I last saw it--about the same as a plane flight to Australia."


CANVAS FOR A TRANSIT: In only 6 days, Venus will pass in front of the sun, marking the solar disk like the tip of a black-dipped paint brush drawn slowly across the stellar surface. If the transit is indeed like a painting, here is the canvas:



Suzanne Lie – Mytre/Mytria – Mytre Continues : Vision Quest – 30 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:55


Suzanne Lie – Mytre/Mytria – Mytre Continues : Vision Quest – 30 May 2012


When Mytria turned away without even answering my question and walked into the cave I was enraged. Who did she think I was, some toy that she could play with and discard when I became boring? Without another thought I turn and walked away as fast as I could. In fact, walking was not fast enough, so I began to run. I had not realized what good condition I was in after my time on the land, but I ran until it was almost sunset before I became fatigued.

Visionkeeper – The Power Of Light – 30 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:42


Visionkeeper – The Power Of Light – 30 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

The power of the light is what the Dragonfly and Damselfly represent in many different cultures, each one slightly different. They represent both water and air, water being emotions and air being mental. If they show up in our lives repeatedly it may mean we need to see new perspectives in our lives or we should check in with our emotions. Are we being too emotional or perhaps not emotional enough? Dragon and Damsel flies inhabit the earth by day, basking in the sun light going through their transformations in the light. We should therefore be mindful of change within our lives and not resist. They use the light as a tool of survival and so should we. We must look through the illusions for the truth shining bright as daylight if we are awake and aware, and use that to advance our mission. We can all be Dragon flies and Damsel flies working with the light.

The manuscript of survival – part 146

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:33


The manuscript of survival – part 146




•May 30, 2012 • 


Let us continue this saga about mankind’s quest for greatness, as this is indeed the underlying thread that connects all of these missives. And when we talk of greatness, we do so in every aspect of the word, as you are indeed such magnificent creatures in each and every way. But, as have oft been mentioned in these annals, you were made to forget this greatness when you came to these shores, as it was ordained that this place was to be a place to learn and to remember yet again. 

The Winds of Change are Blowing Into YOUR Heart-Land!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:23


These days are really becoming unpredictable aren’t they?  It is like the winds of change blow from the East in the morning and before the day is done suddenly shift directions and blow back in your face as they blow from the West, only to head to the south and knock ya on your ass!!

There are so many people living this way right now, while others like me almost seem to be observing it thru the window of life.  Of course, my crazy winds blew the end of last year.  Now if feels like I am simply waiting for all else to settle down and take root.  Waiting for what?  I have no clue!

Even as I write this sharing I am repeatedly reminded of the lady I read for last week where her energy silo of harvest filled energy disembarked from the middle of the field (her life) and started zigzagging across her field and heading towards her future.  Her guidance was to simply follow the energy, even if it seems chaotic and most importantly, trust in its (seemingly erratic) flow.

The Oracle Report Wednesday, May 20, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:07


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


First Quarter Moon Phase

Today's energy guides us to go off the beaten track, breaking away from familiar ground and going into unknown territory.  Fear of change or fear of the unknown is the greatest obstacle to this, as is clinging to what's old or familiar when we know we need to move on.  Today is about growth and spontaneous, in-depth communications.  Ideas abound and are accessed through brainstorming with others or through following through on inspiration. As we approach the Venus transit, we want to make sure we are paying attention to details and authenticity.

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