~Space Weather Update~ CONTINUED QUIET Solar Wind Speed 506

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 09:55

CONTINUED QUIET: For the fourth day in a row, solar activity remains low. None of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun pose a threat for strong flares. NOAA forecasters put the chances of an X-class eruption at less than 1%. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


DRAGON RENDEZVOUS: SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft will rendezvous with the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday, May 25th, making it the first commercial spacecraft to dock with the ISS. Last night, Dave Blanchard photographed the Dragon chasing the space station across the night sky over Flagstaff, Arizona:

"While the ISS was very bright and clearly visible in this image, the Dragon was very dim," says Blanchard. "It can be seen as a faint streak just below the ISS."


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Self-Acceptance

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 09:32


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Self-Acceptance

Love who you are



Be happy and love who you are right Now! Love all of your perfections and imperfections, for you are absolutely perfect right now to help you accomplish your life's mission. You will know when you are accepting yourself because you will feel great just as you are. Angel guidance reminds you there is something for everyone in this magnificent Universe and you are just as deserving, powerful and loving, just as the angels and guides who watch over you.  

The manuscript of survival – part 143

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 09:26


The manuscript of survival – part 143


 •May 24, 2012 • 


Today we would like to delve a bit further into the ongoing changes. Although they on the surface may not be as visible as some of you wish, rest assured that this world has indeed taken a giant leap towards a new tomorrow. Let us explain. These last days have seen a heightened activity in the influx of energy being beamed onto your planet, and we wager that for most of you, this has taken the shape of additional physical symptoms such as bodily pains, distrupted sleeping patterns and mayhaps a heightened feeling of urge, like you cannot just sit down and relax no matter how tired your body feels. And just like you, the rest of this planet has become almost compelled to keep moving. 

The Tides are Turning – Which Stream Are You Paddling In?

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 09:22


Here in New Mexico, the winds literally started blowing early yesterday and continue even now.  As the day ended last evening, the energy within the winds picked up and for me, seemed to become much clearer, energetically speaking.

My first reading of the day reflected that intensity, altho I never really put it all together until this morning.  He arrived on the field in his amniotic sac of energy as the folks did the day before.  He had new elements happening… a torrential down flow of rainbow energy thru the very top of his amniotic sac.  This flow of energy was the most intense I had ever witnessed in any reading.  This energy billowed down in a stream that was at least 3 feet across.  I could not tell why it was there or what it was really doing.  But man oh man I could feel the power of it.

The next wave approaches. – Michael by Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 09:18


  Press here for  Spanish  or  Portuguese.


We will now discuss the subject of the coming eclipse and the energies of June.  We are sure that many of you are finding the current changes to your DNA very much to your liking.  As you integrate them more and more into yourselves, you are beginning to discover that many of the things that have been promised you are showing evidence of becoming part of your being.

Most of you are having trouble finding the courage to discuss this with your friends and family.  Do not worry on that account, dear friends.  First you will meet others who are having the same experiences, and then you will realize that you are not imagining things or losing your minds.  The experience is quite surprising, even though we have talked about it for a very long time, is it not?

The Oracle Report thursday, May 24, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 09:04

The Oracle Report


Thursday, May 24, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase

Today is all about what's in the AIR.  The energy motivates us to make changes, although we may not be sure which direction to take.  We want to reform things.  Listen to messages that are coming in around you.  Look deeper within yourself for the change in direction you need.  Overdramatizing situations will lead to overreactions, but doing nothing will lead to inertia.  As people will want to break out of restraints, it may cause them to become argumentative or overbearing.  Strength of character will be what wins out today.  The position of Venus continues to ask us to get back to basics and simple pleasures.  It is important to cultivate this in preparation for the upcoming Venus transit of June 5/6.  Counter any complications by sticking to what you truly value.  You can transform any situation by moving into your personal "center" and taking things down to the basic level and moving out from there.  This will guide the directions we choose. 

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