Heavenletter #4190 A New Shoreline

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 00:09

Heavenletter #4190 A New Shoreline, May 15, 2012 

God said: 


When life doesn't turn out the way you wanted and thought it would, then it is incumbent for you to go along the new path, even when you don't know where it is taking you.

Here is your test of letting go, letting go of the dreams you held, letting go of the change in the course of the river of life, the change that presents itself to you now. Many are finding this now.

One way or another, your anchors are being loosed from their joists, and you feel adrift. Well, you are adrift. You have been set loose, and now you are in a different direction, even when you don't know what the direction is. You may feel directionless, but, know this, you are not rudderless, and your connection to Me is infallible and infinite. Dear Ones, it feels that you are adrift. Everything points to your being adrift.

My visit to Shamballa! By Lee-Anne Peters

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 00:03



My visit to Shamballa!


Me being prepare for my ReBIRTHday!

Top left - Tibetan guide CHI
Top right - Dwhal Khul

By GLR Lee-Anne Peters

TUESDAY, 15 MAY 2012

Before you read on, I am sharing below my personal experience of recent days. This is being shared with you from my heart. Please take from my experience what feels right for you.
It was the eve of my birthday (which I have dubbed my ReBIRTHday) – 13thMay 2012 and as I do each year - I create a day of reflection on the year just passed and a welcoming of the new year to come. For several days prior to my ReBIRTHday I let go of a lot – old emotional baggage came to the surface and demanded to be released. I cried, let go and cried some more. I felt like I lost kilos of emotional baggage – I felt free.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – White Buffalo Calf Woman – 15 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 23:43

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – White Buffalo Calf Woman – 15 May 2012

Children of the Sun, let your spirits soar upon the wind that whispers through your hearts, and through your days.  Let your spirits soar upon the smile of a child, the song of a bird, the twinkle of a star.  Let your spirits ride upon the tail of a rainbow on your way to embrace comet, on your way home to your star where your heart lives.  I AM she that comes on this day I AM White Buffalo Calf Woman.  I AM she that weaves and heals the holes in your heart. Like a spider I WEAVE LIGHT catching the morning dew of pure healing.  I AM she that helps you contact that which YOU SEEK, That which can be yours no other way.

Announcing The Global Peace Wave 1440

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 22:37


Announcing The Global Peace Wave 1440


I’ve been working on the Global Peace Wave for the last few months- But truly this is my life’s work. I hope you will join me in the wave of peace that will be enveloping the globe starting May 20th. I’ve included a brief description below but please visit our web site and facebook to learn more. The important thing to remember is that this is a daily meditation 24/7 around the globe-people signup to meditate or pray for peace from 1 minute to ten minutes daily in their time zone for a year. Also Please Share this with your friends! Now is the time to unite! Love and joy Annette

Archangel Michael on the Transition and Current Events, on an Hour with an Angel, May 14

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 20:28

Archangel Michael on the Transition and Current Events, on an Hour with an Angel, May 14

Posted by Graham Dewyea

This week Archangel Michael will return with Linda Dillon and Geoffrey West to discuss the Transition and current events, including the G8 Summit.


An Hour with an Angel airs Monday night, at 6:00 p.m. Pacific and 9:00 p.m. Eastern time.



We’ve prerecorded that interview. He had much to say about the Transition, the light energies being beamed, the ways we’ll feel, and how to flow with events. He also discussed Solfeggio frequencies, attunement, and the impact of sound waves at this time.

On the G8 meeting, he said: “Everyone is being penetrated by this universal core of love that can penetrate anything. It is the energy from the heart and source of One. It is the creative force of the universe. It changes how world leaders think, how they feel, how they approach issues, how they represent people. It is a shift away from trying to control.”


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~14~12 We have Entered an Energetic Period of Much Power Shifting~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 19:17

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~14~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~We have Entered an Energetic Period of Much Power Shifting~


Photo By Earth Ally Dawn Christine

~Oh wondrous beings overhead!~


Greetings Love Beings, We have Entered an Energetic Period of Much Power Shifting, preparing us for The May 20th Alignment, Eclipse and New Moon. Through this event we will all go through a reboot, as to Prepare Humanity for the Increasing Energies which will be triggered through this Event. These Will Spiral All Events Into Complete Alignment according to the Divine Plan as Decreed.


Daily Sun: 14 May 12

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 14~May~2012 Your Future Is Assured~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 17:53

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 14~May~2012 Your Future Is Assured~



There is evidence of the inevitable collapse of the dark cabal, and you need to be on your guard. They will try every possible ruse and disinformation to make a last attempt to create doubt and fear. Be aware and ignore anything that feels other than the Light, and focus on all that is pure and harmonious. There is nothing to fear any longer, as your future is absolutely assured and nothing is going to prevent Disclosure and the arrival of our Space Friends. The opportunity to ascend is the natural conclusion of this cycle, and although you have missed out on earlier occasions, this time if you are ready you are absolutely certain to ascend. Mere mortals cannot stop what has been divinely decreed, and bear in mind it applies to the whole Universe.


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