Message from My Entire Self

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 21:49


Message from My Entire Self

  7 May 2012 by GLR  jimmy


The 5/5/5 and supermoon last night was extremely powerful. Many of us started feeling the codes being downloaded a couple days before the supermoon. Today I asked my entire self what type of information is in the codes, and what changes we can expect in our lives as a result of the new download. Here is my understanding of what is happening to us. I have to give credit to James Tyberron for much of this information, but I did glean some new and valuable information from other sources, Sarah Gazala, Lisa Gawlas, and others, all of whom are part of my entire self, as are you.

~Message from Your Higher Self~ Invocation for The Present Moment of Now~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 21:45




~Together as One Love,  WE ~Humanity will carry the Grand task of Building a new way of living together in Cooperation, Peace, and Unconditional Gods and Goddesses, a True spiritual life in abundance and True Equality in Perfect Balanced Harmonics is The New Earth=Heart. In Truth, the KIngdom of Heaven On Earth!


~From Now On, All that Supports the Highest good of ALL Moments Of Creation is all That Exists NOW!! and from Now on, it IS ALWAYS THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW~




Together as One Love, in the highest and best for all, we will now collectively dissolve all current illusionary systems and Establish A Universal Government which will Transform into a Galactic Starseed Nation~


~Now as all Higher Selves on the Planet Are Present With US, We Stated the Following out loud in Representation for The ALL.~


Montague Keen ~ May 6, 2012 ~The Cabal is all but finished~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 20:53
Montague Keen ~ May 6, 2012  
~The Cabal is all but finished~


My dear, do wish Marcia a Happy Birthday from me. I will be as brief as possible as you need to be with your family.


These are desperate times for many on Earth just now. It is difficult for them to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Please assure them it is just a matter of time. The Cabal is ensuring that people suffer because the energy from the suffering and fear is the oxygen that gives them strength. One only has to look at the extreme poverty in America, where people bought into the American Dream in the Land of the Free; now they find themselves helpless because the bankers have destroyed that dream.


Laura ~ Power to People Now~ 6 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 20:50


I feel so privileged to be one of the witnesses of the massive world awakening we are all here for. It has been a long journey for us all I feel and if you are anything like me, you must feel just about ready for a long vacation in the warmest, sweetest spot in the Universe, where nothing ever has to be done!

Over the past 4 months I had a very trying time: university, family ill, friends died suddenly, have avoided being blown up, avoided car crashes, various disappointments in friendships, the list goes on…


However, I still feel uplifted by the latest updates coming from people like David Wilcock, Bill Brockbrader, Drake and Benjamin Fulford, and of course I am delighted with the love and support from all light beings.


I am one of the lucky people who recalls her life planning sessions, with Ascended Beings and Angels. I do recall in fact having a pre-knowledge of this life plan, however there was never any guarantee or promise of success for us or for Mother Earth.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/6/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 20:47



The Pleiadians are a group of entities that are here at this time assisting your planet and your people in your time of ascension, and have been here assisting your world for many years leading up to this point in your history. There are many different groups of entities here at this time, and all of the groups that are here now are here for the better welfare of your planet and your people. There are no longer any other groups of entities that are here for any other purposes.


It is true that at certain points throughout the period of your history there were other groups that were here and not for your better interest but for their own interests, and the better welfare of your planet and your people did not enter into their politics or their agendas. This is no longer the case, and it is very important for the people of your world who have begun to read articles and messages from certain sources of information about these other beings and of their agendas to understand that what they are reading is either untruths, disinformation, outright lies or fabrications, or pieces of the history of your planet that are no longer contributing factors to your daily proceedings and of your future.


In Defense of Obama~ He is of The Light

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 20:39

Knowing something of this being and the interest on it I decided to post
this opinion of mine. With what I know of him and with all of this public doubt
and negativity is hard to keep quiet.


I am sure he would not have me post this message at all but from my human
self and to the lightworkers who deserve to know more I will give a brief


First of all it is hard to even call this being Obama as he towers so high
above this one small identity. His track of beingnesses and accomplishments is
unparalleled and I think that I can say he is a unfallen being.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~6~12 We Have Successfully broken through the illusionay Matrix

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 19:54

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~6~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~


We have broken through the illusionary matrix, Love to Pour in

Fractal Art By Earth Allie Will Harader Golden Center



Greetings Love Beings, A Tremendous Amount of Love Energy is Moving throughout the Planet and all illusion is on the way out, as a result of our Combined Efforts yesterday. We Have Successfully broken through the illusionay Matrix. As a result, Many may be experiencing deep release's right now, as all of the old programs must be dissolved. They will be dissolving more and more in these Energies, until there is no more program. For the ones unaware of what is happening this is going to be a chaotic period.


In the Next 3 days collectively, we will all process and integrate these Higher Energies, as we prepare for more events to come.


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