Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~ Light Quotient

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 07:55

Private Message SaLuSa to Me – 15 Feb 2012 - Light Quotient



Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Laura


There is a great deal of concern at the moment within the great human soul. Those of you who are awakening, are beginning to realize how easy it is to be one. There are literally no barriers between you by now. You are all within each other’s reach no matter what the distance is. The internet has made it possible for many of you to come together, but also as Ascended Beings, you are beginning to become aware of your own place and role within the universe. You are exploring new possibilities for you individually and also collectively, as part of the bigger picture. You are also beginning to realize the implications of your coming together at this time.


~Synergy within the Garden!~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 07:48

~Synergy within the Garden!~



Every single day seems to be so energetically different than the previous one.  For the last several weeks the “field” seems to be in a constant state of change.  Granted, life is always changing… but not this fast!!  No where near this fast.


I know for me personally (and I share it because I am sure many of you are feeling this too,) I feel like internally I am changing to beat the band.  Externally tho, it is as if the world has come to a stand still.  I think instantly of the gyroscope energy.  I cannot say I understand it, but it feels so purposeful.


SaLuSa 20~February~2012 We are AS Good as our Word~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 07:12

SaLuSa  20~February~2012


From one day to another circumstances in your world are changing very rapidly. The facts may not be readily available to you, but as the purge of the dark Ones continues you will learn more about it. Our allies along with our backing are progressing very well, and nothing will prevent ultimate success. For example although many attempts have been made to start a Third World War, they have been dealt with and as we have promised you all along, there will not be another war. That message is getting home to those who are the warmongers, and they realise that we are as good as our word. There have been a number of false flag incidents that have been controlled by us, so as to prevent the likelihood of a major confrontation. Some have been too big to be fully concealed, and some details do leak out. Be observant and you will undoubtedly pick up on some unusual reports.


"We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly"

Submitted by Raingel on Sun, 02/19/2012 - 22:53

   Evolution is at hand as Earth and her children catch & ride the Christos Spiral

                We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly


To the trees and flowers and honey bees to every ocean, dolphin and lake.

 Mountains, valleys, and all of the beauty between, in her we all have a stake.                                                                                                            

We must replace indifference with kindness, and compassion, must banish hate. 

We should honor our planet with gratitude for her abundance and forgiving grace.


When we share with others we can find our path & the purpose that shapes our dreams.

We can create a place of safety from knowing that we are angelic beings.


By trusting ourselves and our instincts and the voice of the human heart.

We will finally know who, in fact we are and that we have never been apart.


We must discern the truth of our heritage, and focus inward when we pray

White Hats Report #36.."From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World"

Submitted by PJ on Sun, 02/19/2012 - 22:00

Monday, February 20, 2012 - White Hats Report #36

From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World.

Our beginnings could read like a Robert Ludlum spy thriller.

We selected with care a controlled-access, self-contained safe house in Fulham, Greater London, not overlooked but with a viable backdoor escape route to an unseen inter connecting alleyway in case of emergencies, and with a full visual overview of the wide scanning approach road to monitor any parked observers or perceived threat risks. Our emergency escape vehicle was permanently parked up on the connecting alleyway for a fast exit. The house’s sun blinds allowed us full vision of external areas, but blocked out vision of the interior from prying eyes. To even the most trained observer, it was a quiet, low-profile, unassuming neighborhood. It was the perfect location for a safe house.

The call went out and from the head count, the purpose and need for an immediate “sit down” was well received. The gathering included old soldiers, both civilian and military, always in the background, always keeping the balance and from all over the world. The subject matter was of concern to every person in the room. The meeting could not be further avoided as the image of the future was becoming clear. Enough was enough.

Most of us had been trained under former Administrations and Regimes and were becoming disillusioned and disgusted with what we were witnessing. Every member of the group came with an impressive background, a broad base of knowledge, vast years of experience and most importantly, intelligence networks.

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