Aluna Joy ~ Warriors Of The Sun ~ Missionaries Of A New World ~ Reclaiming The Sacred Matrix

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/16/2012 - 07:35

Aluna Joy ~ Warriors Of The Sun ~ Missionaries Of A New World ~ Reclaiming The Sacred Matrix

Aluna Joy and the Star Elders | December 10-11-12, 2011


K’aan Sacbe Yucatan Pilgrimage – Chichen Itza, Ek Balam and Uxmal, Yucatan Mexico (Our group Mayan Astrology was 11 Chuen (Yucatec) and 7 Noj (Kiche))


The following is the second group of messages that we received in the Yucatan this past December. You can find our other messages on our website at under the “Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation” link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.


~Choices Points and the Garden of Shambhala.~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/16/2012 - 07:24

Choices Points and the Garden of Shambhala.



Artwork By Father God


~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


These days are changing so rapidly, energetically at least.  Granted, to the human walking thru the moments of each day, it appears like not much has changed in their life, but indeed, it has all changed.  We just need to know where to look.  We need to be much more purposeful in our days. (Said as much to myself as to anyone else reading…smile.)


The day of readings yesterday, took an interesting turn.  A turn I didn’t even really get until just now as I sit and feel what and how to share.

First let me share the field itself.  Within a 3 hour span it changed rapidly in the landscape of readings.  Which also means, we the human, are changing that rapidly too.


~Space Weather Update~ AURORA WHIRLPOOL~ Flatlined Sun~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/16/2012 - 06:48

QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's output has flatlined again. NOAA forecasters put the chance of an M-class flare during the next 24 hours at no more than 1%. Solar activity should remain low. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


AURORA WHIRLPOOL: Sometimes the sky surprises us. On Feb. 14-15, with little warning, geomagnetic activity rippled around the Arctic Circle, producing an outbreak of auroras that veteran observers said was among the best in months. At the height of the display, a US Defense Meteorological Program satellite photographed a whirlpool of Northern Lights just north of the Bering Sea:



We Are One

Submitted by GemConscious on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 18:36


            Yesterday a swarm of thousands of birds came through my back yard.  First I noticed it because of the sound.  It was just amazing to see, hear and experience.  I was with another man who commented that he couldn’t understand how they could all fly together without crashing into each other.  At one point there was an almost total blackout there were so many birds.  I think they were Starlings.  They swirled and moved like an enormous school of fish in the ocean through the sky. 

            I wondered why this came to my experience.  As spirit places before us what we need to see!  Well this morning I woke up thinking of the experience. What I realized that the swarm of birds all working together in unison represent what I’ve been feeling about the people of our world.  We are all one people.  We are one with our planet, one with everything.  Everything is connected.  The I Am is in everything.

            I choose to accept the connection of oneness. I choose to be, feel and know that I am connected to all of you and you to me!  Knowing that you are connected to everyone else can’t but lead to Loving everyone as you Love Yourself. 

            In the conscious choice to see and know that you are connected, anything other than loving your neighbors will start to fade away.  When you see something or someone else, that would have angered you or made you judge them about what is happening, you make a conscious choice to say “No, that is my old way of thinking.  This is wrong, and an illusion and I choose to know now that we are one.  God Bless (whatever the person or situation is).”

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