~The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Updates~ Humanity's Date with Destiny~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 16:11

~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~15~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~


~Humanity's Destiny is Right on Schedule~


Artwork By Father God


~Greetings Love Beings, We continue our New Daily Messages, Bringing Humanity Home~


WE are really moving fast energetically now, Faster in moments, than any Moment in this Planet's History. Humanity is being magnetically drawn into the Galactic Center, which is The Present Moment of Now, this alignment date is December 2012. Everyone Together are Destined to Arrive, as Humanity has a Date with ALL Love IS. This is the Divine Plan in Full Activation, WE ALL ARRIVE TOGETHER INTO THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW= THE ONENESS ENERGY.


~Light body activation~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 13:56

For the last three days, since the 12th, I have been experiencing deep releasing from the depths of my root chakra. My entire body has been seizing up involuntarily from contractions in the lower abdomen, pushing energy up my spine and out through my crown. It's painful, and is so powerful that I hear a squeeking noise after all the air escapes me. I have never experienced such powerful clearing. From past experience, I know that when I release a bunch of stored up energy, I can expect a big infusion of light energy to replenish the energy supply with the good stuff, Adam Kadmon particles or whatever you want to call them. As expected, yesterday evening I was getting infused with huge gulps of the good stuff coming in through my high heart chakra and spreading throughout my body. I was super excited about it, because I have never felt so much light energy coming in all at once. As many channels have predicted, it's obvious to me that the influx of light energy coming into the earth's atmosphere is accelerating rapidly. I asked my guides to communicate with me with details about what is happening to my body and what I can expect next.

~ Putin Seen Behind Bars in Spoof Video ~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 12:26

Putin Seen Behind Bars in Spoof Video


The Guardian


Vladimir Putin accused of embezzlement in Russian courtroom in spoof state news channel report seen by 2 million on YouTube

Luke Harding  guardian.co.uk


Wednesday 15 February 2012 11.05 EST


Vladimir Putin behind bars in the spoof news report from the state TV channel.

~ The Lightworker Objective by Owen Waters ~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 11:59

The Lightworker Objective
by Owen Waters


We are in the midst of a revolution in consciousness which is affecting everyone. Even the most staunch traditionalists in society are being dragged into a vortex of ever-increasing change.
The 80-20 rule states that 80% of any change is typically caused by 20% of the people. The 20% consists of the leading thinkers of the day.
In spiritual matters, these leading edge people are sometimes called lightworkers or old souls, indicating that they have learned more from their experiences through many incarnations. This advanced learning is stored as wisdom in their souls and they benefit from it consciously through intuitive inner guidance.
Today’s leading edge thinkers planned ahead to be incarnate at this time in history to help make the essential positive changes in society possible. Social science has now begun to recognize them as a major group in today’s society.
More than 1 in 5 adults have made a shift

Judith Dagley ~ Message From The Celestial Team ~ 15 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 11:39


Judith Dagley ~ Message From The Celestial Team ~ 15 February 2012

Hello, Beloved!

Love is in the air, is it not?  We note that we are transmitting this message to you on a date which many of you call  ”Valentine’s Day”– and so we swoop in like opportunists to use your focus on “love” in these moments to speak of just that–LOVE.   And yes, of course we are opportunists!  Moreover, we hope you are as well, for what is an opportunity besides a door that opens into somewhere you would like to go?  Why would you not waltz through it, then?  After all,  it is opening for YOU! You are the one who has wanted it, created it, and found it.


Yet, the word “opportunist” has been given a somewhat derogatory flavor in your English-speaking cultures, has it not?  As if walking through doors that simply appear in front of you is somehow “cheating.” As if such ease of movement from one timeline to another, without having to sweat and struggle to manifest it, is the sign of a “bad, weak, or slippery character!”


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