It will not be long now before you will begin to see some of what you have been hoping for appear

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 11:23

Greetings dear ones, we come again assure you that all is well and is proceeding according to plan. The world is awakening in greater numbers now. Many are beginning to understand that there is much more to their lives than what they had been taught or were expected to believe. Society is changing because the individuals who make up society are becoming more enlightened. There are those in all countries rebelling against the old ways. They are experiencing an inner knowing of their right to freedom to live in ways that are best for them while respecting that same truth for others as well.


Try not to be discouraged for even though you often do not see the changes, they are happening, your news is not clear and you do not hear all that you could. Many who courageously insist upon change in the world have lost their fear, reflecting a new and higher state of awareness now beginning to manifest in the outer.


Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 11:10


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.  

~The Shift Has Hit the Fan~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 10:53

~The Shift Has Hit the Fan~

2012 February 6

Carmen Allgood, Wake Up World, Feb. 3, 2012


There’s no denying the world is undergoing a remarkable transformation as the spiritual revolution takes hold in our minds.

This shift can be witnessed as terrestrial thought as a whole. One current example of this pivotal moment was clearly seen as the Occupy Movement, which took place all over the world.

This, IMHO, is simply a reflection of our universal desire for unity, cooperation, and our unwavering recognition that, underneath it all, Love is the Answer.


SaLuSa: Many “Tourist Trips” Aboard Our Ships will be Arranged

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 10:44

SaLuSa: Many “Tourist Trips” Aboard Our Ships will be Arranged

2012 February 6
Commentary from Steve Beckow

SaLuSa acknowledges that what he calls “the trip to Neptune” was a genuine mission and says that we will have many tourist trips in time. So he says there is no need to rush ourselves and describes what future trips will be like, as part of the overall effort to bring us and the galactics together.


It’s interesting in this regard that accounts are also appearing around the Internet of people who actually did go aboard the Neptune. One is allegedly John Lear. Let’s hope we hear from others who are there.


SaLuSa  6~February~2012


Blossom Goodchild ~ Sir Steve Beckow! ~ 6 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 10:28

Blossom Goodchild ~ Sir Steve Beckow! ~ 6 February 2012

Ok , my twopence worth … One small step for man … One Giant leap for mankind!


MAN-KIND … and this is what we are … Loving, Kind souls of Light and that is what we shall continue to be … no matter what we are confronted with. We will not succumb to the naysayers and those who wish us ill … We WILL however shine our Light stronger and brighter than ever in the knowledge that there are souls on Earth such as Sir Steve Beckow … who are prepared to take their honour and integrity to the very edge of the cliff and indeed then TRUST and jump off … in the name of Love and Truth!


Did he fly? Yes, in the eyes of those who understand. For it is not in the ‘happening’ or the ‘non happening’ it is in the ‘doing of’ and recognising the energy that the event caused. Look around you folks … did we Lighten up the planet with excitement once again? YES WE DID. Because of the KNOWING in our very hearts that IT WAS POSSIBLE!


Oct 14th did the same. So many consider it to be a failure … a no show … not me … Knowing what I know … it changed the vibration of the planet and woke many … as indeed news of this trip did … so should it be anyone’s Truth that this was all ‘the darks ‘doing … whoo hoo , THE LIGHT won again!!

Waking Up From The Fog ~ 6 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 10:26

Suzanne Poulson~Spooner ~ God & Prilon~ Waking Up From The Fog ~ 6 February 2012



God & Prilon

[Hello God & Prilon.] We would love to address your feelings of discombobulation. [Excellent.] A being is always connected to source,this you know.


As you develop your understanding that you are living much more in the higher realities than the denser realities you disconnect from the density. This can be felt as the discombobulation or fogginess that many experience. This is only a natural feeling.

The ‘lightness’ of the spirit is where you truly feel connected. How you live with your current density is your lesson now.

In the 3-D, all come into the experience with a body. This grounds you so that you can perform the missions you set out to accomplish. The mechanism of running a body is intricate and complicated, to say the least. However you choose to work with your body, the soul is always operating on the source of light.


Man has gone through centuries not connecting the two or believing that only chosen few can transcend the body/spirit connection.

Have you ever wondered why babies sleep so much? It’s to be in their light body more than their physical body.


Greg Giles ~ Message From Sara Of The Galactic Federation

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 10:24

Greg Giles ~ Message From Sara Of The Galactic Federation ~ 5 February 2012

Only one who searches for his or her own truth will learn just how the planet works inside. Those who seek bigger and greater ways of life are the ones who today seek out the tough answers to today’s questions. Are you a seeker and a truth teller? Are you one of the few who will leave the comforts of your familiar beliefs and head out into the unknown of question and seek new answers to this new way of life? What is in store for those who seek higher planes of wisdom is a treasure so great, so freeing to his or her own being and soul that we tell you to step out of the familiar of your current belief systems and challenge everything you have come to know is your reality. What is it is all about, how it operates, how it began, how it will end, and we tell you again dear ones, it is all up to you. This is the key to your answers, although each of you has your own door to unlock and each of your keys are unique to your paths of travel. There is not but one key and one truth, but millions and billions of keys and truths and it is up to each and every one of you to seek and to find your own way and your own meaning to it all.
We congratulate every one of you not for solving life’s most difficult riddles, but we celebrate those of you who take the initiative to find an answer that better fits the question most burning in your mind today. Seek these answers and you shall find, it cannot be any simpler than that.

~SPace Weather Upate Sun Gets Back to Work~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 10:07

BACK TO WORK (UPDATED): After a quiet weekend with no flares of any significance, the sun went back to work on Monday morning and launched a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the expanding cloud during the early hours of Feb. 6th:



Update: New images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) show that this was a frontside event. The explosion occured when a magnetic filament draped over the sun's northeastern limb rose up and snapped. An extreme UV movie from SDO shows the structure lifting off. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

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