Message from Mark of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~3~12~ ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 17:15

Message from Mark of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~3~12~ ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party





‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.’ These are very wise words indeed. Today is the day that you come to the aid of others that need, and will need, your calming voice of reason through these challenging times. Events are now to be set into motion, and the people of your world will now learn once and for all that you are not alone, you have never been alone, and that many others from parts all across this universe are here. Why we are here will be a cause of great speculation. There will be the fear mongers who shout that our presence is for the purpose of invasion. There will be others who will try to use our announcements to further instill fear within the masses to further control you, and there will be those of you such as yourselves who know the truth; that are intentions are strictly honorable and that we are only here to assist humanity make the necessary changes to take a great leap in your advancement, to enter a new age of Galactic partnership. To reverse the devastating effects your industrialization has had on your planet and to help you rid your world of the parasites that have clung to you and have fed off your labors to feed their unquenchable thirst for more money and power. We are here to assist you with these tasks, nothing more, nothing less.

~The Galactic Free Press~ Love's Energy Update~ StarShip Gate Humanity ~Joy Ride~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 16:53

The Galactic Free Press~2~3~12



Love's Energy Update~ Humanity is Here for a New Story in Creation ~ Humanity StarShip~Gate Love~ Joy Ride~




~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere,this includes Humanity.


~The Journey Has Begun~


This is an inevitable event, that was Originally Called forth from Mother Earth, and Her Ascension Home into the Light. All of Humanity is just here for the JOY RIDE!!


~ It’s the Final Countdown~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 15:25

It’s the Final Countdown

2012 February 3
Posted by Vina

It’s the Final Countdown


As I write this, it is the wee hours on Saturday morning here in Australia.


The anticipation is building. Serendipitous signs and synchronicities have been flowing steadily and fluidly since yesterday. The usual sightings of my favourite numbers 44 and 444 have been everywhere – TV commercials, car licence plate numbers, building numbers – ever so fleetingly, you’d miss them if you blinked.

Yes, in a few hours, I may be among the first worldbridgers to be escorted to a grand galactic reunion.

Can I contain myself? Just barely – but in another sense, energetically? Absolutely!


Jamye Price ~ The Energies of February Jamye Price | Crystalline Soul Healing |

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 15:14

Jamye Price ~ The Energies of February

Jamye Price | Crystalline Soul Healing |


February is a month of Focus. We are completing a cycle that began in December of 2010. Here we establish the stronghold of Divine Love within our creating. Your Will is tested to maintain your focus so that your magnetic force of Love is powerful enough to create the world you desire. Patience is pertinent to creating, for as you magnetize your desires, you are beholden to the Free Will of the world around you and cause and effect. This is the polarity game offering refinement and courage, for Free Will brings many options to you. There are those that offer you a choice that may bring immediate or large gain, yet the underlying intention is not love-based. There are those that bring an intention of sharing, growing and creating in love-based vibration.


~ Nice Work, Everyone! Awareness of Disclosure if nothing else ~ Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 14:29

~ Nice Work, Everyone ~

2012 February 3
Posted by Steve Beckow

Well, just to let you know how it’s going. It’s 2:30 a.m. and wherever I turn, and I’m sure it’s the same way for BZ, we have hundreds of emails.  The “comments” and “article suggestion” forms (now closed), the account, BZ’s and my personal email accounts, and any other means of communication – all choc-a-bloc with email.

In the “comments” section to the Flight List, which I’ve had to close as well, people are estimating fairness, etc. But I wonder if you can appreciate that, when one is awash in email, it isn’t possible to sit down here calmly and say, well, in this case, I did x so in this other case I must do the same. I must be consistent. I must take everyone into consideration. I must read every email in order of chronology. Etc.


How can one be consistent when one sits on a mountain of email and must watch for the one email that points to an urgent or special situation that needs to be addressed? I’m afraid one cannot. Mistakes will be made. Some emails will actually remain unread. It cannot be otherwise.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Lightworkers React to Our Journey

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 13:38

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Lightworkers React to Our Journey

2012 February 3
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Here’s a selection of reaction to the news that we’ve asked the galactics to “beam us up.”


Why am I posting this, especially a day before our trip?


Well, when we come back, those who are bold enough can join the group that plans to meet the media. We may as well have a preview of the mixture of reaction we’ll be getting.

And this reaction comes from lightworkers, not from the wider press.


I personally don’t want to miss a single nuance. All is experience and the basis of wisdom.


Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 12:30


UFO mothership 333






Hi dear Family of Light:


There has been rumors and suspects that our Galactic Family are not really going to give the trip 150 people of Earth to Neptuno ship tomorrow Saturday 4th. Some think this could possibly be a plan from the dark to discredit Steve Beckow and all of us Lightworkers in order to dissapoint us and to make us stop working for the Light.


~The Galactic Free Press~ The Truth about The Innocence of Humanity~Humanity is not ignorant Part 2~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 11:57

~The Galactic Freee Press~ Truth Transmissions~






~The Truth about The Innocence of Humanity~Humanity is not ignorant~ Part 2



~Where Can You find Peace, Unconditional Love, Joy, Balance and Harmony? Its definitely not outside, for the outside is illusion, thats just ignorance. You can Only find Peace, Unconditional Love, Joy, Balance  and Harmony from Within. Most of Humanity at this Point, is running around on The Planet unaware that they are Love. So Instead they are working as slaves, keeping appointments, trying to keep things "under control", stressed out, busy, distracted, caught in looking to the outside and for what? What is the purpose? Some of Humanity think that all this pain and suffering is life. When the Real Truth is all happening from within.


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