Acceleration of Ascension ~ Inelia Benz

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 09:45

Acceleration of Ascension ~ 2012


The past two years have seen quantum jumps in the collective expansion of awareness (ascension), and the awakening of the masses.

Words such as Karma, chakras, manifestation, and all sorts of other words that are normally the vocabulary of those who are in a path of self discovery, are now used in society at large.


This year it accelerates a thousand fold.


A few days ago, I was chatting with three women I am collaborating with in a journey beyond mysticism, and after the call, I had the "instructions" from Source that it was time to stop walking on the planet with cotton gloves at an energy level, and to "let it all out", become unlimited. I looked at the instructions and decided to go ahead and apply them.  Of course, the instructions are not just for me, but for everyone who is reading this article too.


To Tots ~ Allendale Weighs in On Steve Beckow and His Joy-Ride on The Ship Neptune

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 09:34

To Tots ~ Allendale Weighs in On Steve Beckow and His Joy-Ride on The Ship Neptune ~ 2/2/12


February 2, 2012



[Good Morning Allendale!] Good Day Tots. May I address the topic du jour? [Absolutely, was hoping you would!] From my perspective I find the position Steve Beckow has put himself in, very important indeed.


This man is so ahead of his time, a true way-shower! He has taken his platform that he has so lovingly built and has stood firm in declaration. This is no minor feat, lassie. We, of all galactic beings, bow our heads and knees in deep appreciation.


~ My Stand in This Matter ~ Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 09:31

~My Stand in This Matter~


2012 February 2
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow with the 2012 Scenerio Team~

Our initial request to Grener to allow twenty people to come on board the ships has grown to at least 120 people, all of whom are willing to embark on an adventure with us.

It has also resulted in a tremendous discussion behind the scenes among lightworkers.

That discussion has almost entirely been amicable, but very serious.


I won’t be naming any of the people with whom I’ve had discussions and I’ve told them so. I will not be publishing anything more than the most general of summaries of what has been discussed.

At the same time, any lightworker with whom I’ve had a discussion is welcome to publish anything I’ve said to them.


SAUL ~ Your shift towards awakening is a joy to behold Brilliant Repost

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 09:18

SAUL ~ Your shift towards awakening is a joy to behold Brilliant Repost


 original post 12/08/2010



~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~


As you become increasingly aware of the fact that you are spiritual beings undergoing an illusory physical experience, it becomes easier for you to accept that you chose to undergo the experience for the lessons you wanted to learn.  Nevertheless, that does not necessarily mean that you can recognize and understand your spiritual lessons as they occur, even though you learn them.  However, as time passes, things that disturb you or unsettle you are experienced less intensely, indicating that you have been learning the lessons presented to you.  It becomes even more apparent to you that you are indeed making progress when you observe others who seem not to learn and who, as you perceive them, keep repeating the same mistakes and suffering the same pains.  Of course it is not as you perceive it!  They too are most definitely learning very valuable lessons; it is just that your ability to perceive, let alone understand what they are learning is sorely limited, although your perception that you are making progress is totally valid.

Changing Your Relationship with Life! by Lisa Gawlas

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 08:31

Changing Your Relationship with Life!

by Lisa Gawlas


I really wasn't going to write a blog today.  I wanted to focus on making my own website clearer, especially the readings page.  Everything has changed and continues to change, as does my relationship in the world of Light Communication.

As I was adding details to the 30 minute reading, I felt the energy message so clearly I have to write about it.  It is too important not to.  This information is the first and greatest key for living in the New Energy fluidly.

~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Patience~ 2 February 2012 ~Easy does it~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 08:12

~Easy does it~
There is no need to hurry or force things to happen . Everything is occurring in perfect timing. Honour and follow your inner wisdom. Trust the guidance of your heart. As you let and follow this guidance, prosperity in the area of your choosing will come your way.


Use the power of affirmations. Make little cards of the affirmations you desire and carry them with you. Place them on little notes around your home as reminders of states of being you desire to achieve. Believe that they are already here and with you, and open the gates of manifestation.


~The year of the Dragon~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 07:58

~The year of the Dragon~



We are in the great year of the Dragon. There has been a lot of publicity about the year of the Dragon although there is much more to it than people realize. The Chinese calendar goes back for centuries and so do the Mayan calendars. There is a very symbolic meaning to the Dragon.
The Dragon glyph is ruled by Neptune and represents unity, water, blood, primal mother, and is the source of life. Dragon is the Mother Goddess. Moving from the formless void into the waters of life, she is red like blood and magnetic. She is the psychic factor of bonding universes, the supraconscious of primal existence. She bonds in unity.

Power Path ~ February Forecast 2012: Keep It Moving

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 07:47

The words that came to describe February were so numerous that I finally came to rest on the one theme that will be the most helpful. The other aspects and themes will be addressed in the discussion of the month and will emerge also in the full and new moon updates.


The main theme for February is Keep it Moving.


This month requires a certain circulation of energy so that things don't get stuck. There could be a tendency for you to become mired in the quicksand of the instinctive center, afraid to move forward, sideways or backwards. You could be like a deer in headlights, frozen in fear and not knowing where to turn so you just dig in, close your eyes, and hope it will go away. It won't. Not this month.

February Energy Update: Ascension Draws Near

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 07:19

~ Galactic Love Reporter Meredith Murphy ~


February Energy Update: Ascension Draws Near


Message from Archangel Michael 

Telepathic Transmission - 1 February 2012

The Energy this Month will Flow in Waves



The energy this month may fool you.  It will let you believe you are opening to Oneness and then it will lead you into a new configuration in which you will feel a bit like you can't feel your connection to things.  Don't be concerned about these waves of experience; you are being substantially upgraded this month and with each alteration to your structure, your energetic interfaces to Gaia, your higher-self, the crystalline Earth grid, to your soul family and other versions of you, are being enlarged and elevated.  

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