Visionkeeper ~ Gifting One World Rising

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 11:40

Visionkeeper ~ Gifting

One World Rising


We talk a great deal about wanting change, waiting for the shift to happen. But what about putting those thoughts and wishes into action while we are waiting?

Time is of the essence and we seem to be squandering it needlessly while we sit and wait for miracles to happen. It is time we move into action and start creating gifting in our communities and awaken our hearts even more through giving and gratitude.

Gifting locally brings our immediate areas of living to life, brings them together and urges the act of feeling gratitude to flourish. It creates a center of being in the community and returns us to that space of once again needing one another that we have lost somewhere on our journey.


The act of not needing anyone is alienating and divisive. If we are to truly be one with all we must return to a give and take society where we all help each other. This, in turn, begins to lessen our dependence on the government and corporate takeover of our way of life. I like the sound of that.


Adamu Clarifies and Expands His Remarks on Disclosure

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 11:30


Adamu Clarifies and Expands His Remarks on Disclosure With commentary from Steve Beckow


Zingdad has asked Adamu for further clarification of the remarks he made earlier, which caused a reaction from readers. Adamu has in fact responded.

He says that life itself is a game. And, of course, it is.  God created the game of life, which Hindus call a lila or divine play, so that He might meet himself in moments of our enlightenment, as Adamu confirms for us here.


He lays out for us the game that the service-to-others players and the service-to-self players are playing. If there is a place that I disagree with Adamu it is in his estimation of the service-to-others players in, say, the Galactic Federation only being a step or two ahead of us and not coming from unity consciousness. I think we would disagree there, but amicably, over a bowl of Pleiadian nectar perhaps.


an Update from Ashtar~ Much is Happening NOW~ Galactic Love Reporter Angelica

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 11:05

Ashtar 28TH of January, 2012 With an Update from Ashtar~  Much is Happening NOW~

Galactic Love Reporter Angelica



Greetings my Dear Angelica and my Dear children of the Light, it is I Ashtar who is here to say a few words that can be seen as timely right now. As you have noticed much is happening all around you now, both on a personal level with you and so also with your closest fellow man and woman, and further out in the world that is your reality right now on Mother Earth. I wish to tenderly caress your cheek and tell you that you shall not be afraid, My Dear Ones. It is as it should be, hard as it might sound at first, as the changes,

John Smallman ~ Saul ~ Take Confidence In The Glorious Outcome That Awaits You ~ 29 January 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 10:53

 Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Saul ~ Take Confidence In The Glorious Outcome That Awaits You ~ 29 January 2012


From the spiritual realms we are pouring down an abundance of love and assistance as the moment for humanity’s awakening draws ever closer.  Put yourselves into a relaxed or meditative state, open up your hearts in acceptance of it, experience the increasing sense of peace it brings you, and take confidence in the glorious outcome that awaits you.  It is, without doubt, the most wonderful event ever to occur in your long and arduous progression through the illusion, because it is bringing you out of it!


It seems to you that this moment has been an extremely long time in coming, but in truth you have only been asleep momentarily, as you will fully understand when you awaken into the glory of Reality, where all are one with our gracious and beneficent Creator.  Intense and everlasting joy is to embrace you and raise you into the natural and magnificent state that is your right, your heritage, and your destiny – perfectly harmonious and eternally creative Union with God.  There is nowhere else but this; it is where you belong; it is Home.


~ Jesus ~ You All Need To Make A Point Of Asking Each Day For Assistance ~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 10:19

 Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ You All Need To Make A Point Of Asking Each Day For Assistance ~ 29 January 2012


As humanity continues to make increasingly rapid progress on its path of spiritual evolution, you all need to make a point of asking regularly each day for assistance from your friends and loved ones in the spiritual realms; that’s who all of us here are – your friends and loved ones – and our joyful task, which we approach with enormous enthusiasm, is to assist you in any way we can.  We are always available 24/7, but you have to ask.


The illusion is a very strange and unreal environment, and as a result decisions that you make and intentions that you hold need constant reinforcement.  You have to make them at least daily, and hourly if you can, because your egos are always looking for an opportunity to set up an attack or a defense, and the behavior of another, while totally inoffensive in intent or in delivery, can and often will be deliberately misinterpreted to permit your ego to make a condemnatory judgment of it and goad you into responding inappropriately.  Doubtless you have all had occasion to misjudge someone, and, later, when you recalled the incident, you wondered why you had reacted so strongly to something so insignificant.


Space Weather Update ~ Inside a Solar wind stream~ Wind speed 394

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/29/2012 - 10:09

JUPITER AND THE MOON: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look up. Jupiter and the nearly-half Moon are gathered together less than 10o apart. It's a beautiful sight, and a nice way to end the day.


On Jan. 28th, pilot Brian Whittaker was flying 34,000 feet over Greenland when he saw the Moon approaching Jupiter above a vibrant blanket of auroras:


"The bright green aurora made the proximity of Jupiter, the Moon, and Venus very pretty," says Whittaker. "I can hardly wait for the closer conjunctions in late February and mid March!"


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