~Mira From The Pleiadian High Council ~ The old governments can no longer hide the Truth from You~ 27 January 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 14:29

~Galactic Love Reporter Valerie Donner ~

~Mira From The Pleiadian High Council ~ The old governments can no longer hide the Truth from You~ 27 January 2012


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We meet you with our open hearts and are your family.


We come from the Pleiades and are close to the Earth. We visit in ships and are present with the Earth. We stand by with our ships for the time that we can physically present ourselves to the populace of Earth. Some of us actually live with you. We appear as you appear and we have different roles to play and jobs to do. We are resolved to create this part of our purpose, to become a part of you. We know there are still issues for some of you and your governments. We are patient but the time is coming when we will make ourselves obvious.


There are numerous components to prepare for and plan for prior to our visits. It will not just be us but many others from different planets and star systems. We ask you for your openness to our arrival and your welcome. We offer only the best of the Pleiades and in turn we will meet with only the highest degree of goodness from the Earth. This is the way that we work and we are certain that you understand our viewpoint.

~ Message From The Galactic Federation~ Will You Take Back Your Rights Today?~ 27 January 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 12:44

 Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation~Will You Take Back Your Rights Today?~ 27 January 2012


Sharing. Sharing is the concept that will take you far into your new experience and allow your civilization to reach great heights never before attained. It is the lack of sharing in your world that has created so many blockages that have been the cause of so much of your hardship and strife. We, the Galactic Federation, wish to share with you our knowledge and experience with this concept, and show you how an entire society can flourish when based on this simple method of economics.

You Are Part Of An Enormous Creative Plan Of God~ God Says Peace On Earth ~ Valuable Repost for our current moments~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 12:37

~Galactic Love Reporter Ruth Ryden~


 You Are Part Of An Enormous Creative Plan Of God~ God Says Peace On Earth ~ Valuable Repost for our current moments~


Original Post 30 November 2011




Ruth: Masters, our country and the rest of the world are going around in circles, and this coming month and the turn of the year has so many worried and concerned about our government breaking down, not to mention countries trying to change their leaderships by violence and protests. Would you please comment on what you see for us in December in this regard and a little bit into the much-prophesied predictions for 2012?



Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 12:29

Mirrored from
to whom I AM very grateful for creating that very inspiring Video!

Original Title
THE GOLDEN RULE: a call for unity
and published at

The Golden Rule from around the world and across religious faiths. An interfaith message for moral harmony! "Shri Ram" by Robert Gass

The Final Shifting of Planet Earth and Humanity 2012-2013 : A new relationship with Earth ♥

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 12:21

This is a very important message for all of us , the shifting on Planet Earth in her axis in 2012 is so important also for our own shifting in consciousness and the 5th Dimensional sun that will start pouring its light on December 21, 2012. It is so important to talk everyday with our planet , connect with her and assist her in this process of shifting for this will assist you also greatly in your own evolution...
Mother Earth is waiting to hear from all of us who love her and care for her, she has suffered so much the destructive human free will upon her own skin ...please do your part and assist Gaia in this great shifting so this will lessen the tremendous impact upon the surface of the Earth.

1~27~12~X 2 CLASS SOLAR FLARE Not Earth Directed, but will Effect the Planet~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 11:54

X-FLARE: Departing sunspot 1402 unleashed an X2-class solar flare today, Jan. 27th, at 18:37 UT. Click on the image to view a movie of the extreme ultraviolet flash recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:



Sunspot 1402 is rotatiing onto tthe far side of the sun, so the blast site was not facing Earth. Nevertheless, energetic protons accelerated by the blast are now surrounding our planet, and an intensifying S1-class radiation storm is in progress. Stay tuned for updates. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


~Horus: You Are to Meet Your Inner Earth Family Shortly~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 11:15

~Horus: You Are to Meet Your Inner Earth Family Shortly~





Horus via Nancy Tate

~Brilliant Repost for our current Moments~


It is a time for all of you dear ones on earth to wake up and realize that you are not alone. I say this is a deeper sense of the word, for you have heard this spoken by us many times. I speak the words now for I am sharing with you the deeper meaning of the words; the deeper timeliness of what they mean to you right now and in the next few days.


I am Horus with you once again, and I speak from the garden of the Telosians as we gather for the upcoming emergence into your world and your acknowledgement. I come with the knowledge that there are many of you who are beginning to see what it is that you can do to be able to greet us and see us as we are in relation to you.


~ 2012 ~ Planet Earth Transition: "Disclosure ~ Mass Landings & First Contact ~ Inner Earth" Quotes taken from Channeled Material~ Disclosure Progress:

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 11:08

~ 2012 ~
Planet Earth Transition: "Disclosure ~ Mass Landings & First Contact ~ Inner Earth" Quotes taken from Channeled Material from the Site Above~ Brilliant Reshare~


Disclosure Progress:

"The period we are passing through is when Mother Earth is to be made over to the Light. This process is nearly done. The end of this particular stage will be the formal announcements that proclaim that our space family is here and ready to disclose its program for the landings. At the same time, the first broadcasts from our Agarthan family will go out. We have lived among them for millennia and know how much they desire to reunite the realms of Inner and surface Earth. They intend to show you around their glorious world and prepare you for your journey back to full consciousness. The environs and residences where this is to take place are ready and waiting for your occupancy. We have supervised all the preparations and greatly look forward to completing your ascension. It is vital that the divine plan be manifested, and manifested now!"

- Washta & Ascended Masters / through Sheldan Nidle 12th July 2011

"Know that if your leaders do not shortly come to terms with a Disclosure announcement, we will do so on their behalf since the time within which to acclimatize you to the changes necessary for Ascension grows shorter by the day."

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