Kiss the Earth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 18:26

God said:

I am your dear God. That’s it! What did you think I was? Did you really think that I am a despot who delights in making you dance through hoops?

In one sense, there is only one choice I give you, and that is the choice to grow. Willingly or unwillingly, you will grow, and you will grow higher and higher like Iowa corn. You will grow even higher than Jack and the Beanstalk. Not even the sky is the limit. There is no limit to the heights you can climb. There simply are no limits. In other words, you are limitless.

This is a wonderful thing, yet you fear it. You may protest the ground that you walk on, yet you don't want to let go of it. What do you think I would say to you?

I say to you: Kiss the Earth beneath your feet and kiss the Unlimitedness of your rising higher and higher. You will not have to stand upon your tiptoes. You will get off the ground and fly. You will fly. Do you know the happiness this is?

Has not everyone had dreams of flying?

Dreams come true. You will soar. You will fly beyond your wildest dreams, and dream anew yet Great Dreams, and they will also come true.

I have heard you say: "There has to be more to Life than this."

How right you are. Shakespeare penned it: "There are more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Yet you have dreamt them all in your psychology.

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 5, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 17:45

So many of you wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or doing enough. Dear Ones, your beingness is more than enough! There is no one else on your planet that holds the exact same energetics, talents, interests, or character traits. You came into the body with all of those things because that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole.

Never worry if you are enough, because as an individuated aspect of Source energy there is no way that you could ever not be enough. In fact, that is why we urge you to shine brightly and beautifully just as you are – because your beingness is your greatest contribution and exactly what the world has been waiting for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 4, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 09:28

Many people hold back love because they think it is a limited commodity, that there is only a certain amount that they have to give. This belief occurs when a person is has not yet discovered their own divinity as an individuated aspect of Source energy.

When you come to the realization that not only are you born from love, you ARE love, and that not only is it an infinite resource, it is your truest, best feeling expression of self, you become comfortable with allowing it to flow. From honouring that truth of self and that alignment, it becomes easy to move into unconditional love.

If you see people who are practicing separation and conditional love, realize they have not yet discovered their own divinity or the abundance of love they are and have access to. They are still in the pain of the illusion of separation from Source, and are experiencing themselves as limited beings.

Hear us when we say that their experience of lack of love is in no way powerful enough to choke off your experience of an abundance of love. They are simply individual choices of self expression based on what they accept as their viable options. All people would choose love, alignment, connection, and peace, if they truly believed it was available to them.

But of course, life on Earth at present is far from normal.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 07:57

Humanity is preparing itself for a massively inspiring and uplifting occurrence, a general spiritual awakening that is available to all, offered to all, But imposed on no one!  You have free will, which is an essential aspect of your divine nature, the absolute freedom to accept or reject the Love that surrounds you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Love is freely offered and bestowed upon you by God, our divine Source, the Center from which all consciousness, all awareness flows constantly and without interruption.  It is the Life Force, the field in which all experience occurs.  It is eternal, without beginning or end, and It is Indestructible!  There is nothing beyond It, because all is contained within It, safe, secure, at peace, while beautifully and harmoniously interacting with Itself in every moment.

And yet, because Love is infinitely gentle, constant, unforced, and accepting, each individual field of consciousness, each conscious living entity created by God in His infinite Love and Wisdom, is absolutely free to accept or reject It.  The games of separation that you have been playing for eons absolutely depend on that freedom.  Without complete freedom there could be no experience of separation.

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