Honor and respect yourselves and behave in ways that live up to that honor and respect.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 21:12

Changes are occurring thick and fast on Earth as more and more of you become aware that you have been seriously misled by those in positions of authority for a very long time. You have a saying, credited to the Englishman, Sir John Dalberg-Acton, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” The truth of this statement becomes more apparent daily, as whistle-blowers disclose ever more corruption in governments and multi-national corporations worldwide. It is shocking for many of you to realize that so many of those whom you relied upon to be honest have betrayed that trust

However, that kind of betrayal has been endemic within the illusion for eons, and it needs to be seen so that humanity will move out of its blind acceptance of statements by authority figures that are made to confuse and frighten you into accepting them as honest individuals with your best interests at heart. You now see that this is not so! Many individuals who have been in the public eye presenting themselves as sane and balanced leaders are now seen to be utterly ego-driven as they struggle to destroy others who are competing with them for worldly positions of power and influence. Truly this is a moment of awakening for humanity worldwide. Do not close your eyes or turn away!

Keep on Dreaming

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 21:09

God said:

I am big on dreams. Have them. Dreaming is setting your sights on what you would like.

Watch out, however, that you don't turn yearning into a kind of begging for leniency. You are My child, and not a beggar. You do not ask Me for a hand-out. You do not put all your eggs in one basket. You are not hapless. You are not helpless. You have a will.

When you say: "God's Will, not my will," this does not mean to accept poverty as your lot, for instance. For Heaven's sakes, it is My Will that you prosper. When you are in a desert and you are thirsty, you don't have time to theorize, to sit there wishing for a well of water to appear, so you get up to find water.

I can work miracles. There is no doubt of that. At the same time, let it be your will to get up and seek water. Relying on Me doesn't mean you just sit there as if you were incapable of getting up.

Remind yourself that responsibility is not blame. Don't blame Me for your troubles, and don't blame yourself, and don't blame anyone else. What you may be emphasizing in your mind likely needs an overhaul.

If you focus on need and helplessness, odds are you will have need and helplessness. Be patient with life while you also come up with ideas. Go for a new vision. Go for a new compilation of how you could see differently when you choose to. Be open to new ways. Desire, yet not be limited to desire. Take some steps. It may be baby steps you take before you see a new horizon before you.

Hang On….

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 08:05

There may be times when things seem dark, unfulfilling and mundane.  Please know that during these moments (and they are just moments) it is The Universe saying there are changes coming, good things heading your way.  You are being told, “Just hang on, sweetie, hang on.  It is coming.” ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 6, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 06:05

Imagine going into your own heart. Feel the love that you are! As you are in your own heart centre, do you feel any areas that need extra love and support? If there are, go ahead and give love to yourself and feel it transform. This is a wonderful exercise to see the truth of the love you are, to treat yourself to even more love, and then, from that place of knowingness, wholeness, and acceptance, simply BE love. ~Archangel Gabriel



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/05/2016 - 21:11

God said:

Do not always hold yourself responsible for others' growth or their reluctance to grow. I know you don't want to offend anyone, and, yet you do not want to jump around to please everyone else all the time. You may have done that enough. No longer do you want to put your personal feelings aside and spend your life pandering to others. This is the bind you may find yourself in. The tough question is: Whom are you going to represent in your Life -- you or every one else?

You may have an idolized picture of yourself spreading only joy to everyone. You would love that. As it is, you may have long followed the path of least resistance, going along with too many others' perceived needs over your own, for your not having learned yet how to represent yourself.

Enough of representing others to the exclusion of yourself, for then, you may find you may have built-up many little resentments for little things, and you react perhaps more than is called for. You overreact.

You begin to notice that you are irate inside, and you may start to infringe on another because, at the moment, you are caught up in making up for lost time, setting the world straight on your rights of representation.

You may see yourself as needing to rally around a cause. The cause may become your outrage to another and compassion for yourself.

You may feel the wind taken out of your sails. It may be that this seeming other had the wind taken out of his sails that has nothing to do with you personally, yet you may take it personally.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 5, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/05/2016 - 08:10

Dear Ones, when you bump up against an obstacle in your life you can’t seem to find your way around, give it UP. Give it to God, give it to the universe, give it to the angels. Allow your guides and helpers to show you potentials you never would have thought of, to lead you beyond it, to gently guide you with love and care to your best outcome. That is what we are all here for, to serve you, guide you, and assist you, and it is always our greatest joy to do so. ~Archangel Gabriel


Get Busy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/05/2016 - 06:10

You have a saying on your Earth plane; ”Get busy living or get busying dying.”  Once again, you are offered a choice to stand up, change directions and move forward or lie down and remain motionless.  As challenging as the growth process may seem at times, the benefits are endless.  Which are you going to indulge? ~ Creator


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