You Are Growing…..

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/30/2016 - 09:20

What of emotional pain, physical pain and the like? As beings of light on this Earth plane, it is showing you a way to change how you see your existence. As always – you are given choices on what, where and how to see your world. Experience each moment with love and the full knowledge that, with each challenge, you are growing. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 30, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/30/2016 - 08:10

Your power centre – the place where you can best create from – is a place of alignment and full presence in the Now moment. If you start feeling uncomfortable or anxious, we recommend you play a game we like to call In This Right Now Moment.

It is very easy. Simply still yourself for a moment with a couple of deep breaths and intend to connect with Source. It does not matter if you feel anything, your intention is more than enough. Even just simply saying to yourself, “God is guiding me now” (feel free to substitute whatever terminology feels best to you for the word God) is also very effective. Then simply start looking around for what is working for you at the moment.

Examples of this could be: “In this right Now moment, I have plenty of air to breathe.” “In this right Now moment, I am safe and loved.” “In this right Now moment, I am warm, dry and fed.” “In this right Now moment, I see beauty.” “In this right Now moment, even without doing a thing, I am a beloved part of Source energy.” “In this right Now moment I am good.” Just start seeing the things that are oh, so right in your world, and in yourself, and as you do so you will start to feel much more present and more comfortable in your body.

Greater Than the Eye Can See

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/29/2016 - 20:11

God said:

It so happens that this Heavenletter your eyes fall on now was written on Christmas Eve Day, December 24, 2015. That is, I whispered these words on Christmas Eve Day, and five or six months later, you are now arbitrarily reading My Words at a particular time and place.

This gives you an idea about the relativity and impossibility of time. What is written today is good to read any day. And when you read what you read today a second time or another year from now for the first time or tenth time, it may strike you as even greater.

Yes, time is an apparition.

And, yes, two thousand or so years ago, a Prince was born. He was a special Being with a special path. I would like to impart to you what I have said before, you are also a Prince or a Princess. Born in a later era, still you, too, are Royalty born with a special path to follow, a deed to do or word to say that illuminates.

It doesn't require fame for you to be important. Fame is of time and space. You are greater than fame.

We are speaking of greater than time, and greater than space, and greater than the physical. We are speaking of a Mightiness that surpasses all you can think of.

There is not one child born who does not have a special-one-of-a-kind purpose. Your purpose fits in. You are a puzzle piece shaped in a unique way, fulfilling something vital and that only you can fulfill. Whatever your conscious ambitions may be, your special purpose fulfills much more.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 29, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/29/2016 - 08:15

Dear Ones, you are sovereign beings and can claim the energetics you desire at any time. You are in charge! What would you like to declare today? It is as simple as stating what you choose. Here are some examples. I choose peace. I choose calm. I choose love. I choose ease. I choose joy. I choose presence. I choose connection. Do you see? You get to choose from the myriad of options that are available to you.

Select an energy that you desire. Savour it. Wear it. Feel it. Say the word. Imagine it written in your energetics. Wrap yourself up in it. BE it. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to embrace your authentic power and select your preference? Isn’t it an empowering experience to anchor the energy you want despite what might be going on around you? That, Dear Ones, is what will continue to support the shift on your planet and nurture the world you are wishing to create – individual human beings choosing the energies they prefer and beautifully embodying them. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Simple Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/28/2016 - 22:17

God said:

Which one of My children is not a reflection of Myself in the mirror of the Sun, Moon, Stars, waters of the lake and so on? Which one of you can possibly be less than I say you are? Not one of you. If you think so, you dissemble.

You may think you are being modest. Do you think you are supposed to put yourself down and make yourself less than you are? What is there about pointing yourself out as small that seems so important to you? This supposed humility is an act of ego that calls your attention to your little self, perhaps even with tears in your eyes. Wake up.

Look, if I say you are made of Magnificence, just nod, and say, "Yes, God." Maybe the Truth will get through to you. You have nothing to gain by highlighting what you see as great humility. Humility was never meant to diminish you in the slightest.

Furthermore, why would You call me a Dreamer or a Spinner of Tall Tales, or a falsifier or some kind of scammer, trying to pull the wool over your eyes? Why? I am the Most Direct Speaker you will ever hear. If you cannot give me a vote of confidence, at least give Me your ear for a few moments.

What if I am accurate, and you are mistaken? Why be so mistaken about all that you don't have any idea that you are mistaken about? It is not a good idea to throw darts at yourself.

I, the God of Heaven and Earth, say strongly to you: C'mon, what is the point of contradicting the Truth of what I say? When it comes to Me, it makes sense for you to say Yes.

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