Embrace You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/02/2016 - 07:05

As you grow spiritually, some of you may view your bodies as something to despise; heavy, cumbersome packages that no longer serve you. In embracing your Earth-plane existence in its entirety (including your body), there will be no need to ‘escape’ into your mind. Everything you need is right there. ~ Creator


Reality is infinitely beyond anything you can possibly imagine.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/01/2016 - 23:01

As you watch the daily news unfold across the planet it is unmistakably apparent that enormous changes are occurring worldwide. These changes are essential to humanity’s well-being, so make the intent at least once daily, and preferably 4 or 5 times daily, that Love, the true nature of every human, rises into their conscious awareness and that they embrace It wholeheartedly to bring about the new social structures necessary to ensure that peaceful and harmonious co-existence between individuals and nations becomes firmly established in this New Age which you entered in December 2012.

It is a done deal, but it is being done by you, by humanity, in every now moment, and thus you can see that it is your intent that is the driving force behind it.

Be Yourselves!

Let the conflicts and disharmonies of the illusion fall away, and take exalted enjoyment in what you are creating in every moment by your total sense of self acceptance which then allows and encourages you to fully accept and honor others as well, instead of, as for eons past of your history, constantly judging one another as inadequate, wrong, or evil.

You are all, each and everyone of you without exception, God’s beloved children. He watches over each one of you with infinite Love; all you have to do is accept His Love and share and extend It to all of humanity. It is an utterly simple way to be, it makes no demands on you, and requires no judgment or discernment, only that you be Yourselves.

God's Invitation to Godwriting

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/01/2016 - 23:01

God said:

Whether I have or have not told you before  about your possible reluctance in hearing what I whisper to you, the fact is that I sing to you and everyone all the time. This is the meaning of Omnipresence.

I sing to you and spin a world and you into existence through My Consciousness of Love which is to say Our Oneness. I speak to all, not just a few who are esteemed. Only in the world is anyone considered a cut or two above anyone else.

You must know that judgment is not My Way of Thinking. Judgment tires out everyone. I love and welcome every single one of My children. I leave no one out.  Therefore, I am never tired.

There is a vibration I strum through the Universe. From My Vibration of Love, a sense of My Meaning reaches you, possibly an image of what I sing of thee to you that you can pick up at any moment. I am not philosophy. I am real. If I speak or sing to anyone, it is of thee I sing.

Hearing what I communicate to you is a natural event. It does not take training. If it takes anything, it takes daring. You see hearing Me as a far-off thing. You may never have considered it possible let alone likely. Once again, consider the possibility, for this possibility is a certainty.

Daily Message ~ Friday July 1, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/01/2016 - 08:10

Dear Ones, the more you are true to yourselves – the more you honour your preferences, your passions, your interests, your ideals – the faster you will create the life of your dreams, and draw to you the kindred souls who share the same visions. Don’t be afraid to be uniquely you, to allow your own special blend of divine energy to shine bright, for that is exactly what you are on the planet to do, and that is how your perfect matches can find you. ~Archangel Gabriel


Own It, Use It

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/01/2016 - 07:20

One of the few things that will show your growth to yourself and the world is the ability to admit when you are wrong.  You, as a human being, will make mistakes.  That is part of the reason you chose to manifest on your Earth plane.  Lying, minimizing, speaking a half truth or playing the counter-transference ‘game’ does nothing except erode your honesty and integrity.  During this great time of change, these are two of the most important things you own.  Use them to the best of your ability. ~ Creator


Give Joy to the World This Minute

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/30/2016 - 21:38

God said:

It is one thing to want to always do good, to do your best, to wish to spread joy to the world. It is another thing to be under the thrall of fear, to be in dread of failing the Universe, or Me or yourself, and, thus, putting yourself in jeopardy. To live under the thumb of fear is not a joyous state. To fear making faulty decisions does a number on your energy.

How do We unleash you from the bounds of fear? Fear is not a good master. Fear pounds nails into you.

I would love to see the dragon of fear erased from the Face of the Earth. Fear exists nowhere else but in the minds of men. Withdrawal from fear, putting fear aside, getting out from under fear is a great unblocker of tension. No longer accept fear as your guide.

To even think of your mind and body rising above fear relieves your heart.

Do you imagine that I would want even one child of Mine to live under fear? What a harrowing state of existence. No, fear is not at all what I want you to major in. Undo fear. Look at fear askance. Fear has grabbed you by the neck, and you have held on to it tight.

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