Awakening in Dystopia

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 20:27

by Zen Gardner

An awakening of consciousness causing huge paradigm shifts personally and in all aspects of society is clearly taking place. Whether it’s caused by the galactic alignment or the completion of epochal cycles or interplanetary intervention, or just the evolution of our species, it’s important for all of us to not fight this wonderful, empowering change.

We need to embrace it and grow with it and let our previous notions continue to fade away.

As so often is the case, personal awakenings come through changes–changes in our understanding, circumstances or personal experience that in turn affect our perception of the world around us and hence our interaction with it. And they will continue, in new and surprising ways.

I know for myself the economic downturn last decade, coupled with other forces of course, was one of the best turning points in my life, as I moved to where I wanted to be, got off the treadmill, did what I was meant to do, and stopped putting off my life and intended purpose by chasing the carrot of future security.

And everything has radically changed for the better in every aspect of my life since, as my consciousness and awareness grew exponentially.

Love Is Now in Fashion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 20:25

God said:

What would you like to say to Me right now? Seriously, if you and I sat knee to knee, what would you want to say to Me? Would you be tongue-tied? Would you be mute because of all you have stored up inside you? Or would you talk a blue-streak and not let Me get a word in edgewise!

It wouldn't matter. Between Us, between the One of Us, Silence also speaks, and, even if you babble a blue-streak, it doesn't matter. We understand everything. There are no barriers between Us.

And, if you didn't speak at all, what is it that words can answer now as We are inundated in love from all seeming directions? Love is the medium We live in. If Truth be known, love is Our Constant.

We know each other intimately. All is known before We speak. In Truth, nothing has to be said. We go beyond speech. We are One, and what does anything matter when We are together beyond any walls the world puts up? What is there to talk about really anyway that matters anywhere near the love We are? Our love is not only possible, it is established.

Our hearts speak. We are beyond and before language. We are bird-song. We hear Ourselves in the music nature sings. No impasse can exist between us. There is no interruption that can interrupt Our love, for We are attuned.

Nothing matters to Us except love, and We have all of it. We are all of it. Love is all, and all is love. We are incapable of not loving. You may feel you are not capable of loving or sustaining love when you are the very existence of love itself.

6 Examples Of Divide And Conquer … and What You Can Do

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 07:54

Divide and Conquer America

Paul Philips, Guest
Waking Times

In order to keep the populace deceived into believing that the ‘theatre of illusion’ world they live in is real, it has been necessary for those controlling the show – the world’s ruling elite with their stage con artists – to artfully invent a number of distractions. These distractions are designed to keep the populace’s focus away from the ruling elite’s deceptions so that they don’t get worked out and become exposed.

One of the ruling elite’s most effective pieces of distraction woven and spun, socially engineered into the fabric of the fake world for controlling the populace, is the divide and rule tactic.

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A Core Secret of Happiness: Living life Without The Need For Specific Results

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 07:48

Many of us have played that toxic “If only” game with ourselves – consciously or subconsciously.  You may know the game – it is based on a host of obsessive thoughts constructed by our strong wish that things could be different:

“If only I had more money, I’d be happy. . .  If only I got that promotion, I’d be happy. . .   If only I could meet that special someone, I’d be happy. . .”

It is such a seductive game, because the attainment of our desired goals and objectives often does make us feel good. . .  for a while.  Like a sugar rush, these milestones and things energize and revitalize us for a time, but since they lack the power to make us inherently happy and are subject to all kinds of reversals of fortune, we inevitably come crashing down.  When we hinge our happiness on specific results and outcomes, we set ourselves up for a life of enervating up-and-down emotional cycles, never really being happy and at peace because we make our happiness dependent on specific things that may not happen, or in the blink of an eye, could be taken away from us.

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 4, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 07:05

Love is the great connector and the great unifier. Can you see how vital it would be to use it for yourself? As you connect with yourself and include yourself as a vital and beloved part of the greater whole, how could you feel abandoned, afraid, alone? Could it be that it has been you and your tender love you’ve been waiting for all along? ~Archangel Gabriel

A Game of Tag

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/03/2016 - 19:56

God said:

There is no distance, so how can there be miles? There is no time, so how can there be minutes? Yet the very Earth you live on at present knows space and time and all else that the world professes to know. You are mightily dependent upon illusions you live with and wink at. On Earth, not knowing what else to do, you depend upon the unsubstantiated that everyone goes along with. You tread again and again a Hampster Wheel of Life.

Life on Earth seems to be life on a weak limb, yet, therein, are also the joys of Life on Earth. You are granted colors and sunlight and moonlight and starlight, electric lights, Christmas lights and shadow upon shadow. You have stop and you have go. You have varying textures, and you have surprises on Earth, some you like, and some you don't.

Life on Earth is a Wonder of Delights. At the other end of the spectrum – and Life on Earth always has another end of the spectrum – lie fear and terror and error. Fear and terror and error are available to you, yet, must you partake?

Can you not forsake the worrisome facts of life? Why put your trust in that which does not give you joy? How pitiful are fear and terror as they include fear of the known and fear of the Unknown and suspected error?

The blood in your veins is not made of fear. Your DNA is brave and withstands a great deal. Your DNA knows not fear unless you pound fear into your DNA. It seems like you trim your DNA around the edges, as if your DNA demands heartache.

Statism in a Nutshell: From Thievery to Tyranny in Five Easy Steps

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/03/2016 - 12:02

Gary Z McGee, Staff
Waking Times

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” ~Unknown proverb

War is murder, no matter how you try to justify it. Taxation is theft, no matter how you try to codify it. Statism is tyranny, no matter how you try to rationalize it. No amount of justification, codification, and rationalization will get you off the hook for murder, thievery, and tyranny. The only solution? Stop justifying, codifying, and rationalizing murder thievery and tyranny. It can only be resolved from the ground up; never from the top down. Meaning: it begins with you. It begins by recognizing how individual thievery can become collective tyranny.

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