Darkness Or Light

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/06/2016 - 09:15

When you are walking through dark times with your arms outstretched and feeling your way to the next moment, it is important to remember that you have the ability to change the environment at any time.  I am always beside you every step of the way and I create with you.  It is solely up to you to choose darkness or light….all I am waiting for is a word from you. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 6, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/06/2016 - 08:30

When you are in judgment, you are choosing rejection and separation. It is active resistance, which will always ultimately lead to discomfort. When you are in acceptance, you are choosing inclusion and unity. It is active allowing which will always ultimately lead to peace. ~Archangel Gabriel


The Glasses You Wear

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/05/2016 - 21:24

God said:

Everything now, as it appears to you, no matter how you may not like it, no matter how appalled you may be at it, upset, hurt to the bone, bereaved, distraught, heartbroken, and unable to face, is a perfect rendition of life -- if you could but see… If you could but see…

No great artist could make a greater rendition of this scene before you. A scene by itself, taken out of context, is, nevertheless, a portrait carved out of life. It is true in your eyes, yet it is not true, as you see it or may ever see it while you walk on Earth. Disconnectedness seems to be part of your picture. It is a vivid picture you hold. It is what you see and carry with you, yet it is not true. Much of life is not true as you see it.

You wear glasses that do not help your vision. Even as these may be old glasses you have outgrown, you may still squint through them. There is a far greater context of life far beyond the raw and rough of life as you may take life to be.

Of course, you react to life as you see it. You see it to the best of your ability. Some day you will be more far-sighted. You will see a greater vision and meaning of events beyond what you now see as tragic.

Where you wept once upon a time, you will begin to see dimensions you could not have dreamed of before. If you had dreamed of them or had a suspicion of them, you would not have let yourself be cheered up by them because you were convinced that your period of mourning was not up and, perhaps, never would be up.

Glyphosate Discovered In California Wines, Including Those Made With Organic Grapes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/05/2016 - 10:35

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

On March 16th, Moms Across America received results from a test conducted by Microbe Inotech Lab of St. Louis, Missouri that showed 100 percent of the wines tested (10)  contained the chemical glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, which is the most widely used herbicide on the planet. In the past two decades alone, many billions of pounds of this stuff have been sprayed all across America, and billions more all over the world.

Moms Across America has initiated multiple tests of glyphosate in water, urine, breast milk, baby formula, and more. Findings have also been reported in cereal, bread, honey, cow’s milk, soy source, pet food, and beer.

According to their report:

You are always completely supported by your divine Source.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/05/2016 - 09:06

The breakthrough leading to humanity’s awakening has occurred! The tipping point has been reached and the balance has now moved irreversibly in favor of your awakening. You have been waiting eons for this moment, the moment when the collective realizes that dissension, confrontation, and conflict will never resolve the issues that appear to divide you. You are all one, with differences in race, culture, creed, and skin color that are reason for celebration, not judgment. All sentient life forms, including humanity, are divine beings, children of God, created perfect, created in Love, and whom God honors as He honors Himself.

The animosity that has grown up over the eons between the various human races and creeds must end. It is insane to oppose and fight with your divine brothers and sisters. You only do this because you cannot see that you are all one. The illusion has spread a veil or a cloak of concealment between Reality, where you know you are One, and your seemingly separated human selves, where it appears that you are not. That veil or cloak is now dissolving as the Tsunami of Love bathes all those in conflict in Its irresistibly soothing balm.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 5, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/05/2016 - 08:35

The flow is an incredibly intelligent and efficient system, designed to give you exactly what you need at any given time. To be resistant is to deny yourself the support and movement to get to your next grand expression of self.

Surrender is the entry point of the flow. The flow is where the movement is. You stay in the flow by following your heart, by doing what honours you, by following the path of least resistance and joy. You steer your flow though gratitude and allow it to lead you by following the signs and synchronicities. You use faith and trust to stay consistently in the flow long enough for the magic to happen.

If you have surrendered but are not experiencing movement, one of two things are possible. One is that you are in an energetic lull, where things are coming together behind the scenes. The other is that you are in resistance, by continuing to refuse to give up something that you know is not for your highest good, or continuing to engage in what is unwanted. Discomfort is always, always, an indicator of resistance.

If you are sitting there waiting to be saved, you are seeing yourself as a victim. Surrender and flow are a co-creational process. They are not about giving your power away, but rather about moving forward in your authentic power, making choices that honour you, one Now moment at a time.

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