A Field of Daisies

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/01/2016 - 22:10

God said:

Only in the grip of time can you regret. As you linger, it may seem to you that the precise moment for a choice for something wonderful has gone. Your life missed a beat, and so, regret within you builds. Be done with regret. What are regrets worth in the market place anyway?

You may pass by a field of daisies, and you don't pick even one. Or you pick a whole bunch, and the daisies wilt too soon. Or they wilt later. Wilting is always too soon. And so you wilt your heart. You weep for the daisies gone. However, the daisies were there for you. You were gifted with the presence of the daisies and, perhaps, a lost love.

What a wonderful moment it is to pick flowers and treasure them. What an offering to you is a field of daisies. A field of daisies presents itself to you.

Daisies like that you look at them. They nod at you as you walk by. Daisies are not regretting your passing by or your picking them or your not picking them. Daisies don't waste their lives on regret. They are daisies and know better. They do not impose regrets on their temporariness. They surrender. They do not even surrender. They enjoy life as it comes to them.

Daisies blow in the breeze, and this is as far as they can go. Of course, their petals can be picked up by the wind and be cast somewhere. And their seeds.

If a whole field of daisies were mowed down, daisies would not mourn. They would not rue. They would not caw: "Nevermore."

Daily Message ~ Friday April 1, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/01/2016 - 08:10

We often speak of the importance of loving yourself first in order to have a satisfying love relationship with another. Of course you understand that you must hold what you desire in order to draw it to you.

But another aspect you may not have thought of is this. If you do not love yourself – if you see yourself as flawed, unworthy, less than – you will immediately distrust and not respect anyone who does love you.

Taking the time to get to know yourself, to love and accept yourself in your tender truth and beingness, will open you up to truly being loved. You will finally be on the same page with others – the page of deep, true, and abiding love. ~Archangel Gabriel


The Path of a Blossoming Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 22:28

God said:

Beloveds, I am not a hard-hearted God. I build your strength with all of My might. Nor do I see you as weak no matter how you may whittle yourself down. You cry out that where you believe you are is, sadly and mistakenly, where you actually are. You say:

"God, the One and Only God, Who exists in my front yard, so to speak, and touches my heart, plays it like a piano, wrests me from despair and loves me, simply loves me, doesn't mind my idiosyncrasies and listens to my heart as if that is the Wholeness of me. God, have You said that my heart is the whole of me? I long to know what life on Earth is about really."

Beloveds, your soul is the heart of you. Oh, your soul is a bridge that carries you on your path which is the path of a blossoming heart. Human hearts get bleary-eyed, as if the hearts stayed up all night and didn't get rest, as if the world had to sustain hearts in order for your heart to be significant.

Your heart may seem like a wayfarer. It goes adrift, as though your heart were blind and could only feel its way to where it takes you. The heart of you and the soul of you will bend. No longer your heart be inconsolable. The soul of you is firm. It doesn't wander. Your heart can wander and feel lost. Your soul always knows what is what.

Nevertheless, the time is coming when your heart and soul become One Great Steed galloping to your Destiny. Your Destiny, no matter in what form it may appear, is no other than the Fullness of Love.

You are all spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 22:28

Humanity is awakening.  There are signs and evidence of it everywhere, there is nowhere on the planet where the Tsunami of Love remains unfelt.  Do not concern yourselves with the depressing and unhappy news that the mainstream media focuses on almost exclusively because, although it brings to your attention the enormous scale of human suffering, the good news of humanity’s spiritual awakening, which is having a far greater effect worldwide than you can possibly imagine, can only be found on independent news sites.  The fact that it is not being widely reported does not mean that it is not happening, and you know that.  Each of you in your own personal lives are aware, at a deep intuitive level, that something massive is occurring.  Do not dismiss those intuitive knowings as wishful thinking or unreal imaginary hopes, because what you intuit is way more real than anything you see in the physical environment, where your perception is severely limited.

Daily Message ~ Thursday March 31, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 08:25

Let’s play a game with surrender today. Let’s imagine that surrender is the lubricant that keeps things moving easily. So for the rest of your day, if you get aware of anything that is not moving with ease in your life, surrender it to the highest outcome and let it go. Everything that you experience as having difficulty lining up, simply surrender and move on to something else that is responsive to the energies of your right now moment. You may be very surprised to see how much more comfortable you make your day by seamlessly flowing from activity to activity that is being supported, and how quickly the grease of surrender can get seemingly stuck things moving again. ~Archangel Gabriel


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