A Glorious Moment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 21:19

God said:

I heard someone say this morning that this a Glorious Moment in the World. I agree. It is always at every moment, isn't it, that there is a glorious new opening in the world? Always room for more and more and more, and infinitely more. There are no limits because there is Infinity and no limits.

Every day there is an Infinity of New Flowers' opening up the whole world, new Stars bursting into Flames of Joy. Every day, you, whoever you are -- Star or Sun, Moon in the Night Sky or Moon Reflected on the Lake, New Born or not yet born, or One of Many Moons, it matters not, you blossom under My Embrace. Just think of it. You blossom under My Embrace. God's Beloveds without limit blossom under God's Embrace. There is never a time that you are not embraced.

You, My children, blossom. You blossom, and I am surged with energy. This is what love does. It surges energy. Whose love energy is it anyways, yours or Mine? It is inevitably the Energy of Love, and it is Ours, and We toss it to the world free-form. Here it comes! Love tossed to the world. Better than baseball is this tossing of love. It is a mutual tossing. Who throws it? Who catches it? The energy is everywhere. The energy transcends everything. Certainly it transcends petty arguments. There is nothing like this Energy of Love to overtake the world.

Scientific Proof Kindness Makes You Smarter, Stronger & Happier

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 18:12

happiness love woman

Christina Sarich, Staff
Waking Times

What if the cure for your cold was opening a door for a complete stranger? Or watering your neighbor’s roses while they are away on vacation when you notice them wilting? How about stopping your headache by putting some spare change in someone’s parking meter when it is about to expire? Or, reversing inflammatory joint pain by letting someone cut in front of you in traffic without getting miffed? These are not just Pollyanna wishes for curing mental and physical ailments. Science abounds with proof that kindness cures, an even makes us smarter.

Though there are opponents to the ‘smile-or-die’ phenomenon, but many studies actually provide sound evidence that kindness, and thereby, happiness, make you healthier.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

“I Don’t Wanna”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 12:25

There will be times The Universe will ask you to move and change.  You may respond with, “I don’t wanna.”
“It is time to move, my darling.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“I have been sending you signs, giving you signals…it is time to move.
“I love you my beautiful child, and it is time to move so, here are challenging experiences to show you how important this truly is.”
As difficult as it is for you, I am beside you and helping you move and change.  How quickly this happens it completely up to you. ~ Creator


Ouabain: Nature’s Forgotten Remedy for Heart Health

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 09:00

By Benedikt Just
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Could it be, that the best treatment for heart failure and heart attacks was already discovered 100 years ago, but nowadays even alternative medicine has forgotten about it?

For many decades now, heart-related problems have been among the top killers of human life. Worldwide, thousands of people die of heart problems every day [1]. Billions have been spent on treatments and research but the mortality rate for heart disease is similar to that of cancer. Overall, half of the patients die within just 4 years, the current standard medication for heart failure is just 3–4 percent more effective than a placebo, and a German study shows the efficiency of newly invented medications has dropped significantly over the last 30 years [2].

Could it be that a comeback of the forgotten natural remedy, Ouabain, could provide the answer?

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

A Complete Guide To Dopamine Imbalance: Symptoms & Reactions

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 08:55

Are You Suffering From A Dopamine Imbalance?

You know how it feels.

That unmatchable sense of satisfaction you get after you accomplish something that you had always wanted to.

Whether it’s breaking the weightlifting record at your gym, getting into an energetic mode and completing eight hours of work in five hours, or achieving a long-term goal that your friends (and even your Dad) thought you’d never do, that feeling can be highly motivating to take the next big step in your life.

That feeling is dopamine rushing down your spine.

What is Dopamine? It’s a chemical compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter. It acts as a messenger between brain cells. Despite being generated by just a handful of brain cells, it acts as a powerful stimulant for many major physical and cognitive functions, including memory, movement, motivation, and pleasurable reward.

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 20, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 07:10

Many of you, particularly those on the planet with service contracts, are most comfortable with giving but have a great deal of difficulty receiving. How you navigate your relationships with others and yourself is changing, as you start to focus more on balance and shifting into unconditional love and unity consciousness.

Dear Ones, it is out of balance to serve everyone and deny yourselves. It is essential that you start to dance with the flow of love, which means both giving AND receiving. It is time to step forward and accept all that you deserve and to give others the experience of the joy of loving and serving you.

The willingness to both give and receive, to serve and be served, to love and be loved, to honour and be honoured, is vital to the creation of the unconditional love templates that you are in the process of forming. These new templates will transform how relationships are experienced on your planet, and hold the space for divine partnership to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel


12 Ways To Live With No Regrets

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 20:05

1. Live a life that is true to you.

The top regret of the dying is not living a life that was true to them. You are here for a very important reason — to be you. To live, work, love, create, travel, eat, drink, move, laugh and play in ways that feel right to your unique soul. Choose authenticity over conformity and you will live a much happier life.

2. Learn to be vulnerable.

Instead of hiding yourself behind walls and masks, show the world who you really are. Speak your truth. Tell people how you really feel about them. The deepest and most satisfying relationships with others grow out of total transparency and vulnerability.

Read more... (notesonbliss.com)

Witnessing The Glory of God

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 20:04

God said:

This morning I saw you plait your hair and I heard you sing:

"My dear Father God, You Who raised me from the ashes and cast me upon Earth, Who nourished me, Who nourishes and loves me still, Who made me the sanctity of Your Heart, Who gave me all that I am, gave me life, gave me life in the raw and life in its beauty, Who gave me the trees to strengthen and straighten my back, and the ground to walk on, Who gave me mountains to climb and to tumble down, Who gave me His Heart so I could be full of love, Who had me as His witness that life in all flavors and the concept of Heaven are mine for keeps, Who gave me Life Eternal, gave me all possibilities, gave me the Fruit of the Vine and seasons to behold, Who gave me glory and songs to sing. What have You, God, not given to me?

"God, I was not always so grateful as I am now. Can it be that I learned gratitude? Did I learn everything including sorrow and wanton forms of suffering? I must have thought of myself as grist for the mill, caught in a net, dissembled upon Earth, yet of the Higher Realms, and yet of my own seeking. Did I come to see You, dear God, and mySelf?

"Can You and I really be One and the Same? Where was I all these years? And where did I go after that? You have told me that I have never been anywhere but with You, even when I may have thought I was sitting on a haystack.

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