9 Quotes From Buddha That Might Resonate With Your Soul

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 12:32

The teachings of many of history’s religious and philosophical figures are timeless, but are often mistakenly taken at face value. It’s easy to slap a quote on an image or a t-shirt and pass it around, but it takes deliberate thought to actually internalize the true meaning behind the words, and often these quick philosophical ‘bytes’ are passed over too quickly for this to happen.

It’s easy for us in this day and age to be “spiritual” by identity and pass it off well without ever truly living spiritually — without  recognizing and benefitting from what we can learn from having a spiritual relationship with ourselves and this world. Because of that, it’s common to come across a great deal of logical spiritualists and fake ‘new-agey’ type personalities that don’t truly live the core of what these great teachers have shared.

So I wanted to share my own perspective on the true meaning behind some of these quotes.

You Can!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 09:25

There will always be something….
to be afraid of, to worry about, to hurt your feelings or make you feel less than.  What is the difference between how you react as opposed to how others react?  You know these are transitory moments, you know your security lies within and you most certainly know that no one can truly hurt you emotionally without your permission.
So, take a deep breath my beloved and soldier on!  You can do this! ~ Creator


Doctor Sells His Practice, Opens Up “Farmacy” Using Food As Medicine Instead

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 08:48

Source: www.themindunleashed.org | Original Post Date: October 25, 2015 –

The brilliant Dr. Robert Weiss did something completely unheard of in the medical community.  He sold his medical practice and decided to teach the importance of diet and nutrition in health by opening a “Farmacy”.

Dr. Weiss believes that we all need to change our focus for medicine and health and reconnect with the basic knowledge that has been shunned and suppressed by big pharma.

Dr. Weiss Opens the first ‘Farmacy’

After selling his New York medical practice, Dr. Robert Weiss built the very first farm-based medical practice on his 348-acre farm.  Located in Long Valley, New Jersey the ‘farmacy’ is focused on treating patients with plant foods as the medicine.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Reconsidering Addiction, Perhaps Society Can be Blamed

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 08:44

As research pushes the boundaries of what causes addiction, its becoming more evident that it is nothing more than a byproduct of an unhappy environment.

Perhaps it’s always been easier to blame the addict, as strange as it may sound you can now blame the external environment rather than the addict. We have to consider what is the cause of addiction. Each one of us wants to be happy, to feel pleasure in some form or the other.

Personally, I play games, trip out on filter coffees and chocolates. It sort of relaxes me and gives me that sense of satisfaction. But why does each one of us look for this satisfaction? Simply the joy of just being alive has been diluted with the ghastly environment we’re born into.

Working parents who have no time for us, that create broken relationships because of the lack of understanding on the micro level while on the macro level our world is obviously the same reflection. We’re bombing each other, murder, rape and pillage is what’s seen on the news.

Read more... (fractalenlightenment.com)

Cannabis as Medicine: How CBD (Cannabidiol) Benefits the Brain and Nervous System

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 08:10

By Audrey Lefebvre, RN

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active cannabinoid found in cannabis which, unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), does not produce a psychoactive effect in the brain. For this reason, CBD has become a primary focus of medicinal cannabis studies.

CBD has been found to have a wide range of benefits, including lowering blood sugar levels, promoting bone growth, and importantly, protecting the human brain and nervous system from degeneration.

How CBD Protects the Nervous System

The nervous system is comprised of two main parts: the peripheral nervous system, which includes the nerves and ganglia on the outside of the brain and spinal cord, and the central nervous system, which includes the brain, cranial nerves, spiral cord, etc. CBD prevents the degeneration of the nervous system in several ways.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 19, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 05:50

“I recognize, honour, and celebrate my innate goodness and allow it to lead the way” is wonderful affirmation you can use that supports your alignment with Source and empowered forward movement. It is an act of surrender to the divinity that always exists within you and yet another way to find your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel


A United State of Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 18:35

God said:

What would you most like to hear Me say to you? What is your heart aching to hear?

If only you would hear Me right now, really hear Me, your heart would be full of joy. God speaks to you, and God loves you with all the Love in Heaven and on Earth.

On Earth, you judge love. You have a little adding machine that dings and can't seem to go high enough. From Heaven, love rains upon you around the clock. Of course, there is no clock in Heaven. There is no timing. There is no more or less. There is Is-ness. There is Being, and Being is All.

There are no fractions in Heaven. All is in the Fullness of Being in Heaven. You get a full ride to Heaven even as you are already in Heaven. You are really in Heaven. You still seek to be attuned to Heaven, when, all along, Heaven is your very Being. You can relax into Heaven. In Heaven, there is no tension. How could there be?

There is no tension in Heaven, for there are no opposites in Heaven. Love Is All, and All Is Love. There is no twain, for All is One, and One Is All.

At the same time as Heaven is a Sanctuary of Love, Heaven is not a Hideaway. There are no birds caged in Heaven. You can fly in. Or You can walk in. You can walk in right now without a by-your-leave. There are no locked doors in Heaven. There are no signs that say No Admittance. If there were signs, they would say in beautiful shiny colors:

This Way to Heaven.

Come right in.

No Signature Needed.

Enter Here.

Fly In, Light as a Bird.

Come, Stay Awhile.

Read This When You Are Tired Of Everything

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 11:35

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

We all get tired. We all know what it is like to feel like we want to give up, throw in the towel, and just stay in bed. You know what? Sometimes it’s okay to stay in bed, but at some point we have to be real, to look at ourselves, and move on.

The world can be a tough place; we all know that. We have all felt tough financial times, emotional challenges, and uninspired at work. But who says it has to be that way?

Why have you forgotten how powerful you are? Why have you allowed your own thoughts and ego mind to convince you that you are not capable of creating a life you truly want?

This world in place can bind you, but only if you continue to give your power to it and allow it to interfere with your own choice as a sentient being on this planet. Sure, challenges can come up and things can be hard, and painful, but these situations are only temporary and help you to grow. Stop seeing them as a bad thing!

Daily Message ~ Friday March 18, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 10:20

Dear Ones, we encourage you to stop right now and quickly list ten things you love about yourselves. Can you do it?

You have been so highly critical of yourselves. This is due to the way many of you have been raised, in a conditional love model that had you fighting to prove your worthiness or risk complete rejection. This made you be on high alert for anything that could be seen as wrong about yourselves. Sadly, you have taken that conditional love model and continue to apply it, rejecting yourselves the second anything could be interpreted as less than perfect.

What are you good at? What personality traits do you have that you feel good about? How do you show your love and compassion to others? How do you shine? Feel your innate goodness. Isn’t it wonderful? You are a beloved and divinely perfect individuated aspect of Source energy. How could anything ever be wrong with that?

The time has come for you to start to love, accept, and nurture yourselves so you can bloom and thrive like never before. You know encouragement is the way to help others shine. Isn’t it time to take that same wonderful support and apply to self? Isn’t it time to become completely congruent and give yourself exactly what you give others? Isn’t it time to embrace, and allow to come to the forefront, all of the delightful energetic aspects of you that only you carry and can lend to this world? ~Archangel Gabriel

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