Who Owns The Weather?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 21:57

Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest
Waking Times

For a very long time there was a colloquial saying about the weather, e.g., everyone talks about the weather, but no one can do anything about it. Well, not anymore! One just has to look overhead to see all the weather geoengineering that’s taking place, and being sprayed out of contracted airplanes, for that very purpose.

As far back as the 1960s, we have documentation that controlling the weather was a priority quest.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

ADD Or Something Else? Studies Reveal Creative Genius Linked To Being Easily Distracted

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 19:45

A study conducted last year by researchers at Northwestern University has linked creativity with an “inability to filter irrelevant sensory information,” with the startling implication being that those who have difficulty in shutting out sensory information while focusing on a specific task or creative project might, in fact, be showing signs of ‘genius.’

According to their press release, it’s the first physiological evidence that real-world creativity may be associated with a reduced ability to focus. Researchers describe how some people are more sensitive to the daily bombardment of sensory information, a phenomenon which they describe as “leaky” sensory filters:

“Leaky” sensory gating, the propensity to filter out “irrelevant” sensory information, happens early, and involuntarily, in brain processing and may help people integrate ideas that are outside of the focus of attention, leading to creativity in the real world.

– Darya Zabelina, Lead Author of the study

The Lady, or the Tiger?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 19:43

God said:

[Note: This title refers to an English story published in 1882. In this story, there are two doors without any signs on them. Behind one door is a beautiful lady. Behind the other door is a tiger. The hero of the story has to guess which door to open.]

It is not necessary for you to deliberate as much as you do before making a decision to move forward. It is not that you have to do any one thing, nor does this mean that you have to race to move forward. You have nothing to prove. You are living life. Seek to enjoy the life you lead.

Nothing states that you must make perfect choices right along, yet, at the same time, you can't always wait for an emergency of action to get you to decide. The thing is that there are choices for you to make. Sometimes you choose other people, such as voting for a president. What do you know? Perhaps you are certain you do know, or, perhaps you are certain you don't.

Sometimes a choice is easy to make. Sometimes you don't have any idea what's a good choice to make. Sometimes you close your eyes. Sometimes a choice can be just so-so, okay, perhaps not matter all that much.

You have no way of knowing what doors your choice will open, or what doors your choice might close. Then there are times when life just seems to pick you up, and you can't stop a choice from happening. There are all manners of choices even within choices. Sometimes you are blown by the wind. Sometimes you close your eyes and pin the tail on the donkey.

3 Subjects Schools Should Teach To Improve The World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 11:51

Children spend a vast portion of their lives inside educational institutions. From a very young age, we are put into schools and told how the world works, learning to absorb information rather than question it over the course of many years. We memorize enormous amounts of information, much of it irrelevant to our future lives, with the goal of acquiring the credentials necessary for us to find our place in this world. All of this, quite often, leaves us incapable of thinking critically, and while there are admittedly many positive aspects of modern day education, the drawbacks do appear to outnumber the benefits (at least in my opinion). I believe it is these issues within the education system which are inspiring more and more parents to choose alternative forms of school for their children.

Sleep Problems Come From the Day Not the Night

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 08:51

By Dawn Walton
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Many people struggle with sleep. Some struggle to get to sleep, some wake up multiple times through the night and others don’t get a very long sleep. Some people have all of these problems.

When most people try to address insomnia, they focus on the symptoms and not the cause. Countless remedies (medicinal and non-medicinal) are out there to help address sleep problems.

In my experience as a cognitive hypnotherapist, to address sleep problems effectively and permanently, you need to address the cause, not the symptoms; and the cause comes from the daytime.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Daily Message ~ Monday March 14, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 08:20

Dear Ones, the universe has a plan. That plan is to honour you and your desires in your next highest expression of self. You set the tone with your pure intention, and the universe starts to move to bring that intention into fruition.

Your job is to stay out of resistance, to surrender, to flow, to give feedback through your focus and gratitude, and to practice love and acceptance for yourself and others. If you stay in the flow if there is anything else required for your success, it will be brought into your awareness swiftly and easily.

Do you see? It does not matter what language you use. You could say “God has a plan” or “Goddess has a plan” or “Source has a plan” or “my higher self has a plan” or “the angels have a plan”. Use whatever feels best for you to allow to take the lead. But make no mistake about it, if you are doing your part by staying non-resistant and following the signs and sychronicities, you can rest easy because there is a plan in place that is in the process of coming together right now, and its purpose is to serve and delight you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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