Synthetic Forests: The Enormous Risks of Genetically Engineered Trees

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/11/2016 - 08:18

By Dr Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

If the biotech industry has its way, 184 million acres of native forests around the world will be bulldozed down and replaced with plantations of genetically engineered (GE) trees.

On these proposed GE tree plantations, there are essentially no other plants, insects, birds, or wildlife — just rows upon rows of cloned Frankentrees growing at accelerated rates on a crust of dead, lifeless soil above dwindling groundwater reserves.

Moreover, GE trees are being genetically engineered with unnatural characteristics, such as the ability to kill insects, tolerate colder temperatures, resist toxic chemicals, and grow faster — but these “advantages” come at an unacceptable price.

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Declassified Documents Disclose CIA Mind Control Programs – Part 3/4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/11/2016 - 08:14


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

(Continued from part 2 – read full post here.)

The next document is long, so I’ll break it up into segments. It describes the process of hypnotizing two young women, instructing one to receive a bomb and learn how to activate it and the other to give the bomb and the instructions how to activate it. This is, of course, not something either woman would ever ordinarily do.

CIA document and page number: 190527, pp. 1, 2
Title: SI and H Experimentation
Date: 25 September 1951
Link to view images of original:
Page 1, Page 2
Note: SI stands for sleep induction and H for hypnosis

“Prior to actually beginning the more complex experiments, several simple post H were worked with both of the girls participating.

The ‘Shazam’ For Plants Will Identify Any Plant From A Picture

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 18:55

An estimated 400,000 flowering plant species exist in the world, and, understandably, it can be difficult to keep track. The vast majority of us can only recognize and name a handful of plants, even if we would like it to be otherwise. If you would like to sharpen your knowledge in the wonderful realm of plant species, I have some good news for you. Like everything else: there’s an app for that!

If you ever walk by a specific plant that you would like to identify, or you have extensive knowledge about plant species that you would like to share, then the PlantNet app is for you. Available for iPhone and Android devices, it is essentially the Shazam for plants. It’s pretty awesome to consider what technology is capable of these days.

How God Created the Wonders of the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 18:50

God said:

One day you said to Me:

"Beloved God, do You know what You are? You are noble, God. You are simply and wholly of the Highest. You are above the world. What an idea you thought of when you thought of implementing the world. What a daring thing! What an amazing thing! God, did You have any idea that You might sometime be faulted for creating the Wonders of the World?"

I replied:

It is not that I figured out the world detail by detail. I didn't think about it like that. I desired the world as a way-station for My children, much in the way someone might say: "Let's pitch a tent! Let's have a picnic. Let's go to the circus!"

An idea arose, and the idea appeared as easy as pie. Nothing ruffles My feathers. I didn't think of all the exigencies. It's more that an idea of a world full of color occurred to Me: "Wouldn't a world be nice?" I thought to Myself.

Regardless of your perspective on the existence of the world, the world did not occur by chance. The Creation of the World was not an aside. It wasn't a whim.

Before the activation of the world, the world had occurred to Me. Then the world burst into view the way a rose emerges from a seed. The sun burst forth on the horizon, and I never changed My mind. Remember, I saw the Rising of the Creation of the World, and I saw it was good. I saw it was beautiful. I saw that it was a happening that arose from Infinity. I saw the birth of the world and the vast beauty of such a One as you. I saw. I saw such splendor.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, March 11, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 18:50

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Hi everyone…this will be my last weekly horoscope, at least for now. As Sun transits close to the end of Pisces on March 17, he will not only be conjunct my natal Moon – within a degree – at the end of the day, but transiting Moon will be exactly conjunct my natal Sun, and ascendant will be in early Scorpio, which is my natal ascendant placement. The planets are not there to tell a person what to do, but it seems to be a strong signal to end the weekly horoscopes at this time, and initiate a project that I’ve been thinking about for a while. With Sun about to enter Aries and a new zodiacal year imminent, I will revert to writing my first book rather than using the time each week to write the horoscope. I hope you enjoyed reading the weekly horoscope as much as I enjoyed writing it (not to sound hackneyed). I wish all of you the best in your endeavors, and implore you to keep the power of astrology in mind as you consider how to maximize your potential in life, and choose how to most productively benefit from handling inevitable challenges. Also, most certainly, look to the stars to intuit how to experience the better things in life. Keep…looking…up!


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 10:20

Sometimes, my love, your emotions will get the better of you.  They will run rampant and feel as if they will have no end.  One wave will slam you, then another and another…. feeling as if you have no time to take a breath between.  As challenging as it is in the moment, give yourself time to step back and look at the situation from the outside.  Your calm will return and with it a better understanding of what you need to change to become a better person. ~ Creator

8 Things You Learn From Being Raised By A Strong-Willed Mother

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 09:23

Growing up, whenever I experienced fear, anxiety, sadness, confusion, judgement, or a lack of self-confidence, it was my mother who soothed me, shook me from my stupor, and guided me to a place of love, light, and strength. But it wasn’t just her words which shaped me into becoming a strong-willed woman, it was her actions in her own life. The way she responded to challenges; the way she presented herself, like she could cut glass with her confidence, and her all-knowing attitude that she was worth every breath on this planet, shaped me into the person I am in so many ways. And I know I’m not the only one. If  you have a strong mother, you’ll appreciate these eight things she has likely taught you:

Leaving a Legacy of Destruction: Fracking Industry Threatens U.S. National Parks

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 09:19

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As if it wasn’t bad enough to have fracking operations in our backyards — destroying local ecosystems, human health and property values — the oil and gas industry has expanded into public lands, with many national parks now under threat. Not only does fracking for petroleum and natural gas promote ecological and climatic changes, but it also destroys the water we drink and the air we breathe. Not to mention the practice has been linked to an increase of earthquakes. Moreover, waste generated by the industry is exceptionally toxic and difficult to dispose of safely — to the point where municipalities are resorting to spraying it on roadways, and other acts of insanity. Keep in mind fracking fluid contains a slew of hazardous chemicals and is oftentimes radioactive.

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