Within You Lies the Spirit of God

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 18:57

God said:

You ask the utmost of yourself, and, much of the time, you find yourself wanting, as though you lack and will never come out on top. Sometimes, it seems that no matter what you do or how much you give, you see yourself as lacking. What an ingrained futile habit that is, especially when, in actuality, all you seek is already right here within you.

What if you would look at yourself as moving forward? What if you would give yourself credit for all that you put forth? What if you are already ordained?

Sure, it may seem that in some ways you are too forgiving to yourself, making idle excuses, for instance. On the other hand, you are also an ogre of a taskmaster when it is yourself that you are task-mastering. You seem to have an insatiable appetite for being under-pleased with yourself or even impossible to please when it comes to you.

Of course, you are far away from touching what you most desire. It is still ahead of you. Your hand cannot even point to it yet. You keep losing your place as you might lose your place in a book. You don't know where you left off. You may even forget where you are headed.

Let Me tell you something. You don't have to reach nirvana or any of the words you use to describe this State of Being you so ardently crave. It is enough right now that you long for greater and reach your hand for it. Sometimes you reach for it where it is not. For sure, what you seek is not outside you somewhere. You may be lured away, yet you are never far at all.

Former U.S. Presidents Explain Why the Presidency is Now Irrelevant

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 13:11

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Election time is here again, and Americans are scrambling to make sense of the choices being pimped out to us by the establishment. So much hangs in the balance right now, and it’s impossible to escape election coverage as the entire world watches with bated breath. Oh, who will it be?

Recent polls suggest around 40% of Americans consider themselves to be ‘independent’ voters, which is understandable, as this nation has always been one of maverick thinkers and innovators. The conscientious, the creative and the courageous, I believe.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:33

Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology 

We start the month of March out with a very powerful Solar Eclipse/New Super Moon in Pisces! It happens at 7:55 CDT.  Even though it is a total Solar Eclipse…we will not be able to see it here in the US. However…even if you can’t see it…you still get the benefits of it.  This is the most intense Solar Eclipse of 2016.  Not only is the Sun and Moon sitting with each other in Pisces, but we also  have Mercury, Neptune, Ceres, Chiron, and the South Node….all in Pisces….. all sitting with this Super New Moon Solar Eclipse!  We also have Saturn (the father figure, the CEO, restrictions, Karma), in Sagittarius squaring (Friction) the Pisces New Super Moon Solar Eclipse!  Pluto and Uranus in the ongoing Cardinal Square are only 1 degree apart and are the back drop of this Solar Eclipse/Super New Moon…giving us the revolutionary and evolutionary energies of radical change.   With all this Piscean energy of high spirituality, direct connection to Source and channeled creativity.….it is a wonderful time for dreaming, manifesting and creating!  Remember…lets envision needed change……. Let’s envision Peace! 

Watch 2016 total solar eclipse live

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:32

Early on March 9, 2016 (UTC), the Moon will position itself right in front of the Sun and create a total solar eclipse for viewers in parts of central Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean. South and East Asia, Japan, Korea, Australia, Hawaii and Alaska will get to see varying degrees of the almost equally stunning partial solar eclipse. The rest of us can enjoy it right here on The Watchers, courtesy of Slooh Community Observatory and NASA.

NASA, in partnership with the Exploratorium Science Center in San Francisco, will host live coverage of the eclipse originating from Woleai Island in Micronesia and offer opportunities to talk with solar scientists.

NASA Television (video below) will begin coverage at 01:00 UTC on March 9 (20:00 EST on March 8). Twitter, Google+ and Facebook users will be able to join the conversation and ask questions using the hashtag #eclipse2016. The NASA Twitter account for the eclipse is @NASASunEarth.

Read more... (thewatchers.adorraeli.com)

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces – Removing the Boundaries to Our Sacredness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:25

By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone
Contributing Writers for Wake Up World

Humanity has collectively come to see spirit and matter as antagonistic to each other, and so, believing we must choose one over the other — the spiritual or the earthly — we have become embedded in an unresolveable polarity that keeps us from embracing our true sacred nature: which is both spiritual and earthly.

A prime example of this polarity is the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Almost everyone to a certain degree holds the awareness of this story from the Bible, a version of which also appears in the Qur’an, in which humanity is cast out of Heaven for choosing to eat the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge. Depicting a tale of humanity’s inherent “sinfulness” and a need for redemption from our very nature, this story and the deeper meaning it reinforces has left a stain on the collective unconscious psyche that impacts us in ways so damaging that many cannot even comprehend it. In essence, this seminal narrative, among others, teaches us to reject and undermine the experience of the physical senses, and to carry a deeply unnatural lack of self-love and self-acceptance of our human selves.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

I Am with You Always

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:11

God said:

You know, I never have anything on my mind as you use the expression "something on your mind." I have responsibility, yet nothing hangs over Me. Nothing weighs Me down.

First of all, I know that all is well. All is well is not just made up words I use to give you or Me a pep talk. That all is well is a literal fact. All is well right now regardless of what you think.

Whatever you may well dwell on and certify as tragic, you do not yet see as I see. You have yet to see through the disguise and bander of the world.

You may hear me often enough as I say that all is well, yet, meanwhile, you are under stress and strain. Dear Ones, ultimately, you put yourself through this stress and strain. You sanction the stress and strain. You say that appearance is true. You tell yourself, "How I can not be strained in the situation I am in?"

And so you set the dial of your life to stress and strain.

Even where your life shows up as utterly amazing and wonderful, you don't believe in your good fortune either. You say this is too good to be true. You do not believe that you are Cinderella and stand on a firm foundation, yet you do firmly, even fiercely, believe in bad news.

Of course, you call one layer of existence as realistic, as if you do not stand on a deep foundation where the idea of trouble can only be a misnomer.

You are attached to your body with all your heart. You believe in and rely on the physical, yours and others, as if bodily existence is your gospel to go by.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 8, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:10

Many of you have the feeling that healing is a long, drawn out process. It may have seemed that way, when energies were slower moving and denser, and people were generally more resistant. But right now you have the opportunity for deep and accelerated healing.

You see healing is a flow, and as you start to harness the many supports that are available for you to use, as well as embrace a complete surrender into what is required to let go of, and receive, your healing can occur faster and far more efficiently than ever before.

Miraculous healings occur when a person is completely non-resistant, has shifted into higher energies, and wholeheartedly accepts all of the help that is available to them. Can you see how the energies you are in right now, along with your greater understanding of the importance of surrender and flow, faith and trust, along with acceptance and allowing, support that healing model so beautifully?

Your evolvement, along with the energies flooding your planet, are opening up new potentials like never before. So do not constrain your future success with the models of the past, Dear Ones, for you are in unprecedented times that are opening up possibilities that would have seemed impossible not long ago. ~Archangel Gabriel


Homeless Man Owes Government Over $110,000 In Fines For Being Homeless

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 21:51
Photo: Pixabay

The recent case of a homeless man racking up massive fines has exposed the widespread police practice of fining homeless people for being homeless.

Émilie Guimond-Bélanger, a social worker at the Droits Devant legal clinic in Montreal spoke to the media about a case that she worked on where a homeless man racked up over $110,000 in tickets.

“It was shocking. We’ve never seen someone with so many tickets,” Émilie told CBC.

The man had over 500 tickets, which amounted to over $110,000 in fines. The fines were mostly for things that homeless people can’t control, such as sleeping in the subway or asking people for money.

He had received around 500 of them [tickets]. I could see that most of the time he would receive many in the same week, sometimes by the same officers as well,” she said.

“It’s very common, to a point where I would say it’s a systematic experience for homeless people,” she added.

On a daily basis, Émilie deals with at least two cases where people owe at least $10,000 for the crime of being homeless.

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