Spectacular Photos Reveal Newly Protected Great Bear Rainforest (PHOTOS)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 17:06

In a world often filled with saddening news in relation to the state of our environment, I’m happy to share a positive announcement about a temperate rain forest in British Columbia, Canada.

The stunning Great Bear Rainforest of B.C. is approximately 6.4 million hectares in size, runs along the Pacific coast of the Canadian province, and is home to dozens of animals — including cougars, wolves, and the kermode bear (a unique subspecies of the black bear).

Thanks to new legislation passed earlier this week, 85% of the rainforest is now protected from logging. Both Conservationists and First Nations people have been fighting for the protection of this rainforest for over 20 years, so it’s great to see at least 85% of it come into place.

Atoyac River disappears overnight after large sinkhole opens up, Mexico

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 08:18

The Atoyac River, located in the central mountainous area of the Mexican state of Veracruz, has disappeared after a large sinkhole opened up on Sunday, February 28, 2016. In less than 48 hours, the river completely dried out.

The hole, which now crosses the Atoyac riverbed, appeared about 3 km (1.8 miles) from the source of the river, which supplies more than 10 000 families with drinking water.

Llaman a "salvar" el río Atoyac. Agustín Mollinedo dijo que aún se conserva el nacimiento https://t.co/Vkinen4dg2 pic.twitter.com/J5CdTkDGZG

— El Universal (@El_Universal_Mx) March 3, 2016

Juana Sanchez, who lives in the area said: "On Monday we saw that the water had disappeared and went to see what was happening. When we reached the riverbank, we saw a large hole there that was blocking the river."

Read more... (thewatchers.adorraeli.com)

Why Genetically Engineered Trees Harm The Planet & How We Can Stop Them

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 08:04

Genetic engineering involves high-tech methods to integrate genes straight into an organism. It’s a term that has caused an overwhelming amount of controversy and concern in the food industry because of their effect on our health and the environment. And while the battle to get back to the basics and live from the earth once again is ongoing, there seems to be a new threat to this ideology.

Winds Of Change

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 07:30

The winds of change are blowing, my dearest child.  It will not always be struggle and tribulation, but it can be if that is what you choose.  It is important to remember to ‘keep your wits about you’ and breathe.  When moving from one level to another, take your time…..rest when you need to….and know The Universe is by your side. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday March 4, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 07:25

Many of you are confused about how to implement self love into your lives. It is quite simple. Give yourself the same loving care and consideration you so willingly give others.

So in the midst of a very busy day, if you would insist a loved one take a break, take a break. When you make a choice for food, make a choice that you would recommend as good nourishment for another. Make sure you get fresh air, hydration, exercise and fun!

Self love does not in any way mean becoming selfish or self consumed. It simply means that you start to include yourself in the care you’ve always given others. It is bringing yourself into balance, and into the unity consciousness you are so interested in creating on your planet.

Self love, for many of you, is the final step on your enlightenment to-do list. For many of you with service contracts, it can feel odd to place the focus upon yourselves, but let us put it this way – if you were a cook, would you feed everyone else and not ever feed yourself?

Self love is, in many ways, like gathering up the last of the forgotten pieces so you can finally move forward into the newer energies like never before. Service to self is still honouring your service contract! That is why we are putting such a strong focus on it in our messages. Your self love is the most important inside job you have, and from there many new delights will be born. ~Archangel Gabriel

9 Easy Ways To Get Your Name on a Government Watch List

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:43

Alice Jones Webb, Contributor
Waking Times

You might think that government watch lists are reserved for violent radical extremists. You might be wrong.

There is a very serious war taking place, a “war on terror“. Which should sound ludicrous to any rational, thinking human being. How can we wage a war on terror? Terror is a consequence of war itself. You can’t fight a war on something that war produces? Talk about a vicious cycle. And terror doesn’t only exist overseas. There are apparently very dangerous people here on domestic soil, too. Dangerous people that don’t follow the herd. Who don’t walk in orderly lines. Scary people that oppose corrupt systems.

Some people consider earning a spot on the government watch list as a badge of honor. Fortunately for them, it doesn’t seem too difficult to land yourself on one of these government watch lists (at least not if you’ve ever had a thought independent of the ones the media is constantly spoon feeding you… or if you’re a fairly normal and boring human being). Here is a short list of pretty non-terrifying  and easy ways to land yourself on a government watch list.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, March 4, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:42

Please like my page at http://www.facebook.com/triplewaterastrology!

Mars and Mercury form a tight square in the anaretic degrees of each of their signs, to start off another week of Sun in Pisces. What a fascinating square, with both planets in the signs of their overtones – Mars in his overlord’s, Pluto’s, sign, Scorpio, and Mercury in his tutor’s sign, Aquarius. The tense aspect between the two persists throughout the week, but the nature of the clash changes drastically, with both entering new signs on March 5. Mars will have plenty of fire and zest in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius; and Mercury will become very watery and intuitive in the Pisces sign. Determined effort to apply both energy and thought to activities and projects that create productive change quickly melds into working to actively adapt to various circumstances and logically intuit the best path forward in order to successfully achieve objectives.

What Is Life on Earth Anyway?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:41

God said:

My children may consider Life on Earth as a Rite of Passage, as a canoe ride down a river, as a trek through a jungle, fraught with unexpected danger. My children may consider Life on Earth as a ride on a carousel, as a dance floor, a Broadway musical, a feat of great dimensions. What can Life on Earth not be considered as?

What you consider life to be makes a difference to the life you experience. The preponderance of your thoughts about life are trend-setters. Your thoughts create a map for your life to follow.

It is safe to say that whatever you consider life to be, life will still have a few surprises for you. Life really doesn't let you sit still, or, life makes you sit still when you don't want to, or Life on Earth makes you move when you would like to sit still or even hide.

You would say that life is contrary. Life doesn't object. It is you who objects to life. Life doesn’t take offense. You do. Sometimes you take offense right and left. Sometimes life can't please you. You find it difficult to be pleased. You may not really know what you want from life. What can life do to suit you when you may see life as a precarious adventure or, even, unforgivable?

The Charm of Impossibilities: Why Music is Magic

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:38

by Kit Walker
Contributor, ZenGardner.com

Through the Looking Glass

Why is music so magic? Why is it that almost everyone likes music in one form or another? Is there something intrinsic to music itself that goes beyond any style, genre, or quality level that makes it so intriguing to us? Somehow it transports us to another place. It is as if it takes us through the looking glass.

The Magical Mirror of Music

The world we live in is backwards. War is peace, wrong is right, life is death. More than ever, it seems, the hideous is glorified, and the beautiful is trampled in the mud. It is as if we are living as a reflection in a mirror, where everything is backwards. Perhaps this is more true than we might imagine.

Nowadays, most everything we’d like to see happen seems more and more impossible. Like peace, prosperity, health, love, harmony, thriving, sharing, caring.

Perhaps music, of all things, can be most effective in helping us correct the situation. Perhaps there is a charm in the impossibility of everything, a magic solution.

Zero Point is the Mirror


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