The Vimanas Of Ancient India & The Tales Of Ancient Flying Machines

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 15:39

If you are interested in the modern day UFO/ET phenomenon,  you can click here, this should take you to the exopolitics section of our website where you can find all of our articles on the topic. This article, however, will deal with a fraction of historical accounts of supposed ancient flying machines and extraterrestrials.

We have spiritual beliefs today, but not like the ancients. Thousands of years ago, people confronted forces well beyond their control and understanding: hence the gods. During ancient times, it was universally held that human civilization was a gift of the gods. Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued. – Richard Dolan (1)

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7 Ways To Buy Organic Products Without Breaking The Bank

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 15:37

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the word “organic.” While many people are educated on the importance of opting for organic due to the ever-growing list of foods inflicted with GMOs, synthetic pesticides, roundup herbicides, growth-promoting antibiotics and more, they simply can’t seem to fathom spending more money on a product when the cheaper option is in front of their face. And although it can easily be said that, while you spend less money on non-organic, you might be upping your risk of spending more money on medical bills in the long run, perhaps what people need to focus their energy on is ways to be both organic and budget-friendly.

Here are a list of ways you can buy organic without breaking the bank:

Learning How to Swim

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 10:39

God said:

You may see Me more as a Provoker than a Provider! Like it or not, I provide you with life. Life gives you a chance to spin gold.

Sometimes in life, you are overwhelmed. Sometimes you are knocked over, and you have to get up. One day – and it may be soon -- you will get the hang of taking life as it comes. You will pick yourself up sooner. You don't ever have to be down for the count.

Presently, you may feel you are drowning in the waves of life, yet you are learning to swim. In the extant world, it is time that you learn to swim and to forage forward even when you may have lost your bearings.

You may be the last to know what you are learning. You don't see any purpose for the various kinds of headaches and heartaches that assail you. You see trials that bewilder you. You can't even conceive something like this -- whatever it is that may be happening to you. As best you can see, there are just some perils in life that seem to end in dark corridors that are beyond you to sweep clean.

How can it be that a loved one is taken from you so ruthlessly? You see loss and not a glimpse of gain. Yet you are steel being tempered. You are wood being carved. You are diamonds being polished. There is no need for you to feel weak-kneed.

You may feel you have hit rock-bottom and will never stand up straight again, yet, you will, and, you know you will. You resist knowing. Bruises fade, and you will step into the sunlight again. Once again, you will know the joy of warmth.

I See

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 10:05

When you look in the mirror, what do you see?  You may see your imperfections; wrinkles, a bit of extra weight or, perhaps an unhappy or unsatisfied person.
What do I see?
I see a lifetime of experiences!
I see someone who has had their share of sadness and grief and still manages to embrace and celebrate the good things.
I see a human that has surmounted what others may call impossible challenges and came out stronger on the other end.
I see someone that has to courage to stay on Earth regardless of the traumas you have gone through.
I see a person that is giving, loving and growing even though, in this moment, you may feel stagnant and stalled.
I see an amazing soul encased in a body that may not always behave or look the way you wish, but it is yours and it is wonderful.
Regardless of what you see, I always have and always will see the best in you.  It is time for you to begin doing the same!

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 5, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 09:25

Dear Ones, love is not a finite resource. It only feels that way if you mistakenly believe you are separate from Source. Once you understand that the idea of such separation is illusion, you can step back into the stream of love that has always been there for you as your birthright. Allow that love, that glorious, brilliant, unconditional love, to saturate you so completely, so consistently, so abundantly, that you simply cannot help sharing it with everyone. Let love be like the air that you breathe, a natural flow of sustenance that benefits all, and you will be fully harnessing the incredible resource that has been available to you, and waiting for you, all along. ~Archangel Gabriel

Dream On! Lucid Dreaming Improves Self Awareness and Metacognition

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 08:53

By Christina Lavers
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Dreams, a series of images, emotions and sensations that flow from the unconscious during sleep, belong to the mysterious, unquantifiable side of life. We all experience them, yet for many they are quickly forgotten or disregarded. However, for those who bother to pay attention to dreams they can be potent tools of self-discovery that not only help us to understand ourselves at deeper levels, but also allow us to play and explore in a way that is not possible in normal waking experience.

Usually when we dream we are not aware that what we are experiencing is occurring in our mind’s eye. Though the content can be illogical, confusing and downright strange, most of us generally just float along through the experience, often recognising that the events we are witnessing are bizarre, but not arriving at he level of awareness where we understand that we are immersed in a dream. However, as more people are discovering, it is possible to become conscious that we are dreaming; this is the phenomenon known as lucid dreaming.

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Top Climate Scientist Warns Against Injecting Stratospheric Particles Into The Atmosphere

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 08:50

Source: | Original Post Date: January 12, 2015 –

Dr. Matthew Watson, a PhD and researcher in the department of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol has recently expressed his concerns regarding spraying various chemicals into the atmosphere in order to combat the effects of global warming.

Dr. Watson is also the principal investigator and researcher for the SPICE project (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering). SPICE  is a United Kingdom government funded geoengineering research project that collaborates with the university of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Bristol to further examine the idea of Solar Radiation Management (SRM) – which is the idea that injecting stratospheric aerosols into the  atmosphere could combat global warming. It’s a multi-million dollar project to, again, pump chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays. (source)

Switzerland Follows Iceland In Declaring War Against The Banksters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/05/2016 - 08:48

Isaac Davis, Staff
Waking Times

If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”Josiah Stamp

Iceland has gained the admiration of populists in recent years by doing that which no other nation in the world seems to be willing or capable of doing: prosecuting criminal bankers for engineering financial collapse for profit.

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