You Will Be Like a Dolphin

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 19:53

God said:

You are Supreme Beings I hold in the Quiver of My Heart. You fill My heart to the brim. Goodness, Godness, and Peace are for you. To you, all good things are on their way. This is an Absolute. There is no getting around it. You are in My Care.

In one sense, no one is special in My heart. In another sense, everyone is totally special in My heart. There is no way around it, beloveds. I hold you securely in My arms. I hold you close to Me. Have trust in Me, you, whom I hold in trust.

If you could see the Source of Everything, you would be securely happy. You would know your worth, and you would know My recognition of your worth. You would know what you mean to Me and how nothing can harm you, the You of You. This is straight across the board, no exceptions.

Sure, one little hair on your head can be hurt. That is what you see as horrific amounts to. The physical that is so overwhelmingly important to you can be dented or whisked away, yet you are intact and Immortal. There is no undoing that which I have created, do you understand Me?

Love Rebels, Unite!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 09:10

Ziggy Marley. Credit:

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Ziggy Marley, accomplished reggae artist and son of legend Bob Marley, has said before that love is this generation’s form of rebellion.

Some of you might know his song, “Love Is My Religion”, in which he explains that his newfound religion is love; self-love, love for mankind, love for the planet, etc.

His song inspired me to open up to true love; not the over-hyped and romanticized version of love we’re conditioned to think is all we have. There’s a much realer and more authentic form of love waiting for us to realize it exists, and the moment we open up to it will be the moment we discover the best form of rebellion.

The New Rebellion

Whereas before, rebels fought the powers that be out of anger for the world’s condition, the new rebellion is to love this world into a higher state of consciousness free from corruption and greed.

The idea is that love, if shared collectively and encouraged worldwide, will make for a far more effective and lasting change than angry rebellion. According to self-proclaimed love revolutionaries, it can heal corruption and suffering as long as we’re willing to share it.

11 Things You Need To Let Go Of To Be Happy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 09:07

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Are you happy? It’s a loaded question that makes you think. We all want to assume that on a fundamental level, yes, we most certainly are happy. But when we begin to nitpick, we soon discover there are some things that certainly don’t attribute to our overall happiness. The question brings up so many emotions that we often find ourselves shrugging it off. But the problem with that is, we are simply avoiding dealing with things that don’t serve us.

A part of being happy is living in the light, which means we are not in denial. We face our problems head on, and we work to weed them out of our lives for a happier self. So, are there any things in your life you’re ready to let go of? Here are 11 things that, if you give up all of them entirely, will help see yourself liberated from their negative weight and instead living a much happier life.

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 13, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 08:15

We realize some of you may be frustrated that what worked to keep you feeling good and balanced one day may not have the same effect for you another. The reason for that is that you, and your beloved planet, are both shifting rapidly.

A simple way to work with the ever-changing energies is to simply ask at the beginning of your day, “What do I need to do to stay in my highest alignment today?” and trust whatever you feel as an answer. Another highly effective technique is to simply surrender your day into your highest alignment, and then go about your business secure in the fact that it will be so.

Your intention is far more powerful than you realize. You get to declare your energetic clarity as the sovereign being in charge of your life expression. This is stepping forward in your authentic power, Dear Ones, and it is both delightful and exciting to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Feels

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 07:20

Most of you think that your feelings are generated from the outside and reflect inward.  On the contrary, my love, they are generated from the inside and reflect out.  A beautiful and enlightened soul once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  This statement is truer than you believe.  Only you can make you feel unloved, disrespected or left out.  It is up to you, and you alone, to change the way you feel. ~ Creator

The Heart Keeps a Different Tempo

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/12/2016 - 19:45

God said:

When something is on your mind, it also weighs on your heart. It takes its toll on your heart. The heart desires peace. The mind likes a spin in a roadster at fast speed whereas the heart likes to ease in and not be hurried or hassled.

Naturally, I have provided you with both heart and mind. Heart and mind are like brothers. They like to go together, yet sometimes one brother seems more favored than another. It's a good idea not to work either brother too hard. Easy does it. Yes, let there be give and take. Let your heart and mind be like stretch fabric that bends and stretches. Whatever tenses you and is on your mind and heavy on your heart is to dissolve. You don't have to be wound so tight.

If time were not such a presence in daily life on Earth, you would be more at ease. The concept of time tends to restrict. Time isn't supple. Then it is for you to be supple and move forward.

What would be so terrible if you were mistaken and could flex your judgment muscles and be more relaxed? What makes you force yourself to think that you are the chosen arbiter of what you think is right, even when it is to your own detriment to think so?

If you must always be right in what you declare, and you can't be mistaken, then the stakes are too high. You undercut yourself for the sake of being immovable. It is a fact of life that you are to grow and blossom. This means your opinions have to grow and change. Growth means change. Face it. You cannot grow and stay the same.

Declassified Documents Disclose CIA Mind Control Programs – Part 4/4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/12/2016 - 17:15


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

(Continued from part 3 – read full post here.)

Want to Know poses an important question: If these young women could be instructed to do just about anything in an unconscious state, could they not be taken advantage of sexually?

Want to Know Note: You will note the frequent use of ‘girls’ (young women) in these programs. Do you think the men in charge, having complete hypnotic control of these women, might have at times taken advantage of them sexually? Yet this would never enter the official documentation, with the one major exception below.” (1)

Unfortunately, the answer is yes; this has happened and the document below proves it.

“CIA document and page number: 140393, p. 1
Title: [Deleted]
Date: 9 July 1951
Link to view image of original:
Click here

Be Human

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/12/2016 - 10:25

Give yourself permission to be human.  Whether that be moments to sit and “contemplate your belly button” or to have emotions/reactions you do not normally have, give that gift to yourself.  Those that truly love and understand you will accept these brief times for what they are…. being human. ~ Creator

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