Day 16: The Power of Now

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/20/2016 - 09:09

Make your choices in the moment. Pay attention to ways you can create joy and peace each step along the way. Know that each door that closes will open new possibilities.

Having gratitude for every person and experience you encounter will help you to grow and to have the courage to move forward with ease. Releasing fears along the way will make your goal of a fulfilled life more awesome than you can imagine.

You already have everything you need within yourself to accomplish whatever your heart desires. You need not give over your power to leaders or gurus. You simply need to have the courage and desire to move forward. The ethers around you are filled with infinite possibilities. Dream big, follow your intuition and watch the magic unfold!  Go out and make a great day for yourself!   Selamet!  Ahua 7

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 20 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

The Sought-After

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/20/2016 - 09:08

God said:

Sometimes you are hungry, yet you do not know what exactly it is that you are hungry for. You may think of chocolate pudding. You love chocolate pudding, yet chocolate pudding may not be what will satisfy you today. You may think of banana cream pie, yet that's not it. You may suggest all your favorite desserts, and not one of them will satisfy a particular longing that possesses you that you can't quite put your finger on. A taste is missing today, yet you don't know what it is.

You may feel something missing from your life as a whole, and you don't know what it is. You are beginning to feel that there is nothing that will satisfy you, or, if something exists that will satisfy you, you don't know its name. You can't be sure that this deep and deeply hidden desire does exist, and if it exists, does it exist on this plane of existence, and, furthermore, does it exist for you?

Yet everything that you see on this Plane of Earthly Existence comes from somewhere deeper. Everything delicious here started from a deeper higher place than Earth. Life itself is not really made of dust. It is made of an essence. It started from a seed that comes from deeper than the soil. Notice the commonality that the English words -- soil and soul – share. Regardless, it is from the subtler invisible that all the visible is seen.

There is always more that you have not yet seen. Perhaps it has not yet been born, or, perhaps, you simply haven’t seen it as yet. It's more than possible that your unnamed appetite will find the unseen for you.

Healing With Color: Enhance Your Well-Being With Color Therapy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 18:06

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Colors… an integral aspect of reality as air and water. A colorless existence is a seemingly-incomprehensible one, minus perhaps what has been described as ‘the Void’ by sages and mystics.

Thanks to the ability for humans to see the visible light spectrum, reality itself seems surreal at times. Even though we see only a narrow band of the full color spectrum, the vast array of colors that exist within the domain of human experience gives life it’s wonderment.

It’s incredible to think not every living thing sees reality in the same way. There are species that only see ultraviolet light whereas others such as snakes and scorpions see infrared light. The ultra-exotic mantis shrimp has 16 color-receptive cones compared with the 4 that humans have, giving way to a much more dramatic and surreal experience of the world.

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We All Want a Better World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 17:54


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

The conscious community is comprised of people from all walks of life who are passionate about changing the world, and we all have different beliefs, lifestyles and visions of the future.

Some want to expand their consciousness, while others want to protect endangered species and hold corrupt corporations accountable for environmental crimes. Some want to expose government corruption, and some want to do all of it.

They want to protect animals, raise their vibration, hold the corrupt accountable; advocate healthful eating; the list goes on. These are the ones who can achieve the most if they’re motivated enough, because they’re passionate about it all.

Some in our community are into spiritual concepts like channeling, chakras, extraterrestrials and the energy grid believed to surround the world.

They usually care more ascension, enlightenment and bringing people together to form a mutual understanding of spirituality than changing society, and in my opinion, they have as much to offer as anyone else in our community.

Your Choices

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 09:25

Your choices are your choices.  Out of all of the outcomes from an infinite number of those choices, each will resonate through your world with its own vibration.  Yes, you could have taken a different path that led you to a different outcome.  Yes, things could have been better (or worse) depending on the choice.  But, please remember; each choice (and subsequent outcome) has its own merit and meaning.  You would not be where you are now without them. ~ Creator

The Island Named Earth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 09:21

God said:

This moment before you, measured in the illusion of time, is here this second and gone the next, never to return. The relative moment can't be lengthened. It can't be shortened, yet it is viewed as short or long depending on the individual. Time just doesn't have the Depth of Infinity. Time is a quick-drying lacquer.

Time is on speed. Time races by in retrospect, though time could seem to have been lollygagging along, the wastrel.

Imagine, My children take seriously that they are in the midst of effervescent non-existent time, whipped here, whipped there, held hostage by time as it were, as if time held all the cards and that you, a Child of Mine, can only lose at the game time plays.

What a Paradise it would be if you were without the hassle that time holds you in. It is not true that time marches on, yet how real time seems to march on with its demands on you.

Beyond time also exists. Beyond the concrete. Beyond all the rules and regulations that time has clicked in place. Beyond the mask of time lies a powerful Infinity -- your true cup of tea.

What is Truth, beloveds, but Infinity? In Infinity We can only be One. In Infinity, nothing takes anything away from Our Sense of Oneness.

The possibility of less or more doesn't even exist. The world is a mirage of great proportions. This is a trick pulled off by time and space.

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