Daily Message ~ Monday February 22, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/22/2016 - 09:10

Many of you fear the judgment of others. This is based on the old conditional love model, and the fear that if you do not please others you will be rejected.

Here is what we would like you to remember. You are the expert of your own unique incarnation, and only you can make decisions based on what you are on the planet to learn and experience. As the only expert on you, others are simply not qualified to judge you as they lack the information and vantage point to see the big picture of what your soul’s agenda is this time around.

If another was evolved enough to see such details, they would know there is no right or wrong, only experiences, and that all movement is forward movement, regardless of the result. Do you see? Once a person had all the information necessary to judge you, they would never choose that as an option, as they would be operating from a place of acceptance, encouragement, and love. If another is judging, by that very action, it automatically demonstrates their lack of ability to see you in your truth.

People will give you advice based on what would be right for them and their own unique path. Thank them for their love and caring, consider what they present, but always make decisions based on your own innate knowingness and wisdom. Forging your own unique path is your sacred mission and always what your soul is seeking to do. ~Archangel Gabriel


Nestle Is Pumping Millions Of Gallons From The Great Lakes For Free While Flint Pays For Poison

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/21/2016 - 09:37

One of the most infuriating aspects of the Flint water crisis is that residents are not only still being charged for their poisoned water, but they’re being charged higher rates than almost anywhere in the country.

Residents continue to pay $864 a year for water that is making them sick, more than double what most Americans pay for water service. Flint’s water service charges total 7 percent of the average household income, compared to the United Nations recommendation of 3 percent.

“They’ve been using that money improperly for years to fund the general operations of the city,” said Valdemar L. Washington, who’s been fighting the excessive increases in court since 2012. “The city’s sewer fund had a balance of $36 million in 2006 but was running a $23-million deficit by 2012.”

Meanwhile, less than two hundred miles away, multi-billion dollar corporation Nestle has been pumping millions of gallons out of Lake Michigan for free. In fact, they receive 13 million dollars in tax breaks to do so.

Read more... (usuncut.com)

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 21, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/21/2016 - 08:15

Dear Ones, when the energies begin to shift for you, embrace that flow. There may be several steps between where you are now and your desired result. Great change is created one step at a time, one Now moment at a time. Sometimes these small increments are required to move you into full alignment with the life of your dreams. Trust, and know that each step forward allows you to see just a little further, giving you more details and necessary elements for the divine unfoldment of your next great creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


And If All Your Wishes Do Not Come True…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/20/2016 - 18:39

God said:

You do not have to have all your wishes fulfilled in order for you to be happy. Read again what I just said. Listen to it. You can also be happy without your dreams fulfilled.

Most often it seems that you, dear ones, equate happiness with receiving what you want to. Too often, you equate unhappiness with not receiving what your heart desires and had counted on. You get peeved or downright angry. You feel that life has no right to treat you this way. You may take life as a personal affront.

Certainly, the source of momentary happiness comes from your expressed desires coming true and sometimes accompanied with perhaps even more wonders than you dared ask for.

Beloveds, if you live your life dependent upon life's going your way, you live your life dependent upon happy rewards as well as disappointments. And, so, your heart goes unpredictably high, and, then, your heart goes unpredictably low. This way your happiness seems to be turned on and off. You are the one who turns it on and off. Don't blame life.

It's possible that, all your life long, you thought your happiness was dependent upon outside events. Life is going to give you many welcome occurrences in your life, yet there are deeper resources within you and more to your life than expectations of your domination.

You don't have to be so rocked by disappointment. You can be adaptable and, well, good-natured, about your life as it reaches you. Whatever life hands you, you do not have to go so high, nor do you have to fall so low.

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 20, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/20/2016 - 09:20

Dear Ones, the times they are a-changing, and you are discovering this more and more on your planet. Things that were once energetically supported are very obviously no longer receiving that support.

This will be affecting every area of your life, your health, your self care, your pastimes, your ways of interacting with others (and yourself), and above all, your close personal relationships, as the templates shift from conditional to unconditional love. This is why we suggest to treat every day like a clean slate, and to follow your innate knowingness. What worked one day may not work another, but you will always find the perfect approach if you follow your heart and intuition.

You are energetic pioneers, and, as such, will discover many new ways of doing things. You will let old templates go and create new ones that match your evolution and intention. This is an exciting and glorious stage on your planet, and an era of great discovery as you forge ahead in these unprecedented times. ~Archangel Gabriel


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