What Happened When A Texas School Tripled Its Recess Time

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/26/2016 - 09:55

To most teachers, the idea of fitting in more recess time seems scary, especially given how much most curriculums require them to get across in such a short period of time.

To most students, more recess time is a desirable figment of their imagination, as I truly believe you will be hard pressed to find a kid who doesn’t enjoy their daily time outside of the classroom.

To Eagle Mountain Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas, more recess time was an initiative worth pursuing and several months into the program, it’s proving to be a strong decision.

The school recently decided to start giving their students four recess periods a day: two fifteen minute breaks every morning and two fifteen minute breaks every afternoon. The results so far have been incredible, and teachers, students, and parents have all chimed in with nothing but praise for the new system.

Daily Message ~ Friday February 26, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/26/2016 - 07:20

Dear Ones, know you are creating one Now moment at a time. In accelerated energies, everything is in a state of flux. What brought you comfort one day, might not the next. What helped you align one day, might not the next. What your body craved one day, it might not want at all the next. This is all normal and indicative of the vast changes that are happening, both internally and externally.

While we understand this may seem frustrating to you, we would like you to realize this is a tangible sign of change and progress. It is proof you are profoundly shifting, often as rapidly as day to day!

This also encourages you to lead yourself intuitively and by your heart. It keeps you present and aware, choosing what supports you in any given moment. This is helping you learn mastery with the flow and how to move willingly with a shifting planet. How wonderful that you have reached this stage of moment to moment, conscious co-creation with the universe! ~Archangel Gabriel


Come Out of the Shadows

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 20:04

God said:

It is understood that sometimes you have unwelcome thoughts. Sometimes you hear yourself parody yourself and mutter negatively under your breath at yourself, as if you were an obstructionist rather than a friend to yourself. You snipe at yourself. You find fault with yourself as if your purpose is to mock yourself and tear yourself down rather than build yourself up.

Rebuild your loyalty to yourself. Be a fan. Appreciate your presence. Never mind your errors. Let them go. Be not a self-accuser of ill-doing. Make life easy, not heavy-duty. Let lightness be your theme. Be light of heart and full of heart. How did life get so serious that you can't get past your mistakes? Sometimes you count them over again and again and pin your mistakes up on a bulletin board as if you must have them to indict yourself and keep yourself down.

Better to build yourself up. Must you be your own opponent? Must you be an old crabby teacher you once had instead of a loving one? Who is the best teacher you ever had? She or he saw something in you that you are now to see in yourself. As you treat yourself, you treat the world. No more mud-slinging. No more punishing thoughts to lash yourself with. Be kind to yourself. Be welcoming. Forgive yourself your trespasses. Forgive yourself your inexorable fault-finding. Release yourself from bondage. There is no virtue in flattening your spirits.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 26, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 20:04

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Sun, transiting through the last sign of the zodiac this week, has a demanding road ahead over the next seven days. No doubt that Neptune in his dominion, Pisces, in the heart of the Sun, on February 28, is a major event. Neptune exactly conjunct the Sun allows Neptune’s qualities to shine brightly and in unity with transiting Sun’s consciousness. The heights of bliss, connection with a greater collective, imagination, and watery visions and intuition will be emanating from the core of the solar system at mid-week. Sun more strongly connecting with the Jupiter-Saturn square this week is also of great interest, with Neptune helping to form a double mutable t-square. Consciously melding creative qualities with adaptability, in order to work towards a persistent, disciplined expansion of interests, may not immediately pay off, but the double t-square has the sense of planting seeds that will one day emerge from the soil and become towering trees. Dream big, and then make your objective to relentlessly manifest what you want!

5 Signs of a Dying Society

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 16:01

By Paul Buchheit, Common Dreams

While Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and John Kiriakou are vilified for revealing vital information about spying and bombing and torture, a man who conspired with Goldman Sachs to make billions of dollars on the planned failure of subprime mortgages was honored by New York University for his “Outstanding Contributions to Society.”

This is one example of the distorted thinking leading to the demise of a once-vibrant American society. There are other signs of decay:

1. A House Bill Would View Corporate Crimes as ‘Honest Mistakes’

Wealthy conservatives are pushing a bill that would excuse corporate leaders from financial fraud, environmental pollution, and other crimes that America’s greatest criminals deem simply reckless or negligent. The Heritage Foundation attempts to rationalize, saying “someone who simply has an accident by being slightly careless can hardly be said to have acted with a ‘guilty mind.'”

“Most People” Treated With Psychedelic Mushrooms Report Crucial Life Changing Experience

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 15:54

Source: www.thefreethoughtproject.com | Original Post Date: January 31, 2016 –

The bulk of William Richards life’s work was spent dosing people with a variety of psychedelics to research the therapeutic benefits for treating a number of conditions — or even to enrich the lives of perfectly healthy people.

Richards helped to co-found a Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine program 15 years ago, through which hundreds of people have had life-changing experiences. He credits the “sacred molecules” in such chemicals for causing the beneficial effects. While many psychedelics are employed, psilocybin — found in ‘magic’ mushrooms — is most often used by the researchers for its reliable and promising indication in the treatment of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among other conditions.

The Best Fermented Foods To Heal Your Gut

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 12:38

If you have been trying to figure out the cause of an ongoing health issue such as acne, brittle hair, or dry skin, or even mental health issues such as ADHD or depression, without success, you may be missing a very simple piece of the puzzle. Most people do not realize the important role fermented foods can play in your overall health. A balanced gut is the foundation of health and what you eat directly determines how healthy your gut will be.

Fermented foods are the key to a robust digestive system and gut; they balance gut flora and maintain the proper levels of good bacteria in your body. If you consistently experience any of the above health issues or digestive complaints like bloating, constipation, and gas, you may want to consider adding some or all of these five fermented foods into your diet.

You can learn about these types of things and how diet and nutrition can transform your body through this free class.

Scientists Discover Vessels That Connect The Immune System & Brain

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 10:51

History has proved to make some incredible discoveries that have made their way into teachings that we, as a society, are taught to absorb as true statements and must believe, memorize, and analyze. The human anatomy is no exception.

We already know the brain is a complex organ, so it should come as no surprise to us that scientific research continues to reveal new information about it, and that old ideas we thought to be true must often be rejected.

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