Are You Missing The World’s Beauty? Try Seeing The World In The Most Beautiful Way Possible

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 11:30

Life can change in an instant. My first instance was when I got diagnosed with chronic Lyme Disease five years ago. My second was October 15th, 2013, the day I collapsed from undiagnosed co-infections. My third happened just last week. It involved a balinese bead cap, a mischievous cat, and a lecture by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

It was a Wednesday afternoon. I sat at my kitchen table with tears streaming down my face, a pair of jeweler’s pliers lying forgotten in my hands. Snow fell lightly outside the window as I sat in hushed silence, listening to Dyer recount the story of holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, a man who willed himself to survive by forcing himself to find the beauty in everything.

Heal Yourself, Heal the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 10:14


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

It’s easy to ignore our personal issues by focusing solely on what’s wrong with the world, but in doing so, we enable our shortcomings to continue and avoid crucial lessons that contribute to the growth of the soul.

We should obviously raise awareness of the dysfunction in society, but we can do it without ignoring our own issues. If our personal choices affect the world like some say, then we can enable the changes the world needs by making personal changes of our own.

In my opinion, the best way to help the world is to match our personal changes with dedicated activism. We can strive to become better and make the world a better place, and one of them doesn’t have to replace the other.

The ideal world-changer recognizes their flaws and works to resolve them, and the hole in our hearts will grow until we look within and discover that beyond the pain we subconsciously cling to exist nothing but love, divine emptiness and inspiration to change.

The Perfect Time

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 09:20

If you are feeling left out, left behind, excluded or ignored, do not be dismayed.  This may happen when you, in your current vibration, are not understood.  Even though you may feel lonely, know that those similar to you are nearby and waiting for the right moment to join your world.  There is no need to push it into arriving; instead rest assured that it will happen in an organic way and at the perfect time.  Until then….relax, enjoy your alone time and fall in love with you. ~ Creator

The Science of Healing Thoughts

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 09:17

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Can your mind heal your body? It may sound far-fetched that the power of your thoughts and emotions could exert physical, biological changes, but there are countless examples, both scientific and anecdotal, showing this possibility is very real.

Science journalist Jo Marchant shared numerous such examples, from Iraq war veterans and many others, in her book “Cure.” She told Scientific American:[1]

There are now several lines of research suggesting that our mental perception of the world constantly informs and guides our immune system in a way that makes us better able to respond to future threats.

That was a sort of ‘aha’ moment for me — where the idea of an entwined mind and body suddenly made more scientific sense than an ephemeral consciousness that’s somehow separated from our physical selves.”

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Feel Like A Slave To The System? 6 Ways You Can Unplug Yourself From The Matrix

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 09:13

There is a popular meme that is shared by many alternative media outlets all the time which reads: “There is no way I was born to just pay bills and die.” Another popular one expresses a similar sentiment: “Get a job, go to work, get married, have children, follow fashion, watch tv, act normal, obey the law, save for old age… Now repeat after me: ‘I am free.’ ” While there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things – we all want to be contributing members of society, and saving money for our old age is a wise course of action — there is also nothing wrong with feeling like this type of experience isn’t for you. In fact, many people can’t stand it. Whether it’s spending the majority of your growing life inside a classroom, or spending the majority of your adult life working, it can often feel like the realities of modern life force us to neglect ourselves. As a result, many of us begin to feel depressed, because we are not putting time towards the things that ignite our soul.

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 27, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 08:10

Many of you have vivid dreams that you would like to interpret. Did you know that you can simply enter into meditation and ask your guides, angels or masters to show you what the dream was trying to bring into your awareness? This is an excellent method to discern the exact meaning specific to you. You may hear what you need to know, you may see the meaning play out, you may feel or simply have a sense of knowingness, or you may receive the answer you seek later in the day, but the answers will always come. It is yet another way your guides and helpers are available to serve and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Your Impermeable Soul

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/26/2016 - 21:45

God said:

Children of My Heart, you have the fullness of My heart and the fullness of My trust. My faith in you is absolute. Really, it is not faith that I hold you in. I hold you by far greater than faith. Faith is a thread. I have full knowing. I know what you are capable of. How could I, then, question you or worry about you? Impossible. Sometimes you take detours, yet it is inevitable that you return to me in all your glory.

To you, this is a long journey. In Reality, in Infinity, your journey translates into no time at all.

Of course, there is nothing I worry about. I do not know how to worry. I have not the least interest in worry. My expectations are solid. They are inevitable. They are certainties.

Beloveds, you can only live up to My expectations. My expectations are high, for My knowledge of you is high, and you are high.

Here's what I want to say, and this is in order to open your resistant mind to Our True Engagement in Life. Here's the thing. There is you and there is I, so you think. Here I am, God, and I believe in you with all My heart. I trust in you. I know your destination. I know how you turn out. You turn out in My favor. You are what I say you are. All the shenanigans in the world that you may partake of do not dissuade Me from My love and trust in you. It is the easiest thing in Heaven and on Earth for Me to value you in the Highest. I know you. I see what you may not see right now, yet you will. You will.

A Reminder

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/26/2016 - 10:15

In the course of your life, you will be given many opportunities to understand yourself as well as the humans around you and grow. Some of them may be so overwhelming you will not know what to do with the excess emotion. Whether it be joy, sadness, pain, anger or love, each serves a purpose and will guide you to a better understanding of you. Even though the experience may fade, the memory of those feelings are a guide and a reminder of your humanness and the gift of your existence. ~ Creator

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