Stonehenge Remains Discovered Of Women In Power Tell A Different Story & Changes History

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 10:06

Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world. Resurrected about 5,000 years ago in Wiltshire, England, it consists of a ring of standing stones that are set within earthworks. While the original purpose remains unclear, many speculate that it was a sacred site for high-ranking citizens, predominately consisting of men. But a recent archaeological study seems to suggest otherwise.

According to the study, women may have played more of a role near Stonehenge than previously thought. Archaeologists discovered this through an excavation of cremated remains of women thought to be of high status and importance at the historic site. More startling than the discovery of women’s remains themselves, however, was the fact that they actually unearthed more women than men.

What Makes You Laugh?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 09:42

God said:

Merriment. Add some merriment to your life. Throw off the weight of the world you have been carrying on your shoulders. There may be no end to the boulders you lug around. Exactly where did you get the idea that gravity was to hang heavily on you? Well, never mind where you got the idea -- abandon the idea once and for all.

Abandon, not responsibility, but worry. You are well-acquainted with worry. You know all the ins and outs of worry. You know worry backwards and forwards. You are truly an expert on worry. You know worry intimately. You have worry memorized, as if worry were the answer to everything. Worry is a nag. Since when was nagging any good to anyone? When was it ever?

So, now I ask you to become light of heart. You have an accumulation of worries -- not to recycle -- yet to put away where they are out of your way. You can always pick up more worries if you want to, yet why on Earth would you want to?

Stuff merriment into your heart the way you may have been in the habit of stuffing worries. Worries are like a computer virus that will bug you more and more. Actually, don't stuff merriment in you. Simply be open to it.

Think of what you like to do and that gives you some pleasure. What makes you laugh? You're entitled to laugh. I ask again, What makes you laugh?

What makes you smile? Where do you find your heart happy? With animals? With children? Sitting beside a lake? The question is: "Where do you find a little happiness along the way?"

What Lies Beneath the Surface?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 09:41

God said:

Many of My children have all that they need in the physical world -- and more.

This could be you. You just may not have enough of everything you want to suit your taste. Yes, it is built-in that you desire more and more. At the same time, desiring more is not meant to be the same as having to have and, thus, have you star in discontent.

You have shelter, you have food, you have at least some love. You just don't have all you want of what you want when you want it, for your ambitions may be greater than your hand can reach.

You may want fish right from the sea, yet you live inland. Perhaps what you really want is to move to the coast. It's fine to have desires. Know what it is you really want.

There are also many in the world who possess far less than you. Many who possess less than you may also be more satisfied with what they have. It is also possible that others with less may perhaps also be more generous than you are able to feel at present.

Sometimes you are so smitten to buy something on a shelf in a store -- your eyes glaze over.

You may be flush with the desire to obtain more. In your terms, wanting more often equates to needing more. Beloveds, desire is one thing. Neediness is another. Having to have makes you needy. Being needy doesn't paint a good picture of yourself. It paints a poor picture. Needy is not the way to think of yourself.

To be content may well be a greater need than all the items on your list.

Day 13: Truth Beyond Media

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 09:38

It is time to regain control of your life. You can do this by going within on a daily basis. Clear your mind of the worries of the day. Ask your Guides to help you find ways to empower yourself. Work through the fears that allow you to give your freedom to others. Choose the life you wish to live for yourself. Rediscover what gives you joy and passion. Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. What is your truth? Speak it, with integrity. Remain true to your self and stand your ground when you see things around you that do not resonate with you.

It is only through standing in your truth that you will be able to change the world. It will not happen overnight; it has taken eons for your systems to become so skewed. However, by remaining in peace no matter what situation you find yourself in, you will be better armed to make decisions from the heart. No longer live in fear of what the future holds. You will never attain what you want as long as you are focused in the past or future.

Every dream you hold has the chance to blossom only in the present moment. Seek ways to maintain peace in every moment. Speak your truth in every moment. When your thoughts wander to the “poor me” syndrome of the past or the “what if” syndrome of the future, return to the present moment.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 17, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 07:30

If you have ever had a sliver in your finger that you could not get out, you know that if you leave it be, your body will push it to the surface so it can be removed once and for all. You would not see it there and shriek, “Ack, a sliver! I don’t want to see that!” and push it back down, would you? Nor would you worriedly check your entire body for slivers every day. You would simply accept that your body knew exactly what it was doing, you would give it whatever support it needed when the sliver was ready to be expelled, and you would carry on.

It is the same with your old wounds and emotions that no longer serve you. Your body knows exactly what it is doing, and will push anything that doesn’t belong up into your awareness so you can release it. You might need to stop and give yourself a little extra tender care when it is time for the release, but other than that you can count on the fact that it is an incredibly intelligent and efficient system, always designed for your wellness and evolution.

So trust, Dear Ones. Allow what is no longer comfortable in your body to leave with relief. Know that you have everything you need and you are being guided and supported in all ways, as you continue to energetically refine and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel

Day 12: Gifting and Receiving

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/16/2016 - 10:36

Abundance comes in many forms: good health, joy, friends, loving family members, a puppy’s kiss, anything that brings joy and assists in your evolution towards light and pure love. You each have within you the power to manifest anything you want or wish to experience. All humans desire abundance on some level. This doesn’t necessarily mean material goods, for there are many who prefer a simplistic lifestyle. However, all desire an abundance of peace, the ability to choose what they wish to experience and whom they choose to be their friends.

Many of you complain to each other about your need for money, specific items, more time or energy etc. Yet, when someone offers their services to you, often it is rejected with comments such as, “Thank you, but we are doing okay. We appreciate the thought, but we know you (or someone else) need the money as much as we do.” Perhaps you accept the gift, only to pass it on to someone you think is more deserving.

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