Peace and Love resides within each one of you, go within and claim It.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/14/2016 - 09:21

Oneness can no longer be denied!  Cutting edge science knows, because their experiments have demonstrated it conclusively, that everything is connected to everything else, there is no separation.  In the everyday world, where the majority of humans focus their attention as they earn their livings, separation is self-evident, but that is because of how you focus your attention on your bodily needs, identifying with them and with their survival, and with their avoidance of pain, and your desire for pleasure through them.  In the illusory world bodies seem very real because you live through them, gaining all your experiences and sensations through your so-called five senses.  But those are limiting thoughts that you believe are real, and by holding those limiting beliefs you therefore make them real.  In fact there are no limits!  The limits that you experience are part of the illusion that you built collectively.

The Splendor of Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/14/2016 - 09:15

God said:

Let’s face it. Most of the time you fear life, and too often you look at the down side. Here is the sort of caterwauling that I hear from you:

"What will happen if I lose my job? What if I get evicted from my home? What if I lose my insurance?"

Whatever your worries may be, there is something you fear losing. For you, life is often a game you play against betrayal. Someone, or life, is going to take something away from you. You live in fear.

Here’s what to do. Change the game. Instead of living in fear of loss, be glad for what you have now. Be glad. Be glad for this meal. Be glad for this day at work. Be glad for your home. Bless where you live when you come home, and bless where you work. Bless.

To be glad is another way to say to be grateful. To be grateful is another way to say to count your blessings. There has been enough counting your fears.

Certainly, it takes courage to live in life, for life can tip over. Life can knock you out of your element. Life can also reach new heights. Sure, anything in life can reverse itself.

What is so difficult about being optimistic? Is being pessimistic a better idea? So then you can proudly say you are realistic? Where does that take you, beloveds? Being realistic is like pulling your own hair and then crying that it hurts.

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 14, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/14/2016 - 08:10

Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that you ARE love. You came from love, and you are a divine expression of that love. There is never a time that you are not a part of love, because that is your Source and your lineage.

So, on this day that celebrates love, our wish for you is that you will take a moment and acknowledge that truth, and from that place of union express yourself as love, knowing a deeper internal experience of love than you have ever allowed yourself to feel before. From there, know that you have become the most beautiful Valentine for the world, and that the world can only respond to you as such. We love you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 13, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/13/2016 - 09:10

Until you can find gratitude in your Now moment you will not be able to experience the tomorrows you desire. You cannot create having from a focus on lack. Start looking for something, anything, that is working well for you, and you will automatically start to move in the direction of more things working well for you. Your focus is what sets your internal GPS in the direction you wish to go, and your appreciation is what provides feedback to the universe and works as the steering wheel of your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

Education Plus Compassion - How To Change The World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/13/2016 - 08:41

Source: | Original Post Date: February 13, 2016 –

In 2014 we learned from the Living Planet Report (1) published by the Worldwide Fund For Nature that over a period of 40 years from 1970 to 2010 the populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have declined by 52% due to human environmental impact. Well done, human race! Great job!

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live” ~ Albert Einstein

We also know that one insect that we are so dependent on, the bee, has been disappearing in recent decades with an especially huge decline in recent years. In the last 5 years the bee population in the US alone has declined by 30% and particularly in Spain by around 80% (2)!

China Harvesting Organs From Thousands Of Political Prisoners While They Are Alive

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/13/2016 - 08:06

Source: | Original Post Date: February 6, 2016 –

The Chinese government is facing public outcry amid fresh allegations that authorities have routinely had the organs of political prisoners illegally, forcibly removed.

According to Newsweek, well-respected investigators from all over the world agree that thousands of people have had their organs forcefully extracted, without anesthetic, while held in Chinese prisons. Many of the victims belong to a banned religious group called Falun Gong, a forbidden, though peaceful Chinese religion created in 1992. Members continue to face constant discrimination in the country.

Religious persecution is a serious threat for many people in China — in spite of the fact that the Communist government does not espouse an official state religion.

In a Greater Field of Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/13/2016 - 07:58

God said:

Why would I speak to you every day unless it is from My desire to serve you and serve you well? I do not waste My time or yours. There is some budging that is called for. There is some budging that is yours to allow. Move out of your way. No more blocking yourself from expansion.

Although Stillness is a great part of life, in terms of growth, you have to budge. You cannot stay the same and budge at the same time.

Here is another way to say this: In your history, it is time now to budge. As you budge, you move on. My message to you today is: “Sail on,” I say, “Sail on” a dozen times a day, if you would but hear.

To you, it feels so brave for you to sail on. It may feel to you that, as you sail on, you are losing yourself. You are right. Yes, it is time for you to lose yourself, for you are making room for your Higher Self to come to the fore.

What are you letting go of? It is boundaries that you let go of. Let go of your sequestered bound little self and steer toward the Greatness of your Self. This may feel like a taking away when, as a matter of fact, this is a great gift, for now you will rise up from the ashes of yesteryear.

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